‘The Real’ Host Loni Love Reveals She Met Her Boyfriend Through ChristianMingle.com Although They Are ‘Not Christians’

Hello World,

I’m all for finding lasting love however you find it, but this approach struck me as unique…On a recent episode of Ellen, The Real host Loni Love, who used to be a DJ on Ellen,  revealed that she met her boyfriend James Welsh on ChristianMingle.com although neither of them are Christians! Check out the clip below.

And here’s the key quote: We’re religious but we’re not Christians. But you know what? I wanted to meet a nice man. And so I figured, well, let me go on ChristianMingle.com. He was there too and when he said he wasn’t really Christian but he’s religious, I was like, maybe this is God’s way of putting us together. We’ve been together ever since.

I’m sure that ChristianMingle.com is glad for the free publicity on  the one hand, but on the other hand, you have to wonder if the powers that be at the website care if their clients are using the website under false pretenses…Like what if a person joined a website like HinduMingle.com (I made this up) not because he or she believes in Hinduism but he or she did want to find a partner who could cook or appreciate samosas (one of my fave Indian dishes)? Would that be right?

What y’all think?

Any thoughts?