Of Omarosa’s Alleged Firing, Black Women Voting for Alabama’s Doug Jones & More…

Hello World,

Last week was a memorable week for black women in America! And let me breakdown how…Although most of us don’t live in Alabama, I’m reasonably sure that many of us not living in the state were nevertheless tuning into election coverage of the senate race of Doug Jones versus Roy Moore like we had real estate in 205. For weeks leading up to this critical election, we’ve heard story after story revealed regarding Moore’s alleged proclivity for teenage girls when he was a fully grown man working as an assistant district attorney against the backdrop of other high-powered men and sexual harassment claims.

I’ve been especially puzzled by people’s willingness to overlook these stories in favor of Moore’s supposed Christian/political values aside from cruising girls at a local mall (from which he was later banned allegedly) and elsewhere. Juxatapose that with Doug Jones, who instead of allegedly cruising high school-aged girls, honored the legacy of four little black girls who were killed in Birmingham’s 16th Street Baptist Church in 1953 after Ku Klux Klan members planted bombs there. When Jones served as the U.S. Attorney in Alabama, he prosecuted two of the klan members responsible for the church bombing which is remarkable since Jones skipped law school classes to watch the trial against the first klan member prosecuted for this crime in 1977. While many across the country hoped that Doug Jones would win, it seemed highly unlikely since a Democrat has not been elected a senator in that state for quarter of a century! But some black girl magic was sprinkled from heaven it seems since 98 percent of black women who voted in Alabama cast their ballot for Doug Jones. Black women showed up and showed out for Doug Jones and are a huge reason why he was elected. Poetic justice playing out! And I hope somehow in Heaven, Addie Mae Collins, Carol Denise McNair, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley are smiling from on high as they look below!

Below is Lisa McNair, sister Denise McNair, talking about this historic win with CNN’s Don Lemon…

Even as this historic win unfolded, however, what we didn’t know until the next day that Omarosa, another black woman, was making history herself. The world learned the day after the election that Omarosa may have been the first black woman to be allegedly booted out of the White House. Ha! Something to note in Black History Month two months from now. Originally known as a villain on “The Apprentice” through which she met President Trump when he was simply a reality television star and businessman, Trump installed her as director of AfricanAmerican outreach for his presidential campaign in 2016 although many African Americans don’t seem to like her. And when he was elected, she became Trump’s director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison. Although she is a minister of the gospel and should be an advocate to bowing down to Jesus, Omarosa has said that people should bow down to President Trump.

I guess that’s why when White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly fired her, the infamous bad girl allegedly tried to break into the president’s private quarters to plead her case before her deity. Another black woman, one of my journalism heroes “Good Morning America’s” Robin Roberts, quietly shut her down when Omarosa attempted to refute earlier reports of her “resignation.” Although she is the consummate journalist, Roberts slipped in the pop culture reference “Bye Felicia” as she recapped Omarosa’s “quite a story” that she will be likely selling to the highest bidder…For those who don’t know, “Bye Felicia” is a term from the cult classic movie “Friday” in which actor Ice Cube’s character Craig dismissed an annoying female character with those two words…

So following this comment, Omarosa texted “Inside Edition,” stating that it was a “black woman’s civil war” in reference to Roberts’ slick snub. But I wonder if Omarosa, who seems more like a minister of Messy than a minister of the Gospel, knows that if no one is on your side, there is no war!

I don’t know what God is up to, but I find it rather curious that on the night that black women scored a huge victory for this country, the one woman who was supposed to representing black women in the White House was fired allegedly…

Any thoughts?