I’ve always loved reporting baby news, but since my own babies were born earlier this year, I especially love reporting baby news now! After all of the fertility treatment (I’m a witness) Adrienne Bailon, former co-host of the new defunct television program “The Real,” received, Adrienne, who is 38 years old, is finally a mother…See her jubilant post below…
Ever James has his own IG account @everjames although nothing has been posted yet…Additionally, Adrienne has a new tattoo dedicated to her son, which she revealed in her IG story…
While Ever James, born through a surrogate, is the first child of Adrienne and Israel, her husband does have children from a previous relationship…
Congrats to the happy couple! Welcome to the World Ever James!
So Beyoncé also sampled from gospel hits such as “Center Of Thy Will” by The Clark Sisters for her song “Church Girl.” I don’t like it.,Not because of the lyrics which are explicit, by the way, to me. But because it’s not all that good to me. Remember from my bio, I wrote that I “don’t mind backin’ that thang up to old school rap” and that I “embrace the reverent and the irreverent” so I’m not above jamming to a song that wouldn’t be sung in the house of God. But whether in the house of God or outside of the house of God, the song has to be at least good to me…But before the BeyHive comes for me, as a fellow twin mom, much of what she has done professionally and even personally has proven to be inspirational for me, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like every single Beyoncé song… But I digress…Bishop Patrick Wooten has plenty more to say about “Church Girl.” See below…
On the other hand, The Clark Sisters don’t mind the sample at all…See their statements below…
This is what Twinkie Clark said when the song first came out…but Dorinda Clark-Cole even more recently doubled down on the unbothered stance of The Clark Sisters…See her statement below…
If you’re gonna offend the church, at least let the song be so powerful that you have to reckon with the message…Madonna got that right with “Like a Prayer” back in the day…See below…
If God had given me the gift of saaanging, I would be excited about this tweet that I saw on Pastor John P. Kee’s twitter page…See below? Are there any saangers in the After the Altar Call family? If you apply for this opportunity and you are selected, please let me know…