Gospel Music Radio Host Darlene McCoy Jackson Referred to as ‘Darky’ on Atlanta Restaurant Receipt…


Hello World,

I hate that I even have to highlight this, but racism has to be called out for the sin that it is…Last week, Darlene McCoy Jackson, a well-known gospel music radio host here in Atlanta ordered some food from Woody’s Cheesesteak in Buckhead, a ritzy area here in the A. Instead of referring to her by her name, an employee allegedly referred to her as “Darky” on the receipt. See for yourself below…


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It was so very dumb of this employee to do this because Darlene is well-known in the community so of course the news of this incident was going to spread throughout the city and now throughout the country…Apparently the owner has apologized for the employee’s actions. Read the story HERE.

Any thoughts?



Pastor of Bright Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church in Louisiana Shoots His Wife & Himself in Hotel After Posting Happy Message on Facebook…

Hello World,

I’m not sure who said “Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear,” but I believe this quote is particularly applicable when it comes to social media! And I need to remind myself of this when I’m scrolling through Facebook and comparing myself unfavorably to others. Despite those who may have compared themselves unfavorably to 25-year-old Danny Prenell Jr., who is pastor of Bright Morning Star Missionary Baptist Church in Louisiana, and traveled to Mississippi alongside his wife, 27-year-old Gabrielle Prenell and their three children, he is clearly a hot mess of a man…

Various new outlets are reporting that after posting this inspirational message below, Pastor Prenell shot his wife before shooting himself…

Earlier in the month, Pastor Prenell hosted a church revival…

And in this post, he highlighted the fact that he is young to be a pastor of a church…

These posts may be very true, but obviously, they don’t reveal everything of what is going on that he didn’t post on social media. At the very hotel where he posted his last update, Hampton Inn & Suites McComb in Mississippi, is where the shooting occurred. The Prenells were taken to University of Mississippi Medical Center, but their condition has not been revealed. However, their children, who I believe were unharmed (Thank God!) are now in CPS custody. I hope their church family is lifting up the entire family in prayer because they need it.

Any thoughts?

P.S. And what is up with the husband-wife joint Facebook page? I wonder what is the rationale behind that…