Reflections: After the Altar Call a year later…

Hello World,

My Delta line sisters with copies of my book at the release party…

A year ago today, a long cherished dream came true…My first book, while officially released on Feb. 14, 2012, was presented to friends, family members and supporters on Feb. 10, 2012 at my book release party…It was the visual culmination of a lot of behind-the-scenes hard work…I worked hard to get a book deal…It took me 7 years…I worked hard to secure interviews with one of my favorite Christian celebrities Sherri Shepherd and Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the first female bishop of the A.M.E. church and the granddaughter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated founder Vashti Turley Murphy. I worked hard to get women from all walks of life to share intimate details of their lives and about their personal relationships with God so that other women would be encouraged. I labored in prayer to God because I wanted the book to blessed by the Holy Spirit. I planned out my marketing and promotion time line six months in advance of the book release to make sure I could get as much publicity as possible. If you want to know more, read this “I’m Bout It Bout It aka Marketing & Promotion Month 7 (And It.Don’t.Stop.).” I.WAS.DRIVEN. And I could go on and on…And I have had some good results regarding best seller lists, various accolades, etc.

But a year later, while the best seller lists, various accolades have meant a lot to me, what matters most is this…And I haven’t shared this story before…On the night of my book release party, I was a little perturbed that the venue where my party was held wasn’t entirely shut down for my party…I guess that’s neither here nor there a year later…But anywho, needless to say, there ended up being a few guests at my party that were not expressly invited…LOL…Remember that happened in the family reunion cookout scene in the movie “Poetic Justice?” Anyway, as I was trying to make sure that all of the various elements of the book release party were coming together from the door prizes, to the food, to the entertainment, etc., a woman came up to me and asked me if could she speak with me. I realized that I hadn’t invited her so I wandered what she had to say so I replied, “Yes.” Apparently, she had gotten a copy of my book and wanted to speak with me about it. She told me that she had just prayed that morning about knowing more about God because of some things she was going through, and she felt that my book was the answer to her prayer…I.WAS.DONE.

I’m ashamed to say I hadn’t thought about that woman in a while, but it came back to me this week as I was reflecting on my first year as a published author…I’m human…I love praise and accolades and there is no doubt that I want to sell lots of books and all of that…but I’m also a Christian…If this book has only helped one person develop a personal relationship with God, then it was worth all of my hard work…Of course, I want to reach more than just one person…but each and every one of us are precious to God…Read the Parable of the Lost Sheep and the Parable of the Lost Coin if you don’t believe me

So I have a request today, if my book has helped you to develop a personal relationship with God, e-mail me at and let me know…

Any thoughts?



Spelman College’s WISDOM Center Celebrates 10th anniversary with Ministry Conference & Book Launch

Hello World,

As the last few days of January slip by, I hope your year is off to a wonderful start…If you need some divine inspiration to chart a path for the rest of 2013, a visit to Spelman College this weekend may be in order…

The school’s WISDOM Center is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary beginning this weekend and continuing throughout the year. This year-long celebration, entitled “A Legacy of Women in Transformational Ministry, will be inaugurated on Friday, Feb. 1 with an awards ceremony featuring the official launch of the center’s new anthology, “If I Do What Spirit Says Do: Black Women, Vocation, and Community Survival,” followed by a book signing. The anthology includes essays by theologians, religious scholars, preachers and community leaders who presented during the WISDOM Center’s 2006 global conference. The evening will conclude with the Wisdom Café,  which will feature spoken word artists, and jazz, and gospel selections by faculty, staff, alumnae and students.

On Saturday, Feb. 2, the center is hosting it’s one-day ministry conference “Finding Your Way Home: Transitions, Transformation and Triumph,” which promises to include women pastors, clergy wives, lay leaders and students for a series of workshops and discussions that will explore issues such as life/work balance, resources for inner strength, overcoming personal challenges, transforming the mind and spirit, and the personal and family struggles of women in ministry. Some of the workshop titles are: Dream a Bigger Dream, Understanding and Balancing Our Roles as Women of Faith, and Overcoming Brokenness, Betrayal, and Bitterness. Some of the speakers will be: Reverend Renita Weems, Ph.D., co-pastor, Ray of Hope Community Church, Nashville, Tenn.; Beth-Sarah Wright, Ph.D., independent scholar and first lady of St. Paul Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Ga. and Lisa Williams, founder and executive director, Living Water for Girls, Atlanta, Ga.

Finally, on Sunday, Feb. 3, the weekend will culminate with a worship service at Sisters Chapel with brief sermons presented by three Spelman alumnae.

The events are open to the public. To learn more about the schedule and to register, visit this link. To register youth (ages 11-18), call 404-270-5729 or e-mail

Any thoughts?


Join Me This Thursday at the Historic Hammonds House Museum!!!

Hello World!

As further confirmation that 2012 was a blessed year for me, I was one of two authors selected as an emerging writer for 2012 by Written Magazine!

Join me, Kim Green (author of “Hallucination”) and Written Magazine at “Wine & Words” at the historic Hammonds House Museum, 503 Peeples Street, Atlanta (the West End), GA 30310 on Thursday, January 10 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  Take part in the book discussion and signing and enjoy light fare all for free 🙂

To register, go to Eventbrite. See you there!!!

Any thoughts?