New Book Alert – “Scorched” by Ashea S. Goldson

Hello World,  scorched

As an author, I love to help my author friends promote their new works! Today is the release day for Ashea S. Goldson’s new book “Scorched.” Below is a description of her latest work…

Nila still remembers the fire that claimed her husband’s life. Being a widow and single mother is hard enough but being accused of her husband’s murder still burns. Unable to complete her education in the US,  the beautiful young Nila is propelled into a life of  bar dancing back home in India. When she runs into Malcolm, a handsome, womanizing, and ambitious old acquaintance from her college days, a friendship emerges, and she is confronted with dreams that had been buried for years.

For the first time since her arranged marriage, and since the fire that changed her life, Nila is drawn into a journey of self-discovery. Forced to face their own demons, both Malcolm and Nila  are thrown into a war of good versus evil as  Nila’s mother in law is determined  to have her incarcerated for murdering her son. Not having an easy life thus far, Nila feels like she has already been in a fiery furnace, while Malcolm feels torn about jeopardizing his nearly perfect future and fortune with her problems.

Ashea S. Goldson

Ashea S. Goldson

When a rich American runway model attempts to steal Malcolm’s heart, Nila begins to re-evaluate her relationship with Malcolm.When the heat is turned up, will Nila trust the foreign faith she has grown to know? Will Malcolm and Nila be able to overcome their conflicting cultures and ambitions to finally find real love, the kind that only comes from God?

And here is a trailer for “Scorched.”

“Scorched” is available on and For more information about Ashea S. Goldson, please go to her website!

Any thoughts?

‘The View’ Co-Host Sherri Shepherd and husband Lamar Sally Are Having A Baby!!!

Hello World,

“The View”‘s Sherri Shepherd recently announced that she and her husband Lamar Sally will be having a baby on “The Tom Joyner Morning Show,” according to Elev8. However, as Shepherd, whom I interviewed for my book “After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God,” is 46 years old, the couple have opted to use a surrogate mother.

“We found a drama-free uterus,” Shepherd told Tom and Sybil. “We found a girl that didn’t have any drama in her life. We’re putting in our  egg and Sal’s sperm and we’ll let you know how it progresses.”

Sherri, who already has one son Jeffrey from her previous marriage, recently released her book “Plan D: How to Lose Weight and Beat Diabetes (Even If You Don’t Have It)”and new wig line LUXHAIRNOW by Sherri Shepherd will debut on QVC on June 13.

As I will be getting married this summer, I have started to think about motherhood and whether it’s a real possibility as I will be 40 years old this year…I love spending time with my niece, who is 5 years old, and my nephew, who is 12 years old, and I have worked with the youth at my church in various capacities from being a Sunday School teacher to Vacation Bible School director. But I wonder if I have what it takes to be a mother at this age. I get so sleepy sometimes, and I cannot imagine having to tend to a crying baby at night. And a friend of mine who recently had a baby told me how much she pays for a diapers! Children are expensive, and I have to save for my retirement 🙂 And then if you want to go somewhere you can’t just hop into your car and ride out. You have to consider if you can bring the baby along and if not, you have to find a sitter…And on top of all that, I will be a whopping 40 years older than my child…An old mama. So anyway, these are some of my concerns/fears as I ponder if motherhood is truly for me…I know this all sounds whiny and selfish, but just because you have a uterus doesn’t mean you are supposed to be a mother…

If you’ve had a children at 40 years old and older, let me know how it has been for you!

Any thoughts?

Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Presents An Anthology of Sisterhood THIS SUNDAY!

Hello World,

As you can see just from the home page of my blog, I love my DST! Being a part of  Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated has enriched my life more than I anticipated when I became a giddy member of DST in Spring 1995! And that is hard to imagine! The day after we were presented to the University of Georgia campus, I proudly wore a Delta baseball cap, a t-shirt with two hands formed in a huge pyramid, dangling golden elephant earrings and the matching necklace and Delta socks (if I am remembering correctly). Although my line name is “Comet,” I was nicknamed “Triple Nalia” by line sisters because of all the Delta paraphernalia I wore that day and the days afterward. It was a fun time…Since then, however, my understand of sisterhood has grown much deeper beyond all of the hype that comes with being a Delta!

Soror Ruby Dee

And this year, the year of Delta’s centennial, I am especially proud to be a member of a sorority that is just as committed to sisterhood, scholarship and service as it was when it was founded in 1913 by 22 women at Howard University! And to commemorate our centennial, some of my sorority sisters joined together to create An Anthology of Sisterhood: A Compilation of 22 Shades of Red. The anthology is the brainchild of my Zeta Psi Chapter Soror Dr. Francene Breakfield. The book sprang forth from her dissertation in which she conveyed the meaning and importance of Delta sisterhood in her life from the “big sister” that mentored her as a high school student to a high school student that eventually became a “little sister” because of her influence. In fact, sisterhood has so inspired Breakfield that she formed a “support group of dissertation-challenged Deltas called ‘Doctoratebound.'” In the anthology, Breakfield, along with her co-editor L.D. Wells, coalesced 22 Deltas from 10 states who contributed more than 100 original poems, essays, short stories and lyrics. And Soror Ruby Dee, the world renowned actress, wrote the foreword and contributed a poem of her own!

“Each chapter of the book highlights a different author and allows her to share her voice and unique experience of sisterhood. Topics include positive relationships among women, spirituality, friendship, sorority life, sibling rivalry, and gender equity,” says Breakfield.

From left to right, Sorors Francene Breakfield, Neicy Wells and Katreisula Bryant Graham, contributors, along with Soror Taria Ellis Brittian, center

One of my favorite stories is about the “Sistagurl” that all women have on the inside…This is the woman that warns us when we are dealing with no good or trifling man but we continue to entertain his foolishness anyway, hoping that somehow he will change or we will change him…In this story, the author recounts morphing into a CIA agent to spy on her man to make sure he was not seeing another woman. “I would get out of my car and lay on the pavement to look under the small crack at the bottom of his garage door to see if I could see another set of wheels next to his truck. I jumped his fence to see if I saw shadows in his bedroom window.” I’m not proud to say I have been an CIA agent a time or two in my dating career…LOL…

If you would like to buy your own copy of An Anthology of Sisterhood: A Compilation of 22 Shades of Red, join contributors at Atlanta-Fulton Public Library Southwest Branch, 3665 Cascade Road, Atlanta 30331, this Sunday, April 7 at 3 p.m.  for their book launch! Books are $22. If you cannot make the book launch, you can also buy the book at, and

Any thoughts?