The Stones That Built Me Strong – New Book Alert!!!

Hello World, stonescover

As I’ve said before in previous posts, summertime is the best time to catch up on your reading…Over the past few weeks, I’ve featured fiction books so today I thought I would feature a non fiction selection…Presenting The Stones That Built Me Strong: Turn Hurtful Stones from Your Past Into Stepping Stones for Success! by Alissa R. Jones…

Are you holding on to something you need to let go of?

Have you ever felt like all the odds are against you to succeed?

Have you ever felt like you fell in love with the wrong person?

I came up against these questions at life’s most trying moments. For many years, I was silenced by fear and suppressed the bad memories of my childhood.  At the age of 11, I was abused by a man my mother let rent a room in our home. I discovered my dad I’ve known for 13 years wasn’t my dad biologically. I looked for love in the wrong places, trying to fill the void of all the things important to me being taken and leaving me hopeless.

When we don’t deal with our past it can’t be healed. I made a choice to marry a man for the wrong reasons. In hopes of holding on to him, I continued to lose myself in the process and deal with situations I should not have.

With each stone thrown at me, I have come to know peace, understanding and forgiveness through turning to God. After turning to God, I learned that what was once a negative and a hurtful stone can turn into a positive one. I realized sometimes God places these obstacles and trials before us to humble us, and prepare us for what He truly has in store for us.

The Stones That Built Me Strong: Turn Hurtful Stones from Your Past Into Stepping Stones for Success! is available on Amazon.

About The Author:alissa

Alissa R. Jones is an author, motivational speaker, project director, woman of God and the list goes on…But most of all, she is a survivor. She is the Founder and Director of S.W.V., Survivors with Voices Foundation with a mission to help survivors embrace seen and unseen scars, find a voice, and heal. S.W.V. provides an outlet in which their voices may be heard. Alissa R. Jones was born and raised out of Springfield, Ohio. She currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband Robbin A. Jones and their children. For more information, visit the author online at

For the Sake of Love – NEW BOOK ALERT!!!

Hello World, For_the_Sake_of_Love_Cover (2)

Although the first day of summer isn’t until Saturday, June 21, the first day of summer in my world was Sunday, the 1st of June! When I was growing up, one of my favorite activities of the summer was diving into a plethora of books that I wasn’t supposed to have time to read during the school year. Of course, I always participated in my summer reading contest sponsored by my local library…Memories…Although I am an adult, I still view summer as the perfect time to read anything and everything that captures my attention…Below is one book to add to your summer reading list…Presenting For the Sake of Love (Urban Books) by Dwan Abrams…

Spade Spencer’s life seems to be coming together. He’s engaged to be married to the love of his life, Bria Murray, and he’s an up and coming rapper who recently signed a major record deal. When Spade gets diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, rather than lean on his fiancée for strength, he calls off the wedding, leaving Bria feeling alone and rejected. 
In an effort to move on with her life, Bria pours her energy into running her new company, The Spa Factory. Kerryngton Kruse, CEO of the record label that signed Spade, begins to pursue Bria romantically. Bria finally allows herself to develop feelings for Kerryngton, only to discover that Spade has different plans. 

Caught in the middle of a love triangle, Bria must make the difficult decision between love and money. Does she follow her heart and marry the one she can’t live without, or does she marry for security, in hopes that love will eventually follow? 

For the Sake of Love is now available wherever books are sold in print and electronic formats.

About the Author DwanAbrams

Dwan Abrams is the best-selling author of several fiction books such as Divorcing the Devil, My Mother’s Child (the sequel to Divorcing the Devil), Married Strangers (Book 1 in the Married Series), and When the Fairytale Ends (Book 2 in the Married Series). Her novel “Divorcing the Devil” peaked at No. 1 on the Black Expressions Christian Fiction Best Sellers List and has consistently ranked in the Black Expressions Top 25 Fiction Best Sellers List.

Visit the author online at

Any thoughts?



Pray for Sherri Shepherd…

Hello World,

Me and Sherri :)

Me and Sherri 🙂

By now, many of you have heard the latest news about one of my favorite Christian celebrities Sherri Shepherd….She is going through a divorce…

While I don’t profess to know her, I have met her twice – once at ABC News’  “Nightline” debate “Why Can’t a Successful Black Woman Find a Man?” in 2010 and again just last month when Sherri debuted her new wig line LUXHAIR NOW. As a result of meeting her at the debate, she agreed to be interviewed for my first book “After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God.” I believe that her story in my book is one of the reasons why I scored a book deal in 2010…

When I saw her just last month, she seemed to be as positive, upbeat and friendly as she has always been…She gave no indication of the private turmoil she may have been experiencing…And that’s the key: privacy…Her pending divorce is a private matter…Now, let me not be hypocritical…As a self-pronounced pop culture expert and celebrity aficionado, I love to dish and dice the latest and most provocative pop culture and celebrity stories…But since I feel have a personal connection with this celebrity (although most minute I know), I have elected to take the stance of her friend Niecy Nash who was asked her opinion about Sherri’s struggles…Take a look at her brief interview with Hip Hollywood below…

Any thoughts?