Carol Mackey’s Next Chapter…

Hello World, Carol M. Mackey

Like many people, I believe the best thing about December is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ…But this month is also “the most wonderful time of the year” because it’s the optimum time to hatch your plans to make your dreams come true in the New Year! This past August at the National Book Club Conference, I was excited to meet a giant in the publishing industry and my sorority sister Carol M. Mackey as she helped launch the careers of many African American authors as the editor-in-chief of the largest African American book club in the nation which unfortunately came to an end earlier this year…I wanted to personally thank her for acquiring my book for the book club as a debut author…It really inspired me and inspires to keep pushing in the publishing industry which I have discovered and am discovering is only for those who possess a dogged desire to see their words in print as the publishing industry continues to change…

If you are somehow unfamiliar with Carol, below is her impressive bio…

Widely recognized as a leading expert on African American literature, Carol M. Mackey has been named among the 50 Most Powerful African Americans In Publishing by Black Issues Book Review and has been featured in Literary Divas: The Top 100+ Most Admired African American Women in Literature, a compilation of biographies about African American women who have powerfully impacted America’s literary history. Mackey sits on the board for the National Book Club Conference and the African American Literary Awards Show. She has appeared on CBS-TV’s “This Morning” news show in New York and is often interviewed by other media outlets on the state of African American publishing.

She is the author of the bestselling “Sistergirl Devotions: Keeping Jesus in the Mix on the Job”  published by Revell Books, which was nominated in the Best Self Help category at the 2010 African American Literary Awards Show. She was nominated for Best Female Author of 2010 and was voted the 2010 Breakout Author of the Year. A firm believer in literacy among African Americans, she presented The Carol M. Mackey Book Club Award to three local book clubs in Louisiana at the first annual Bayou Soul Readers & Writers Conference in New Orleans, LA in June 2011.

book coverHowever, aside from all of her accolades, I was most impressed with her humility in spite of how many people fawned over her at the conference. And there were many! Since I’m also a journalist, I was intrigued and wanted to know more about her, particularly since she is crafting a new chapter of her life…Below is my brief conversation with her…

What is next for you?

The great thing about endings is that there’s a chance for new beginnings. I had a terrific run with my former employer. I learned a lot. I made lasting friendships and showcased the works of hundreds of African American authors over the years. I love books…and I always will. But what most people don’t’ know about me is that I’m a huge movie buff! I joined the Black Filmmaker Foundation back in the early ’90s when Reggie and Warrington Hudlin ran it. I wrote a couple of film and TV treatments and have been out to Hollywood twice to pitch my work. Nothing came of it, but the experience was exhilarating. I never forgot it.

So now, I’d like to marry my love of film with my love and vast knowledge of African American books and act as a creative producer. Eventually I’d like to have my own media company to cover all aspects of entertainment—books, film, TV, print. Hey, I dream big!

In addition to launching and helping to sustain the careers of likely countless authors, you are the author of “Sistergirl Devotions: Keeping Jesus in the Mix on the Job.” Do you have any plans to write more books?

Yes ma’am, I certainly do. I have rough outlines for two separate books—one fiction, the other nonfiction. A lot has happened to me spiritually and personally since I wrote “Sistergirl.” I’m not the same woman or the same Christian. I have a lot to share on the nonfiction side to help women empower themselves. God did it for me, and He will do it for others as well. Our toughest times show us what we’re made of. (God already knows where we are, but He wants us to see where we are so we can grow). I won’t go into much detail because I’m still tossing around ideas, but like “Sistergirl,” it will be honest and relatable. As for the novel, let’s just say I have a very vivid imagination, and I plan to let it run wild!

Also, I recently did a writing seminar for the African American Women in Higher Education and it was really well received.

What is the outlook for African Americans in publishing for authors and beyond?

The publishing industry as a whole is changing at a very rapid pace—much faster I think than anyone anticipated. But for us, specifically I think we need to continue to market and brand our work in an out-of-the box way. We are still reading—that will never stop. But as authors we need to capitalize on all that social media provides—there’s a lot out there now besides Facebook and Twitter to take advantage of.

And the book clubs are an awesome way to get the word out about your book. Curtis Bunn’s annual National Book Club Conference in Atlanta is proof positive that book clubs are still a viable source for authors to promote their work. Attendance at the NBCC continues to grow. Engagement with the readers is key. You have to pique their interest and keep it. Attention spans are short nowadays!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I’d say believe in yourself and the vision God gave you, whatever that might be. The Bible says He is the giver of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17), and He expects us to use it. The world needs your voice, your talent, your skill, your inspiration, so stay committed and put in the work. You will become unstoppable!

Any thoughts?


7 Negative Things I’m Thankful For…

Hello World,

At this time of the year, it is appropos to compile the obligatory gratitude list…I’m thankful for my health, family, spouse, etc….Yes, all of those are definitely true, but according to God’s word we are to:

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:1

This means that God expects us to be thankful for even the negative things that He has allowed in our lives, but we have hope in all circumstances, negative and positive, because:

We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

So with those two verses in mind, I decided to turn my gratitude list on its head and praise God for what I originally thought was negative, but God it turned into positive…I’m going all the way back to childhood…Come with me 🙂

bible verse1. Not Being a Popular Kid and Bordering on Being Chubby For Most of My Childhood…I guess I’ve always been self-conscious which doesn’t work well on the playground…If someone asks you to play with him or her on the playground, and you rehearse your answer before you reply…You will probably not be the most popular kid…You will be probably be among the weirdo kids…Or if you would rather watch the Brady Bunch [insert whatever show is popular now] with a snack instead of go outside and play kickball, you will probably be among the chubby kids…But not being the most popular, kinda chubby kid made me develop my inner qualities like compassion and kindness because I was sometimes treated without compassion and kindness…AND now that I’m adult, I have no illusion that I can just sit around and preserve my sexy…Good thing to know when you’re over 40…I have to eat right and work out…no excuses…God knows best…

2. Getting Into the Honors Program at Howard University, But Not Receiving Any Scholarship Money…Like many of my friends who spent our high school years watching a “Different World” or attending Atlanta Football Classic games, I just knew I would be attending an HBCU (historically black college or university)! My chosen HBCU was Howard University in our nation’s capital. I had visited Washington D.C. when I was in the seventh grade, and I vowed I would return there as a college student…But it wasn’t meant to be…Although I got into Howard University and the school’s Honors Program, I didn’t receive any scholarship money…It only made sense that at point to go to the school where I had three scholarships…The University of Georgia…a dreaded HWCU…LOL…To my surprise, I had a blast in college, pledged the most wonderful sorority (Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.) in the world and got a great journalism education without worrying about being hampered by the debt I would have surely incurred had I gone to my “dream school.” God knows best…

3. Becoming a Christian, and Then Losing My Friends…When I decided to give my life to Jesus Christ and no longer depend on the fact that my father, my uncles and grandfather were pastors, I expected my life to get better…After all, if I know God, the creator of the universe, how could anything go wrong? We cool like that…I was wrong…so very wrong..Many of my friends didn’t understand why I spent more time than the obligatory Sunday morning in church or chose not to go to certain places…I cried and I cried I felt so alone…But it was during those moments that God got me alone that I got to know Him…Many of those friendships have been restored as time has passed…but I still know how to depend on God alone because of that time…God knows best…

4. Losing My Job Right After I Bought My First Home…I must admit I was frantic when I lost my job at a newspaper months after buying my first home…Up until that time, I had been living with my parents and while I paid for my own bills like for my car, clothes, etc., my parents didn’t force me to pay rent or anything although I was a college graduate…All of a sudden, I had to pay more bills with less money…During that year or so, I was depressed…I ignored some bills…I took some jobs beneath my education just to get by…But I also had time to explore my creativity like taking a class on “The Artist’s Way” and seeing a career counselor…And when it was all over, I learned that God was my resource not that job…I learned that I didn’t even want a traditional newspaper job anymore…God knows best…

5. Wanting to Get Married at 30 Years Old, Only to Get Married a Month Short redof my 40th Birthday…My mom got married when she was 30 years old…Why would my life be any different? Well, chile, what I did I know? As it turns out, nothing at 30 years old…I had to date some good ones, some bad ones, some crazy ones, etc. before I was finally ready for the man God had for me…Those 10 years were heartbreaking, but they were also precious…a gift of human experiences…I wouldn’t want to go through them again, but I learned so many things about myself and other people that only be taught in the classroom of life…Plus, those years fueled my writing life like nothing else…As any writer knows, pain is the best inspiration…God knows best…

6. Taking Seven Years to Get a Book Deal…In 2002, I had an idea to write a memoir about developing a personal relationship with God, and in 2003, I began trying to get a publisher for my book…It wasn’t until 2010 that I got a book deal…Yes, seven years after I started…But it took all of that time to show me the book needed to include other women and not just me…When I became a Christian, I searched bookstores looking for Christian life books written by black women…I found one or two here or there, but I knew there needed to be more…Once I got some Christian living under my belt, I wanted to write one for a black Christian woman who, like me, wanted to know how other black Christian women walked out their faith…What I learned by being rejected over and over again was that I needed more experiences than just mine…My book includes the testimonies of 24 women in ONE book…This is so the book I wanted for myself years ago…God knows best…

7. Taking Seven Years To Get a Book Deal…Yes, I know already wrote that…But I have more to share on this topic…In 2007, my dream publisher (I still walk around with the business card of the acquisitions editor of this company.) at the time was interested in my original memoir, but my book was ultimately rejected because I didn’t have a platform….I.Almost.Died…At least it felt like I was nearing death because I got so close to realizing my dream only to wake up to the cruel reality of life for an unpublished author…But I didn’t let that rejection stop me…I got busy on developing my platform…This blog was birthed as a result of that rejection…This blog has become a way that I connect to others across the nation and the world…a place to dream…a place to vent…an online history…I love it so…And it is one of the reasons that I got a book deal as I met former “The View” co-host Sherri Shepherd, one of the women featured in book, because of this blog…

So what “negative” things are you thankful for today? Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

Any thoughts?





A Christmas Prayer – NEW BOOK ALERT!!!

Hello World, A Christmas Prayer--Kimberla Lawson Roby (2)

Although the Georgia warm weather may have you fooled, the countdown to Christmas has begun for many people…Even though we still have to celebrate Thanksgiving, it is a good time to plan for the Christmas gifts we will give to our family and friends…At the same time, there are some who would rather avoid the holiday altogether…New York Times bestselling author Kimberla Lawson Roby is back with a new book that would be a great Christmas gift for family and friends and addresses those who are not looking forward to the holiday…Presenting “A Christmas Prayer”

In A CHRISTMAS PRAYER, readers meet Alexis Fletcher, who hasn’t had a merry Christmas in five years — not since her mother passed away. Every December she remembers the joy her mother brought to everyone during the holiday season and feels the pain of her absence, even more so now that she and her sister are barely speaking. More than anything, Alexis wishes her family could be whole again.

However, with her wedding fast approaching, Alexis might just be ready to make some holiday memories with a new family of her own. Alexis’s fiancé, Chase Dupont, is everything she ever dreamed of. He’s kind, handsome, completely supportive of Alexis’s career and is CEO of a large company. But outside forces threaten to derail this happy couple from ever reaching the altar. As tensions rise, a dramatic event causes Alexis to question everything. Will fate give her what she needs to finally embrace the season that has brought her so much pain? Will Alexis finally have a happy holiday? Or will her Christmas prayer go unanswered?

“A Christmas Prayer” is the first Christmas novel in Roby’s 21-book career, and one to which Roby — who hasn’t fully celebrated Christmas since the passing of her mother — can relate.

About the Author

RobyFinalAuthorPhoto2012 (2)Kimberla Lawson Roby is the author of the acclaimed works “The Prodigal Son,” “A House Divided,” “The Perfect Marriage,” “The Reverend’s Wife,” “Secret Obsession” (novella), “Love, Honor, and Betray,” “Be Careful What You Pray For,” “A Deep Dark Secret” (novella), “The Best of Everything,” “Sin No More,” “One in a Million” (novella), “Love and Lies,””Changing Faces,” “The Best-Kept Secret,” “Too Much of a Good Thing,” “A Taste of Reality,” “It’s a Thin Line,” “Casting the First Stone,” “Here and Now” and “Behind Closed Doors.” She lives with her husband in Illinois.

Visit the author online at

Any thoughts?