Publishing In Color Conference: Unforgettable Sights and Sounds…

This photograph captures me (in the hot pink) and my new friend Joy A. Williams, to my right, at the Publishing in Color conference. Photo credit: Karynthia Phillips

Hello World,

Remember when I said on my About Jacqueline J. Holness page that “I typically blog on Sundays and Wednesdays (to coincide with Sunday Morning Church Service and Wednesday Night Bible Study), but sometimes I may post more or less depending on what is going on in my life?” Well, I have a deadline to meet tomorrow so my creative juices tank is nearly empty this morning! (Although I have plenty of thoughts about that horrific Maryland newspaper shooting…but words not thoughts make a blog post…)However, I did want to share via my writer friend about the Publishing in Color Conference I recently attended in New Brunswick, New Jersey!

Below is an excerpt of Lisa Crayton’s experience at the conference which very much mirrors my experience and I’m even mentioned in her piece! Thanks Lisa!

Is there a need for new writing conferences?

This is a question that sometimes arises when writers gather. The day before the Publishing in Color conference debuted on June 19th a writing friend posted a similar question on Facebook. I didn’t respond because of time, but mostly because I anticipated this new conference for ethnic writers would illustrate my usual multi-part answer:

  • Yes, new conferences are needed, particularly those that address the needs of marginalized writers.
  • Yes, new conferences are needed, especially regional events that are more affordable, and shorter in duration.
  • Yes, new conferences are needed because some have become bastions of elitism where new and emerging writers are thrust into a sink-or-swim environment where they, naturally, sink.

Good News!

I heard about Publishing in Color from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association’s Rush to Press newsletter. Excited I rushed to the Conference website for more details. I didn’t know the host, Brian Allain. But, I did know some of the faculty, individuals with solid reputations in Christian publishing. Their participation assured me the event would be Christ-centered, professional, welcoming and delightful, so I promoted it heavily on Facebook and Twitter, through email, and text.

After registering, I also had an opportunity to interact via email with Brian after a Latina writing friend questioned whether she’d be welcome at the first event designed to reach African American spiritual writers. I assured her she would be, but emailed Brian. He confirmed my response. More so, he slightly tweaked the Conference website and social media descriptions to help alleviate confusion. That spoke volumes!


I attended out of curiosity – and hope. I was curious whether some of the publishing reps really were ready to embrace more ethnic writing. I hoped they were.

As I geared up for attending, I mulled Matthew 11:1-6. In the passage John the Baptist was in prison and heard about Jesus’ deeds. He sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” (v. 3)

Jesus’ answer encouraged a review of evidence – including things seen and heard – during His ministry. At different points in my life, God has given me of this Scripture to remind me that evidence exists to prove God’s hand in specific situations.

With this passage uppermost in my mind, I went to the conference with one goal: to hear and see what this event could offer ethnic writers.


So what did I see and hear?

Following are just a few unforgettable sights and sounds from the event. Note: here, I don’t mention every keynote, but they were all spectacular. Most of the workshop speakers I heard also did a phenomenal job of providing timely, useful content.

Hope. Comments shared with me and overheard reverberated with hope. I heard many share about their “AHA” moments of knowing that they, too, could actually do what God called them to. I had mine during the tail-end of Sophfronia Scott’s Tuesday morning keynote that opened the Conference.

To read the rest of her post about the Publishing in Color conference, go to 

Any thoughts?

Soul Force: Seven Pivots toward Courage, Community, and Change – NEW BOOK ALERT!!!

Hello World,

Speaking of Father’s Day this Sunday, this will be the first Father’s Day that my father is celebrating as a retired pastor! As my father retired last December, sometimes I get worried that my father won’t have enough to do in his retirement. He says that I need not worry since he has always wanted to devote more time to his writing projects. Still, I asked him if he wouldn’t mind reviewing a book Soul Force: Seven Pivots toward Courage, Community, and Change by Reesheda Graham-Washington and Shawn Casselberry that I received Herald Press earlier this year. He obliged. So below is a brief book review by my father Dr. Denzil D. Holness.

If you are a community leader, a change-agent or an activist Soul Force is a book you must read, mark, study and digest. For in its pages, Reesheda Graham-Washington and Shawn Casselberry, drawing on their discoveries and rich experiences, have given you a timely resource on how to bring about positive changes both in yourself and in your community in seven key areas.

You will undoubtedly find this book very enlightening as it gives you a critical knowledge and understanding of the following seven key areas you will have to move from and pivot to: from fear to freedom, from barriers to bridge-building, from self-centeredness to solidarity, from hurt to hope, from consuming to creating, from charity to change and from maintenance to movement. Additionally, it will open your eyes to see what it implies to use your soul force to bring about positive changes both in yourself and in your community in the seven key areas you must pivot to.

Futhermore, you will find this book empowering. For it assures you that by tapping into your “soul force” – that creative power or energy within all of us – you can indeed overcome negative messages or lies that you are powerless to affect such personal and social changes.

Moreover, you will find this book challenging. By its “indicator of growth” and set of searching questions under each pivot area, this book is a serious call to self-examination and reflection. So it is an invitation to enter into an honest dialogue with yourself and others.

Finally, you will find this book inspiring. In addition to the growth indicators and set of searching questions, each pivot area also includes inspiring stories from the experiences of the authors and from several people who have tapped into their creative power to affect positive personal and societal changes. You too will be inspired by their honesty, vulnerability and courage to affect such changes.

Well-written and well-organized, Soul Force is indeed a timely and valuable resource for personal and social changes to community leaders, change agents and activists.

Below is more information about the authors:

Dancing in No Man’s Land: Moving with Peace and Truth in a Hostile World – NEW BOOK ALERT!!!

Hello World,

Are you tired of the conflict all around you?

It happens over and over again. A political argument with a friend, a fight about racial issues on the internet, a disagreement with a coworker―at the first sign of conflict, we flee to a bunker with people who think like us and attack everyone else. We feel safe there, but it’s killing us: killing families, friendships, civility, and discourse.

Our fractured world desperately needs a different way: people who will speak gently, value truth, and think clearly. Dancing in No Man’s Land is a rallying cry, a life-giving and practical journey into the way of Jesus that will revolutionize how you view conflict. You can choose to speak both truth and peace in the midst of war. You can step out of our bunkers and into no-man’s land, where only brave souls tread. It may look like you’re dodging cultural landmines. But you might just be learning how to dance.

What you just read is a description of my friend Brian Jennings’ new book Dancing in No Man’s Land: Moving with Peace and Truth in a Hostile World. Please see my interview with him below!

Why did you write this book?

Three things happened all in the span of one week, five and a half years ago (I know, I’m a slow writer).

First, I was reading about World War I. As the French and Germans battled each other, both sides dug into the earth. This was the beginning of widespread trench/bunker warfare. Neither side could advance without heavy casualties. The war was stalemated because of this tactic. The bunkers and trenches were full of rats, disease, mud, and sometimes dead bodies. Occupants dared not exit, because to do so would mean likely death. The land between the bunkers was called no man’s land.

Secondly, heated arguments erupted about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Some clambered to a bunker that accused, “If you support this bill, you hate our country.” Others shot back from an opposing bunker, “If you do not support this bill, you hate the poor.” People said these things in many different ways, but the message was clear: “You are either with me or against me.” I left many conversations thinking about bunkers. I didn’t want to hate anyone, which meant I needed to choose no man’s land – which meant I might get shot by both sides!

Thirdly, God taught me something from the book of Daniel. Daniel had been enslaved by King Nebuchadnezzar. He served the wicked king faithfully but, along with all the other wise men, was unfairly sentenced to death. Most of us would’ve plotted some form of revenge, defense, or attack. But Daniel 2:14 lept off the page to me: “Daniel responded with wisdom and tack.” Who does that? Throughout his life, Daniel never sacrificed a commitment to God’s truth or a desire to be at peace with people – even his oppressors. He lived in no man’s land.

The more I studied Scripture, I saw how Jesus also lived in no man’s land. I wanted to learn how to do the same, and I wanted to help the church learn how to pursue truth without assaulting those who disagree with us.

Why does the Church particularly need this message now?

Our culture is polarized, and the church has sometimes added to the mess. It’s possible for the church to, in its defense of truth, mistreat others. This only pushes them further into their bunkers, where they’ll attack back at us. It’s a never-ending cycle.

It’s also possible for the church to, in its desire for peace, to disregard truth – God’s truth. But every time mankind abandons God’s truth, they destroy themselves. God is loving and his ways are always best for our relationships, jobs, lives, and eternities. If the best the church can do is “be tolerant,” that’s a miserable existence. I hope you can more than tolerate me. I hope you will love me. I hope I can love you. Tolerance is cheap, but love costs a lot. If we separate God’s truth from our lives, we’re left with a powerless religion and a bunch of aimless lives.

When a woman caught in adultery was brought before Jesus (John 8), he said, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” He showed unmatched grace to this woman. He offered her a path to peace with God. But before she left, he said, “Go and sin no more.” Truth still mattered to Jesus. This book is a call for the church to pursue truth and peace – at the same time. If we don’t, we’ll wound people, close doors, and wreck lives.

How have people reacted to the book so far? Was there a personal cost in being so direct?

Last week I spoke to 150 Middle and High School students about the book. Two days later, I spoke to about 150 seasoned Christians who work for a large Christian organization. It struck me that both groups equally resonated with the topic. Numerous people, at both events, told me afterward that this topic hit them square between the eyes. They told stories about family fights, social media fiascoes, and how they were so troubled at our divisions. I can’t find anyone who doesn’t feel the repercussions of our world’s bunker-living.

Living in no man’s land does come with a price, but the rewards are far greater. People won’t be happy when you refuse to join their bunker. We all like people to be on “our side.” What’s been most startling to me is when I’ve been accused of being something that I’m not. I’ve been lumped with far-right-wingers and far-left-wingers. That stings, but the reward is that I have doors open with many people. I haven’t forfeited relationships for the sake of winning an argument. In fact, we’re able to have productive discussions about serious topics without beating each other up.

I joked earlier about what a slow writer I am, but the truth is that God has impeccable timing. I believe he’s working in many ways to help the church pursue both truth and peace, and I’m humbled that he chose to let me be a small part of it.

What do you hope readers will do with what you’ve written?

My prayer has been that this book will help people find their way to no man’s land. The bunker metaphor has helped me a lot. When a heated news story breaks, I now see people running for their bunker and firing at those not with them. Then I pray about where Jesus would be. He’d hold onto truth (regardless of what others thought of him), but he’d make every effort to also show love, peace, gentleness, and kindness to people. If we can do this, we can actually help people have their hearts changed by Christ, and we can develop both compassion and wisdom too. For a while, it may feel like we’re dodging lots of bullets, but if enough of us commit to the way of Jesus, it will begin to feel more like a dance.

Brian has graciously agreed to give away one free book! The first person to comment on this blog post will get a free book! After you comment, send an e-mail to me at so that I can get your mailing address.

Brian lives in Tulsa with his wife, Beth, and their four children. Brian preaches at Highland Park Christian Church and serves on the boards of Blackbox International (help for trafficked boys) and Ozark Christian College. He has written for Lookout Magazine, Christian Standard, and What’s In The Bible. You can learn about his books, Lead Your Family and Dancing in No Man’s Land: Moving With Peace And Truth In A Hostile World (May, 2018) at

Any thoughts?