Check Me Out on ‘W.I.N. With Mz. Bev’ TONIGHT at 6 p.m. CST on Soar Radio!

Hello World,

If you’ve enjoyed After the Altar Call over the years (established all the way back in 2008 as a matter of fact), I would appreciate your support tonight! I will be on W.I.N. With Mz. Bev  at 6 p.m. CST on Soar Radio ( or on the Facebook page of SOAR Radio via Facebook Live! Click HERE for the Facebook page. Mz. Bev’s co-host is Tammy Leavy, and I, as well as authors Alecia Collins, Eartha Gatlin and Sheila Reynolds, will be interviewed!

Can I count on your support tonight! Let me know if the comments or shoot an email to me!

Any thoughts?

Starring Keri Hilson & Tank, Lifetime & Bishop T.D. Jakes Present ‘Lust’ Saturday, April 10!

Hello World,

Y’all this Saturday at 8 p.m. you need to be watching this:

Following the successful partnership of Lifetime with Bishop T.D. Jakes with Faith Under Fire and I Am Somebody’s Child, Lifetime reteams with the Bishop for two movies –Lust: A Deadly Sins Story  and Envy: A Deadly Sins Story  – based on two books from the Seven Deadly Sins anthology by Victoria Christopher Murray, my sorority sister of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated!!! Lust: A Deadly Sins Story  premieres on Saturday, April 10th at 8pm ET/PT and stars Keri Hilson (Love By The 10th Date), Tobias Truvillion (One Life to Live), and Durrell ‘Tank’ Babbs (The New Edition Story).

The first of the Seven Deadly Sins book series, this movie is a grounded morality tale that explores the power of lust, but at what cost? Tiffanie Cooper (Keri Hilson) is about to have the wedding of her dreams to her soul mate, the dashing Damon King (Tobias Truvillion), founder of King Enterprises.  But when Damon’s old friend Trey Taylor (Durrell ‘Tank’ Babbs) arrives, fresh from prison to step in as Damon’s best man, Tiffanie’s whole world gets rocked.  Sexy and mysterious, Trey triggers a passion in Tiffanie that she never expected, and suddenly the life she’s always planned with Damon is uncertain.  But Trey still carries wounds from his history with Damon, and his intentions toward both Tiffanie and Damon are not to be trusted. Lust: A Deadly Sins Story also stars Ms. Juicy, LeToya Luckett, and Clifton Powell and is produced by TD Jakes Enterprises and Big Dreams Entertainment. T.D. Jakes, Derrick Williams, Leslie Greif and Shaun Robinson serve as executive producers and Star Victoria directs from a script written by Sonay Hoffman.

Check out a few pictures from Lust followed by the trailer:



So on Saturday at 8 p.m., you know where I will be — Supporting my sorority sister Victoria Christopher Murray and watching a movie with two hot guys entitled Lust. What about you?

Any thoughts?

What You Thought Was Dead Can Now Come Back to LIFE on EASTER!

Hello World,

Happy Easter or Happy Resurrection Day! However you choose to refer to this day, this is the day that Christians the world over celebrate the most important day in our faith! Today we celebrate that while death is a powerful foe indeed, the power of death could not and cannot compare to the indestructible power of the Lord Jesus Christ! HE IS RISEN! We no longer have to live in sin, be ruled by destructive habits and or addictions or walk through this earth alone! We have a savior and a friend in Jesus Christ! Like the Baptists, I’ve got a reason to shout! Like the Pentecostals, I’ve got a reason to get my dance on! Like the Methodists, I’ve got a reason to be in silent awe! And then do it all over again! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! Please find yourself in somebody’s church today because the Lord has a blessing for you, and you don’t want to miss it!

And speaking of blessings, I was reading the resurrection story in Matthew 27, and I read some verses that I don’t recall reading before…Do you know that Jesus was not the only one that God rose from the dead? According to Matthew 27:51-53, “51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.” Many theologians have differing opinions of what this miraculous occurrence meant, and it is not mentioned if these people remained on Earth or ascended with Jesus back to heaven.

As a lay person or a regular ole Christian or maybe even as a writer, these verses are further evidence that the death and resurrection of Jesus is not just about spiritual good that is just good for Heaven, it is also a good that makes sense right here on Earth! What do I mean? Using my sanctified storyteller imagination, I imagine that one of the dead was a mother who had passed away while giving birth to a son who had never known his mother except through the stories of family and friends. On the day that Jesus rose, this child was able to meet his mother for the first time! I can also imagine that one of those dead was a beloved husband of an elderly widow that had not seen him in decades unless she dreamed about him at night. Can you imagine how elated she was when he came to her during the day? Or what about the young woman that died suddenly after a brief and mysterious illness leaving her family and friends to question why God allowed this tragedy to happen? I imagined that they wept after she confirmed that even death could not keep her from the ones she loved! I’m sure this day of resurrection was a day of overflowing joy!

So what does this mean for us today? First of all and most importantly, we have a risen savior that promises to give us eternal life with Him in heaven. And while we are here on Earth, Jesus can break the chains of sin, addiction and destructive habits and give us joy and peace that sustains us through everything! AND he can bring back to life what we thought was dead…Maybe you dreamed of launching a business but you no longer have the financial backing to get it going. Don’t worry. Just pray! He can bring this dream back to life. Maybe you’ve been set back by setback after setback. God can restore your life! Maybe you are still grieving the death of a loved one years later and have been unable to really move on, God can show you how to live and not die!

What you thought was dead can now come back to life…Ponder on these verses…God will show you exactly what they mean to you…

Praise Him Even During This Pandemic!!!

Any thoughts?