Saying Good-bye: 2014 in Posts…

Hello World,  mamajoyce

I absolutely love this time of the year: the few days after Christmas just before the dawn of a brand New Year…Maybe it’s because it’s winter or maybe it’s just in my head, but somehow the air feels crisp with excitement as the world prepares to hit biggest reset button of them all…Whatever has happened in a year – good or bad, the beginning of a New Year is an opportunity to continue to greater heights or leave pain in the past…It’s a time to reflect on all that has transpired in 365 days and wonder about what is to come…And that sentiment brings me the point of today’s blog post…If you mind, let’s take a tour of 2014 via my this blog…

January 2014 – I admitted that I do watch “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” (hiding behind my computer since you probably want to throw rocks at me 🙂 ) and was fascinated by the storyline about Mama Joyce and how she couldn’t stand that her daughter Kandi Burruss, former Xscape songstress and current song-writing millionaire was engaged Todd Tucker, a production manager. (They are now married!) I was so fascinated with the storyline that I interviewed Mama Joyce: “Mama Joyce Gets Us Straight…And Steps Back…And Keeps Stepping…(MY INTERVIEW).”

February 2014 – I celebrated my first Valentine’s Day as a married woman in my blog post “Lovapalooza: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Love on Valentine’s Day.” Also, if you live in Georgia, remember this was the second time in just a couple of weeks that we were snowed and iced in…and this particular snowstorm/ice storm happened to fall on Valentine’s Day week…

March 2014 – Although I am a reality television show fan, I pleaded with gospel duo Mary Mary to rethink their reality show in “Why Mary Mary May Need To Get Off Reality TV…My Open Letter to Erica & Tina Campbell” as their lives seem to have unraveled for all the world to see… Mary-Mary-Season-3

April 2014 – I shared that I FINALLY completed the rough draft of my first novel in “This Novel That I’m Writing…My Modified NaNoWriMo Challenge…”  

gradrobertMay 2014– With my husband’s permission, I shared some of his testimony in “Delay is NOT denial…Celebrating My Hubby’s College Graduation!!!”

June 2014– Although the world lost “Phenomenal Woman,” Dr. Maya Angelou on May 28, I wrote about her in my June 1 blog post “Remembering The Phenomenal Woman: Maya Angelou…” The example of her life is a beacon that anything is possible for a black girl, a girl who once thought of herself as “a too-big Negro girl with nappy black hair, broad feet and a space between my teeth that would hold a No. 2 pencil” – her words…maya

July 2014 – I wrote the blog post “Young Pastors Vs. Old Churches…” that generated a great discussion…This post was inspired by this article “Young Pastor Voted Out By Veteran Members Of Historic Baptist Church In Philadelphia” by Cherri Gregg on CBS Philly’s website.

cross2August 2014 – My husband and I celebrated our first anniversary as marrieds and I wrote about our journey together thus far in “7 Lessons Learned: Going From ‘Single Lady’ to ‘Smug Married.'” It was the third in series of three posts I wrote about being married for a year 🙂  To read my first post, go to  “Couples’ Night – Going From ‘Single Lady’ to ‘Smug Married’”… and my second post was “Cooking & Cleaning Oh My! – Going From ‘Single Lady’ to ‘Smug Married.’”

September 2014 – During this month, I met newly minted Soror Suzan Johnson Cook, who is not only a former pastor and current author, she also served as the United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. Her book “A New Dating Attitude” made me know that I know that I know that I truly know my husband was and is God’s best for me…I wrote about our meeting in “Making Your Divine Appointment…” sujay

October 2014 – I explored my fear of Ebola in my blog post “Seven Scriptures to Dispel F.E.A.R. About Ebola…”

November 2014 – I forced myself to separate Dr. Heathcliff “Cliff” Huxtable, America’s favorite dad, from Bill Cosby in “What Would Jesus Do About Bill Cosby?” I still don’t know what to do about these allegations…This ranks up there with finding out there is no Santa Claus and the chocolate factory in “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” is not real…

Marry-Us-For-Christmas-posterDecember 2014 – Ever since I got engaged during the Christmas season two years ago, I see Christmas as a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and celebrate the beginning of my new life with my hubby…So I was especially elated to interview Malinda Williams, who starred in the movie “Marry Us For Christmas,” which premiered on UP. Check out “‘Watch ‘Marry Us For Christmas’ Tonight/My Interview With Malinda Williams.”

One last thing:

I’ve found the best way to bring in the New Year is in church where I will be tonight…And what better way to prepare for Watch Night Service and the whole year than to pray? Join Girlfriends Pray as they begin a Pray-A-Thon today at noon EST….Details below…

prayAny thoughts?










Mama’s Prayer, Andraé Crouch & More Christian Entertainment News…

Hello World,  amen

Happy Friday!!! It’s time to get our weekend on 🙂 !!!

If you’re in the A, check out the inspirational play “Mama’s Prayer,” a play that will make you laugh, cry, but most of all think about your personal relationship with Jesus Christ…“Mama’s Prayer” is about a strong Christian woman who holds her family together through her Christian values despite the trials and tribulations that lie within her family. This play will suck you in and have you cheering for this family and what they stand for. With brand new original music, “Mama’s Prayer,” written and directed by Reginald Batiste, is nothing like those gospel plays you have seen before, and it’s sure to be one for the ages.

The play will be held tomorrow November 8 at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m at the Balzer Theater
84 Luckie Street, NW, Atlanta, GA 30303. Tickets are $35. For more information, go to Below is a video preview of the play of “Mama’s Prayer.”

And if you are fan of gospel legend Andraé Crouch like I am, this will be good news for you. On November 28, Let the Church Say Amen Celebration Tour will kick off in Charlotte, NC and continue throughout the holiday season! According to the tour website, the historical tour will feature top performing artists who have been a part of Andraé’s legendary musical career and personal journey. Some of the artists include: Cece Winans, Israel Houghton, Gerald Albright, Marvin Winans and more! Audiences will be treated to special guests appearances in select cities including Atlanta, Birmingham, Miami, Orlando, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Richmond, Detroit, Indianapolis, Columbus and more! For ticket information, go

sherriAnd finally, since I am one of Sherri Shepherd’s biggest fans, I am happy to tell you that we have more opportunities to see her on the small screen…Sherri will appear in 10 of 12 episodes in season four of “The Soul Man” which begins in 2015, according to The Hollywood Reporter…She will portray Nikki, “the unpredictable cousin to Cedric the Entertainer’s Boyce Ballentine.” She will be on the show along with her BFF Niecy Nash.

Any thoughts?



The Praise That Got a Kidnapped Boy Released…AKA THE POWER OF PRAISE!!!

Hello World,

I first heard of this story a couple of weeks ago, but as I was preparing to go out of town, I didn’t have the time to break this story down like I wanted to on this blog so I thought I would wait so I can get all up in it…

Some weeks ago, a wicked man snatched then nine-year-old Willie Myrick from his southwest Atlanta driveway into his car, according to police. The man drove the boy, who was in the back seat, around throughout Atlanta’s streets for several hours. Instead of panicking, the boy sang “Every Praise” the whole time until the man finally released him in East Point! Yes, the boy lived to tell his story and to help him celebrate his 10th birthday, gospel artist Hezekiah Walker, who wrote the song, flew from New York to Atlanta to meet the boy who used his song to help him get released from the kidnapper! They met at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church (just down the street from my church) where Willie told the crowd his testimony! As we love to say now, won’t He do it?!!!

There are some who would chalk this story up to happenstance or a mere case of luck, but I know that Willie’s praise got him released!!! In fact, we can see several examples of the power of praise in God’s word! The most awesome example that I know is when Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown in prison. Instead of tending to their wounds or falling into despair, they praised God right there in their cells! What happened next should make all prisoners, either figuratively or literally, start clearing their throats and brushing up on Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do  to belt out a praise song…

Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. Acts 16:26

I have a story about the power of praise in my own life…While my story is not as dramatic as the stories of Willie and Paul & Silas, I can testify too…Right after I graduated from college, I was unable to get a full-time job in my field so I got a job at a law firm. I figured that having a paycheck was better than incessantly job hunting for the perfect job…But every day on my lunch break, I did go to the nearby Kinko’s to use the computer and fax résumés. This was back in ’97 y’all…

Working at that law firm made me feel like I was in prison. I enjoyed working with the people, but the job itself was as boring as sitting in the class of the driest college professor you’ve ever had. Except going to college wasn’t even necessary for this job and every second I spent there made me feel like all like all of the brain cells that I had strengthened by four years at University of Georgia evaporated each time I showed up. In fact, one morning, after just being at work for a few minutes, my boss sent me home because I couldn’t stop crying. I don’t even remember when I started crying. I was just sitting at my desk and all of a sudden, it seemed, I was heaving and my nose was red. I just couldn’t fathom that a scoring a reasonably high score on the English portion of the SAT, skipping freshman English, cultivating a high GPA and completing four internships prepared me to be a file clerk…Yes, my entire job was to keep track of files. Manilla folders and paper cuts became like second nature to me…

Within a few months of working there, I started to meet or meat with a bucket of KFC original recipe chicken and biscuits on a weekly basis to express my feelings. And I told everyone who asked me how I was doing that I hated my job! And I saw no way out of my prison because no other employer wanted to hire me..Finally, my uncle, who is a pastor, threw a life preserver to me to keep me from drowning…He said to simply stop bad-mouthing the job and speak positively about the job no matter what…He told me this verse…

The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21

So because of that conversation, I began speaking positively about my job even though I still felt like I was showing up to have my nails plucked from one fingers one by one or have cold water dripped on my head a drop at a time…Within two months of that conversation, I got a job at gospel record company where I worked with Larry Tinsley, radio host of “Sunday Morning Praise” on V-103 and just a nice man…In fact, Tinsley, who seems to know everybody gospel singer, interviewed Hezekiah Walker about God using him to write that powerful song…

What we need to realize is that God is in everything and nothing happens to us without His permission! And once we demonstrate that we know that God is sovereign and working it out by our praise, I believe that God will release His power in our lives…

Thank you Willie for your testimony…It is a real-life example of Psalm 8:2…

Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.

So what is your favorite praise song? My favorite praise song is Yolanda Adam’s song “The Battle is Not Yours.” God used this song to help me go through….

Any thoughts?

Below is a video in which Willie Myrick and Hezekiah Walker are interviewed by my Soror Blayne Alexander of 11AliveNews…