Anointed Pace Sister Latrice Pace Stars as Celie in ‘The Color Purple’ at Actor’s Express!

Hello World,

So I sure wish I would have heard about this sooner, but I’m so glad I’m able to help promote it all. Latrice Pace, a member of The Anointed Pace Sisters who are like The Clark Sisters in the metro Atlanta area but who have also established a fan base outside of its borders, is starring as Celie in “The Color Purple,” a play based on Alice Walker’s masterpiece of the same name. I’m so excited for a couple of reasons. Did I tell you I met Alice Walker back in April? If not, well, yes I did! It was affirming as a black author to meet a Georgia-bred author whose work will live beyond her and is known the world over. And I’m also excited because I went to high school with Latrice although it was it her younger sister Lydia who graduated in the same class as I did!

Anyhow, check out the details below!

A great American novel becomes a great American musical. Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning triumph bolts joyously to life with soaring music and unforgettable characters. Celebrating the very best of the human spirit, The Color Purple tells the uplifting story of Celie, a woman who struggles through adversity to find strength, love and the power of her own voice.

Regular Performances
June 16 – July 29
Wednesdays – Saturdays at 8 pm
Sundays at 2 pm

Actor’s Express 
At the King Plow Arts Center
887 West Marietta Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30318

For Ticket Information, Click on THIS LINK!

See a snippet of the play, which has received awesome reviews, below:

AND Latrice has also debuted a new single “Shadow!”

Check it out below:

Any thoughts?

Warryn & Erica Campbell’s Daughter Admits to Being Bullied Because of Skin Color on ‘We’re The Campbells’ TONIGHT on TV One!

Hello World,

Colorism in the black community is real and the fact that it is still an issue today is unbelievable! Black, in all hues, is beautiful! You would think that the black community would have evolved past being color struck in modern society, but sadly, that is not the case…

In TONIGHT’s episode of “We’re The Campbells,” Erica Campbell discovers that her eldest child Krista struggles with self-esteem because of her dark skin tone.  Erica introduces Krista to Kheris, a social media star who has her own fashion line dedicated to embracing her dark hued complexion. After Erica shares Krista’s concerns with Warryn, he reveals a secret he’s kept from Joi that certain record executives refused to work with her because they thought her features were too dark. When Warryn shares the truth, she questions remaining in the music industry altogether. Meanwhile, Warryn asks Erica to co-preach with him at church but Erica doesn’t have time to prepare.

See some clips from the episode below:

In this snippet, Krista Campbell reveals she was called “darkie” by other kids. That is so sad.

In the snippet below, Warryn discusses that he, too, faced some angst around his complexion.

The overall promo for the episode is last. Krista asks her mother if she is ugly. That is so heartbreaking!

“We’re The Campbells” airs Tuesdays at 8/C on TV One!

Will you be watching?

Any thoughts?

Three Reasons Why the ‘Baby Daddy’ Card at Target Does Not Offend Me – A Father’s Day Post…

Who that is?
That’s just my baby daddy
Who that is?
That’s just my baby daddy
Who that is?
That’s just my baby daddy
Who that is?
That’s just my baby daddy…

Hello World,

I remember when this song “My Baby Daddy” song came out over 20 years ago in 1997! Time flies. Time flies. I couldn’t believe it when I heard the lyrics to this song (as written above) blare from the radio. A dysfunction put to music. And at the same time the delivery of B-Rock & The Bizz was so hilarious I had no choice but to be entertained. In the song, a woman presumably tells her new man that the dude hanging around aine nobody, that’s just my baby daddy. In other words, we hooked up and produced a child sans marriage and the only relationship we have at this point is for the sake of our son or daughter. As distasteful as the message of the song was, I knew of many women who had baby daddies. The song was created because of real life circumstances which were true then and still are as of today unfortunately.

When this term was created, it was only cloistered within the confines black community but just like much of black culture, its appeal spread to the masses. I’ve heard people of all races refer to the term and we all know what it means. And the term baby mama was added to the mix as well. Remember Tina Fey’s 2008 movie “Baby Mama?” But we won’t go off on that tangent since Mother’s Day already gets most of the love and today is Father’s Day.

All that to say, why is Takeisha Saunders of Texas getting all indignant about a “Baby Daddy” card she spotted in Target on Facebook. Her post about the matter went viral. See a snippet below…


I mean I understand her indignation to some degree, but her anger is directed toward the wrong target figuratively and literally. So below are three reasons why Takeisha needs to take her anger and direct toward another target…

1.Target didn’t create this term which has been a popular term for at least 20 years at this point. Within many communities, having a “baby daddy” is what it is and this card would apropos to least acknowledge that fact. Who are we to judge if a woman wants to refer to the man who is the father of her children as a “baby daddy?” With my worldview, I do believe that within a stable marriage is the best environment in which a child could be conceived, but I know that ideals are not always actualized.

2. For some people, “baby daddy” is a term of endearment. I’ve heard women, married and unmarried, and of various races, refer to the father of their children as their “baby daddy.” Yes, I know for many this term refers to a pathology but for some, this term puts a fun spin on paternity. You know when you’re shopping in the card aisle and you can choose a funny or serious card to commemorate an occasion. For some, this is just one of those comical choices. Erethang aine for erebody. Choose accordingly. It is up to you. Takeisha should have just moved on to the next card in my opinion or reframed her response to what she saw.  Like I was indignant when I saw Steve Harvey’s new bacon line in Publix and posted about it on Facebook. I appreciate the man’s humor but his humor does not translate in him getting my bacon for his bacon. LOL. You can’t be a comedian, radio show host, talk show host, game show host, author, marriage counselor and bacon maker (although this translates into  major bacon for him) in my world. I must draw the line somewhere and that would be at pork at Publix, but I digress…LOL…

3. Father’s Day is barely recognized as it is. There I said it. Mother’s Day is heralded from here to heaven and back but Father’s Day is decidedly dimmer. Diamonds is an appropriate gift on Mother’s Day but some Dockers on sale at Target is acceptable for Father’s Day. They will take what they get. Why not have more options to take notice of a day that for some is pretty tricky?

Bottom line: Target’s “Baby Daddy” card choice is a reflection of the choices that some people have made. I don’t think Target should have pulled the “baby daddy” card for that reason. Takeisha, I understand where you’re coming from, but in the end God is the final and only judge who matters.

And just for comical relief, take in this video please! The Tricky Lake show, LOL

Is the “Baby Daddy” card at Target offensive to you?

Happy Father’s Day!