Hello World,
I have tried my best to not criticize Dr. Ben Carson because of his brilliance as a brain surgeon and his devout Christian faith. For years, he was heralded in the black community as an example of black history in our midst… I mean the man is the first doctor to have ever successfully separate conjoined twins! And the fact that he credits God for his abilities is just the message that is needed in America’s increasingly secular culture. But ever since this election cycle started a year or so ago, his statements have forced me to question his brilliance and his devout Christian faith. I won’t belabor you with all of the examples of his blunders. A quick Google search will prove my statement. But this latest one yesterday has got me wondering if the man doesn’t need to have a “little talk with Jesus” because he is sounding “insane in the membrane!”
In an interview with Brianna Keilar on CNN yesterday, Dr. Carson said that if Keilar had more exposure to “locker room talk” like Donald Trump’s rapey rhetoric as Dr. Carson apparently has, she would see that his comments weren’t all that. Watch the video below for yourself…
I guess Dr. Carson is one of the “The African-Americans” that Donald Trump frequently refers to in his speeches as Dr. Carson did, indeed, grow up in the inner city where all of “The African-Americans” live according to Donald Trump. Carson said, “As I was growing up, people were always trying to talk about their sexual conquests, and trying to make themselves appear, you know, like the Don, you know, Casanova.” And then he challenged her as a journalist to ignore those words and get back to covering the real issues of the campaign…
As a Christian and as a journalist/author, words are of the utmost importance…Below are just three Bible verses (and there are many more) that underscore the importance of words…
“But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.” Matthew 15:18 ESV
“Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.” Proverbs 13:3 ESV
“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.” Matthew 12:36 ESV
Now, I know that Donald Trump’s alleged ‘locker room talk’ is from 2005, but his words over the past year alone (Another Google moment …Here are three examples of searches – ‘Donald Trump Mexicans,’ Donald Trump tweets’ ‘Donald Trump Alicia Machado’ ) point to the heart of this man…And furthermore, Dr. Ben Carson, why do you believe that Donald Trump can be trusted to uphold the values of the Republican party or any values whatsoever when his actions and words demonstrate that he is willing to change his platform whenever it suits him …I mean he started off as Democrat for goodness sake and continues to evolve as the polls fluctuate…
If you want to vote for him, fine, but please don’t defend his words or encourage people to not consider his words because words (like black lives I might add) matter…
Any thoughts?