Beloved Former US President Jimmy Carter Edits New NRSV Simple Faith Bible…

Hello World,

For many reasons, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is one of my favorite presidents: his unabashed faith in the Lord, his Georgia heritage, his long-lasting marriage, his commitment to community service…I could go on…That’s why I’m excited to tell you that the Nobel Peace Prize winner is the editor of the new NRSV Simple Faith Bible: Following Jesus into a Life of Peace, Compassion, and Wholeness (Zondervan, 2020). As a Bible Gateway Blogger Grid, I received a free copy of this new Bible. The NRSV Simple Faith Bible is published by HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Inc., the parent company of Bible Gateway.

According to the publisher, Carter’s relentless desire for peace, compassion, and wholeness permeate the notes of this Bible. His decades-long Sunday School teaching ministry, public service, and humanitarian engagement form the basis of each Bible book’s introductions, contemplative essays, reflective quotes, and honest prayers, calling readers to a warmhearted, justice-filled life of faith.

[Read the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Bible translation on Bible Gateway]

“I cannot imagine a better time to present this Bible,” said Melinda Bouma, vice president and publisher of Zondervan Bibles. “In a world of uncertainty and fear, when justice cries out, President Carter’s engagement with the Word will reveal the beauty found in these pages. Many will be inspired, equipped, and encouraged through his reflections and prayers. His faith is a model for us all.”

Set in Zondervan’s exclusive NRSV Comfort Print® typeface, this New Revised Standard Version Bible offers a smooth reading experience that complements the foremost Bible translation vetted by Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Jewish scholars. Renowned for its beautiful balance of scholarship and readability, the NRSV faithfully serves the church in personal spiritual formation, in the liturgy, and in the academy.

Below is an essay on Matthew 3:1–2 from the Simple Faith Bible.

Pause for a moment and consider what John meant by the words kingdom of heaven. The Pharisees and Sadducees distinguished God’s kingdom as something far in the distance or something with elements of punishment for sins. So here John the Baptist uses kingdom of heaven as a phrase designed to alert the people. He wanted them to see that they needed to repent in the present because the kingdom of heaven was already in their midst.

We live in the midst of the kingdom of heaven now, just as John did in the time of Christ. The kingdom of heaven is a continuing history of human beings and our relationship and reconciliation with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Everything now and in days past and in years ahead is under the sovereignty of God. Human beings are designed to live in God’s kingdom. And we can be part of the kingdom of heaven if we separate ourselves from the morals and customs and demands of the secular world and align ourselves with God through faith in Jesus.

Features of the NRSV Simple Faith Bible:

  • The text of the New Revised Standard Version (66-book Protestant canon), vetted by an ecumenical pool of Christian academics and renowned for its beautiful balance of scholarship and readability
  • Foreword by Jonathan Reckford, International CEO of Habitat for Humanity
  • Over 600 application-oriented notes, articles, reflections, and prayers gleaned from Nobel Peace Prize winner and former US President Jimmy Carter’s extensive teaching ministry and public life of service
  • Exclusive Zondervan NRSV Comfort Print typeface
  • 9.5-point print size

And here is a video about the Simple Faith Bible.

I’m reading through the Simple Faith Bible now, and I am being educated, encouraged and empowered by the word of God first and foremost AND the testimony of one of His great servants in this beautiful Bible…

To buy your copy, click HERE…

Any thoughts?

Oprah Winfrey Hosts Two-Night Special ‘OWN Spotlight: Where Do We Go From Here?’ With Black Thought Leaders, Activists & Artists on Tuesday & Wednesday, June 9 & 10…

Hello World,

In response to the continuing civil unrest in America following the tragic murder of George Floyd, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network announced today a two-night special “OWN Spotlight: Where Do We Go From Here?” that will simulcast on OWN and across all of Discovery’s 18 other U.S. networks on Tuesday, June 9 (Part 1) and Wednesday, June 10 (Part 2) at 9 p.m. ET/PT both nights.

It will also stream for free on the Watch OWN and Discovery Family TVE apps, as well as OWN’s YoutubeFacebook and Instagram channels and be available on Discovery’s global platforms in more than 200 countries and territories. The special features Oprah Winfrey as she speaks directly with a range of Black thought leaders, activists and artists about systematic racism and the current state of America.

The in-depth conversations offer insight and tangible plans to answer the questions “What matters now?” “What matters next?” and “Where do we go from here?.” Featured guests include politician Stacey Abrams, journalist Charles M. Blow; Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms; Academy award-nominated filmmaker Ava DuVernay (“When They See Us,” “13th”, “Queen Sugar”),  professor and author Jennifer Eberhardt (author of “Biased”)journalist and Pulitzer prize-winning founder of the “1619 Project” Nikole Hannah-Jones; historian and author Ibram Kendi (How to be an Anti-Racist”)award-winning actor David Oyelowo (“Selma”), Color of Change founder Rashad Robinson; and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) national board member Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II. 

“I’ve been having private conversations with friends and thought leaders about what’s next and where we go from here,” said Oprah Winfrey. “I thought it would be both of interest and service to bring their ideas, concerns and comments into a national spotlight.”

“As a network dedicated to supporting and uplifting Black lives, OWN is committed to providing our community with important dialogue and helpful resources in this challenging time as we mourn the murder of George Floyd and ask ourselves how can we come together to create meaningful change,” said Tina Perry, President, OWN. “I am proud that our Discovery family has joined us to amplify this message in solidarity.”

“There is no one like Oprah to bring us all together at this critical moment in our history to offer insights, perspective and action,” said David Zaslav, President and CEO of Discovery, Inc. “We are honored to partner with OWN and use our global reach to amplify this important discussion about the global issues of economic and social justice and equality to a potential audience of one billion people across more than 200 markets in a way that only Discovery can.”

“OWN Spotlight: Where Do We Go From Here” is produced by OWN. The executive producers are Oprah Winfrey and Tara Montgomery.

Any thoughts?

Pastor Jamal Bryant Delivers Benediction at George Floyd’s Minneapolis Memorial Service, Refers to Jesus as a Black Man Killed by the Government…

Hello World,

Again, as I have written in previous posts, I claimed that 2020 was going to be the year of perfect vision but what I’m seeing now is not what I thought I would see…

It seems to me that because the world was shut down prior to the death of George Floyd, it gave everyone the world over the time and space to truly focus on the atrocity that was the murder by cop of George Floyd. That span of 8 minutes and 46 seconds in which it took for Floyd’s life to be taken from him has provided the perspective that the world needed to realize that racism and injustice have not been eradicated despite gains that have been made. As a result, a fresh boldness in the public discourse regarding racism and injustice is evident throughout the world.

That fresh boldness was also on display at the first of three homegoing services for Floyd on last Thursday in North Central University’s sanctuary in Minneapolis, Minnesota. New Birth Missionary Baptist Church’s Pastor Jamal Bryant closed his thoughtful homegoing benediction ” in the name of an innocent black man by the name of Jesus who was killed by a government and still rose again.”

Now, there has been debate about the exact hue of Jesus but all would have to agree that He would, at least, be a man of color given the region in which He was born and His heritage. And He was undoubtedly murdered by the government. See the full benediction below.

Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has made it plain what she thinks about black lives as the words “Black Lives Matter” were painted in bright yellow on the portion of 16th Street NW in front of the White House! Additionally, that portion of the street is named Black Lives Matter Plaza. Now, that’s a boss move if I ever saw one!!!

Here is what she said to say in an interview about this mural on ABC’s ‘s “This Week.”

“We certainly are very proud of the D.C. mural that we commissioned in our Department of Public Works and local artists installed. It is an affirmative piece of art, centering piece of art, where people from around the globe have called us and thanked us for acknowledging Black humanity and Black lives in the most important city in the world. And we are very proud of that art.”

The full interview is below.

And these bold proclamations are starting to make a difference…I don’t know if it was the comparison of the Minneapolis police officer’s knee on Floyd’s neck and Colin Kaepernick lowering his knee at various football games to protest police brutality or all of the recent declarations that black lives do matter, but even NFL Roger Goodell seems to be shifting his stance on kneeling protests.

Here is what he said on the NFL’s Twitter Account below.

As Sam Cooke sang, I’m starting to believe that “a change is gonna come.” Changes have occurred. Those cannot be denied. But as recent events have shown, there is more work to do…

What say you?

Any thoughts?