Hello World,

Jenise & her new hubby on their big day...
I know the day after tomorrow, the United States will be awash in the commencement of the Christmas season. And it is the most wonderful time of the year, but I think the Lord does want us to celebrate His many blessings that He has lavished on us…And Thanksgiving is the perfect time to do so…The best way that I know to celebrate His many blessings is to count them or make a gratitude list…And let me share a secret with you…When life is hard and nothing seems to be going the way that you had expected or hoped for, making a gratitude list has an uncanny way of reminding you that your circumstances could be worse, thus inspiring hope for the future…And without further introduction, I present my Top 20 gratitude list for 2010…(in no particular order…)
1. Jehovah-Rohi(My Shepherd), Jehovah-Jireh(My Provider) and Jehovah-Shalom(My Peace). I’m thankful for the relationship I have with the Lord, who is my savior and my friend. Even when I don’t understand His ways, which is often, I just couldn’t live on this Earth without Him…

Jenise's bridesmaids on the way to the wedding in the limo...
2. The sermon I heard on New Year’s Eve about Joshua finally leading the Israelites into the Promised Land after they wandered for 40 years in the desert…This sermon inspired me to claim my entrance into my own personal promised land this year, and it is happening saints, Hallelujah!
3. My family. I don’t know how people live hundreds of miles away from their loved ones…My family is my rock…
4. R, who has been my biggest cheerleader this year…
5. The wedding of Jenise, one of my best friends…After suffering a heartbreaking relationship loss years ago, she is finally the wife to a man who truly loves her…
6. All of my girls…you know who you are…
7. Nevaeh Publishing LLC
8. Tiffany Warren and The Faith & Fiction Retreat
9. My favorite author, Catherine Marshall, whose words and influence continue to inspire me even after her death…
10. My job…
11. Traveling mercies…

The beautiful bride...
12. My formal financial coach who has taught the value of keeping track of every penny and making the best use of my resources…
13. My various spiritual and religious communities…
14. My line sister, Lola, who has an incredible story of hope, faith & victory…
15. Inspired Sistah, whose words and encouragement has inspired me to live on top of the world…Go Tangie Go!
16. All of my many adventures this year from covering the ABC News “Nightline Face-Off”: Why Can’t a Successful Black Woman Find a Man? to calming down a chick who wanted to start a fight with one of my girls at the Phipps movie theater where we went to see Sex and the City 2. Hilarious…and pitiful at the same time…
17. The 31st Annual Christian Women’s Retreat. I thoroughly enjoyed being the featured speaker, particularly since I had to study this Bible verse…
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1-2
18. My blog. Not only is it a way to satisfy some of my creative urges, I have learned so much from writing and the people who appreciate my writing…thank you very much…
19. Spiritual Discernment…
20. Books…They are one of the loves of my life…
Any thoughts?

All of us...