Single Mother Rev. Lisa D. Jenkins Was Expelled From Church, Now First Female Pastor of St. Matthew’s Baptist Church…

Hello World,

Happy Mothers Day to the all of the mothers out there! On this Mothers Day, I want to highlight Rev. Lisa D. Jenkins, who is the tenth pastor and first female to lead the nearly 95-year-old St. Matthew’s Baptist Church located in Harlem, New York.  However, 24 years ago she was expelled from the church because she was pregnant and unwed. Please read her biography below followed by my interview of her.

Pastor of Harlem’s St. Matthew’s Baptist Church, Rev. Lisa D. Jenkins received her bachelor’s degree in speech communications with an emphasis in journalism from Pace University and attained the degree of master of divinity from New York Theological Seminary.  She is currently a doctoral student at McCormick Theology Seminary as a Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Scholar.

Additionally, Rev. Jenkins has taught New Testament Studies and Biblical Exegesis at New York Theological Seminary, and serves as an adjunct lecturer of Cultural Diversity in the History and Philosophy Department at York College/City University of New York.  In addition to her pastoral and academic work, Rev. Jenkins lectures and facilitates workshops and seminars on a variety of topics including, but not limited to, Balancing Family & Ministry, Single Parenting, Mental Health & the Black Church, Women in Ministry and more. Rev. Jenkins is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, the NAACP and is an advocate of both adults & children with ADHD.

She is also the author of the recently released book The Other Side of Through: Messages of Hope, Empowerment, Justice and Faith, a compilation of powerful sermons preached by Rev. Lisa D. Jenkins. A combination of devotion and ethnography, the sermons delivered with Rev. Jenkins’ unique style and humor capture the rich tradition of the African-American religious experience which comb the scriptures in search of the gospel that will break the yokes of oppression and injustice while offering hope and redemption.

As a pastor, she brings over 30 years of diverse experience gained in the corporate sector, academia and in faith-based settings.  Her experiences include modeling on the stage of the world famous Apollo Theatre, singing with the Grammy Award-winning Hezekiah Walker & The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir, working as on-air radio announcer, and serving on community boards, city task forces and various non-profit organizations.

Rev. Lisa D. Jenkins is the proud mother of Jordan Christopher Jenkins-Crandle.

1. How were you expelled from your church?

Yes, I was kicked out of the church. I was expelled from church. I did return eventually. I was pregnant, but I was 28 years old. I was old (laughter). I was a grown woman out of college. At that time, I was working for RJR Nabisco. It was a Fortune 100 company at that time. As a matter of fact, I had just handed in my resignation because I was traveling with Love Fellowship Crusade Choir. I was traveling with Hezekiah Walker. I remember we did the ‘Live at Morehouse’ album, and I was so sick and I was so tired. We did it in January. I had no idea I was pregnant and then I found out I was pregnant. I remember Bishop Walker. He wasn’t a bishop at the time, but he was so kind to me. I was lying in bed one day. I was just lamenting my life.  I had done so much but here I was at this point and time pregnant.

I remember Bishop Walker calling me because he was starting his church, and he asked was I able to help out with something. I remember I was boohooing. I said, ‘I can’t. I’m pregnant. I can’t do anything.’ And I will never forget. He said, ‘Lisa, don’t worry about a thing. Children are never a mistake. God has got you. God is going to keep your child. Know that I’m here for you, Love Fellowship is here for you. Don’t worry about a thing.’ He was just so encouraging.

But at my church, it was different. I wasn’t holding any leadership positions at my church Ebenezer Baptist Church in Flushing, Queens. I think I was singing in the choir but nothing else. My pastor said to me that I should stop coming for a while. This conversation was by phone. I don’t remember how he found out. It was all a haze. I remember not understanding what he was saying because certainly I was not the first female to be pregnant and unwed at that church. I do remember he said, ‘You’re starting to show and you’re not like the others.’ I remember being speechless. He said, ‘You’re one of the leaders.’ And I remember saying, ‘I’m not in leadership. I’m not holding any offices.’ He said, ‘You’re very visible.’

Later on though, he invited me back to the church a few weeks later after people had found out that he asked me to stop coming to the church. Because my son’s father was the minister of music and was still playing the organ at the church. My son’s father is a good person, but marriage was not an option or feasible. But my pastor never really apologized though. I did not go back right away, but I did go back. I was away from the church three or four months or so.

I eventually had my son in 1994 and my church was very welcoming. The next thing I knew the pastor that told me not to come to the church licensed me to preach the gospel three years later in 1997. He wound up saying that he did not know how to handle the situation because he thought there was a calling on my life. Again, he never apologized, but I took it for what it was: someone who grew up in a different era who although he wasn’t against women in ministry, but we live in a very patriarchal society.

2. How did you receive your call to ministry?

A lot of people will tell me that they were called to ministry. I never tell anyone I was called to ministry. It was something that was validated by other people always. Other people in the church, mothers in the church. My previous pastor’s wife. I was always asked to speak, preside at banquets. I was always asked to introduce people.

So there was a Youth Day coming up. It was 1995 or 1996 I think. And my pastor called me and said, ‘I need for you to speak for Youth Day.’ I said, ‘Sure, not a problem.’ I said, ‘Is that going to be before the preacher or after the preacher?’ He said, ‘No, I need for you to speak.’ I said, ‘Well, who is going to be the preacher?’ He said, ‘There is no preacher. It’s just going to be you.’ I remember just standing there because I was on the phone. I wasn’t comprehending because in my mind, you have to have a preacher.  I said, ‘What is this? I thought you said it was Sunday morning. Is this an afternoon event? Is this a banquet?’ He said, ‘It’s Sunday morning service and it’s Youth Day. I need for you to be the main speaker. You’re going to speak from the podium from the lectern on the side. But when it comes time for the Word, you’re going to be it. ’ And mind you, this is two years after I had my son. I said, ‘Okay.’

I remember getting of the phone and I remember calling, we call her Ya-Ya. God rest her soul. Her actual name is Percynthia Brown. She was one of the mothers of the church and I called her because I was confused. I said, ‘Ya-Ya, Pastor just called me and he wants me to speak. But he says there is not going to be a preacher.’ She said, ‘Baby, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. God has a calling on your life.’ So I spoke. It was a great service. The message was well-received. We had a wonderful time in the Lord.

And shortly after that, Pastor said, ‘I want you to have your trial sermon. How do you feel about that?’  By that time, on my own,  I was already going to a Bible institute in the community. Also, there was another church that had a Baptist institute that I attended. This was not for preaching or professional ministry.  This was just to learn more about God on my own. I have always been a learner and a reader. I was reading the Bible at 2 a.m. in the morning on my own.

So I had a trial sermon on the last Sunday in October in 1997. It was a packed house. My sermon title was ‘The Least Likely.’ It was based on 1 Samuel where David was the least likely to be chosen to be the king of Israel. Out of all of Jesse’s sons who were kingly, David was in the back with the sheep and the prophet said, ‘Is there another? Don’t you have another son?’ He said, ‘Yeah, I do but he’s out in the back. But you don’t want him. Look at my other sons.’ Samuel said, ‘No bring your son from the back.’ So he was the least likely.

So from there, God just made a way. Whenever I went places, my son was with me. I had a collapsible bassinet in the trunk of my car.

3. You also credit your church mother with helping you with your calling to ministry to ministry. Is there anyone else who helped you as well?

My actual mother Lucy Mae Jenkins. She had me at 49 years old. They told her I was a tumor. And they told her that she should not have me when they found out that I was not a tumor. They told her she needed to have a medical abortion because it’s going to be dangerous for you. She said, ‘No, that’s not going to happen.’ She lived long enough to see me pastor my first church Blessed Trinity Baptist Church in Harlem. She had my brother at the age of 17 but after that, she had no other children until she had me.

4. Now that you’re a pastor of a church, if you had a woman to get pregnant in your congregation who was in leadership or just any woman, how would you deal with that?

How would I deal with that? I would be loving to her. I would do what Hezekiah Walker did and say, ‘God loves you.’ I would ask her what she needs. Is she okay? I don’t know how to answer that because to me it’s like breathing. Like when someone is going through something, you say, ‘What can I do for you?’ Is there anything that the church can do for you? Do you need support?’ And she may be fine. She may be vice-president of a corporation with a family behind her or she could be a single mother on public assistance living in projects around the corner.

The Bible says that we are supposed to be kind to one another and that we aren’t supposed to gossip. That there shouldn’t be adultery. That we clothe and feed the hungry. The Bible tells us lots of things that we do not do. The church is full of people who treat each other in nasty ways but we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about someone who has gotten pregnant out of wedlock which needs to dealt with compassion. We need to make sure that the person’s needs are taken care of and that they continue to be reconciled to Christ just like all of us when we wake up in the morning and we have things happen to us throughout the day that might go against the will of God. I’m one of those people who is beyond this nitpicking about which sin is worse.

I would never tell someone not to come to church. Are you kidding me?

5.What about if they were in leadership?

Depends upon what the ministry is. If they were a preacher or pastor, I would counsel them. I would hope they had enough humility to do what is necessary for their own sake, for their own spiritual well-being. If you are in a leadership position, I should not have to sit anyone down. I would leave that to God because God will deal with that. Because there are some times when we all need to take a retreat or a sabbatical whether you’re pregnant or not.

6. What have been the blessings and challenges of being a single parent and minister?

Childcare and making sure that his needs were taken care of. But I did have a very supportive network. When I traveled  to preach or went some place to lead a study, they knew that I had my son with me. Sometimes, he would sit with the First Lady or if I had someone that came with me, my son would sit with that person. It was challenging but doable.

7. Any advice for single parents?

A lot of single parents are praying for a husband or wife to assist them, but my prayer is that God’s will be done in your life and that you be strengthened and encouraged in your singleness and for whatever God has in store for you, knowing that God is able to do all things. I remember when my son was younger, I would pray for a partner, but I realized it was for the wrong reasons.  I would say, ‘I wish I had someone to help me take this garbage out. I’m so tired.’ ‘I wish I had someone to help me rake these leaves.’ ‘Oh my goodness, it’s snowing outside. I need someone to help me shovel this snow.’ ‘I need someone to help me get up in the middle of the night and change diapers.’ But God is our help. And when I think back, those were really selfish reasons. The right reason is that God would send someone who is necessary so that His will would be accomplished in both of their lives.

Paul says that it’s not sinful to be single. If you are single, then you can devote more of your time to the Lord. And if you’re married, your time is devoted to your spouse.

I’m very comfortable in my singleness now, but if it’s God will to be married one day, then absolutely. But I love walking into an empty house each day!

For more information about Rev. Lisa D. Jenkins, go to her website:

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there 🙂

Any thoughts?

Greenleaf Finale Recap, Season 3 Episode 13: The New Life…

Hello World,

Happy Thanksgiving! I found myself smiling (although I almost lost it for a second) throughout this season finale despite all of the pain inflicted and promises broken during Season 3, but I’ll stop starting and start this Greenleaf Finale Recap, Season 3 Episode 13: This New Life…

How To Save a Life…

Chile, Karine almost got herself killed when she interrupts Basie holding a gun ready to pull the trigger, sending Bishop on a one-way trip to Heaven’s gates. But Bishop convinces Basie to let her leave and Basie ends up not ending Bishop’s life on this earth after all. “Oh Bishop, you’ve got some amazing faith. Too bad it’s misplaced,” Basie says to Bishop.

Lady Mae and the rest of the church for that matter still have no idea what is going on as Lady Mae brings her sermon to a close. Maxine is pleased as punch with her protégé’s performance. “Girlfriend, not even Peter could deny what happened up there. Girlfriend, you got a church!” But before the balloons can be released, they are quickly deflated when they are informed that Bishop was held up by Basie in his office. Lady Mae rushes to Bishop, grabbing him at the knees like she still has feelings for ex-husband. “That man came to kill you.” “I’m okay,” Bishop says as he sweats in his chair.

“You need to rest,” Lady Mae says tenderly. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you preach, but it sounded like the Spirit showed up. Mae, the church is yours.” Lady Mae cannot believe that finally after all of this time, Bishop finally believes in her calling. “Oh thank you, thank you James,” she says with tears in her eyes. “You’ve earned it,” Bishop says.

Across town at Jacob’s house, Charity calls her brother to tell him what happened. After making sure that his father is alright, Jacob leverages the family crisis to his advantage. “It was just one kiss. Can we stop talking about divorce?” Kerissa seems like she agrees that now especially is not the time to cause any more splits in the Greenleaf family. But unfortunately, there is more bad news to hear. Joseph from Triumph’s accounting department calls and tells Jacob that he is out at Triumph after the FBI raid. “That son of a b**** stole our church.”

After all of that, over lunch, Grace meets with Deaconess Connie and Phillip Demars of Harmony & Hope Ministries. Connie launches into a laundry list of Calvary’s mishaps under the leadership of the Greenleafs. “No one understands my church’s failures better than me,” Grace says. However, Grace points out that Lady Mae showed out at “A Day With Lady Mae.” “My mother raised the roof.” But Connie and Phillip could care less about Lady Mae’s calling. Connie wants the church to join forces with Harmony & Hope and Phillip asks Grace to be the interim pastor for a year while the merger is made. “Can I have a week to pray about it?” Grace asks. The two agree with her request.

Hard Knock Life…

As Grace and Lady Mae take a walk on the Greenleaf estate, Grace uses the moment to tell her what happened with Deaconness Connie. Bishop and Lady Mae will be able to retire will full benefits once Harmony & Hope take over with Grace as the interim pastor. Of course Lady Mae is mad that Grace didn’t reject the offer outright and says that the church was “resurrected only to have it driven back to the grave.” Wayment, Grace says. Well, not literally, but figuratively. “You have beaten me down for decades with for YOUR betrayal.” Lady Mae tries to walk off, but stops when Grace keeps on talking. “Aaron and I took a blood test. Lionel is my father.” Spouting off the poetry she has become known for, she says this news will mean that her “shameful mistake will be memorialized forever.” Lady Mae also says she will tell Bishop he is not Grace’s father and finally, FINALLY an apology. “I’m sorry, and I’m ashamed. I never meant to bring so much shame to so many,” she says before walking away from her daughter.

In the next scene, Jacob goes to see his father at Calvary. “You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he says to his son. Jacob fills him on the fact that the Triumph board has removed him from the pastorate for being an irresponsible steward of the church’s money. Bishop tells his son to keep his head up though. He’s been watching him preach on TV and believes that his son can actually preach. Does Bishop really mean that or is he just feeling all sentimental and sweet since he almost lost his life? Anywho, Bishop invites Jacob to go with him to the deacon board meeting to watch Lady Mae do some damage. “Your mother is about to put down rebellion in the ranks.”

Lady Mae reminds me Connie of how the church responded to her and while Connie says she has a “convincing case,” the church still would rather be merged with Harmony & Hope. What did she do that for? Lady Mae lets her have it, calling her a “Judas in a bad pants suit” and saying the church should “launch you from the roof in a water cannon.” LOL Connie then brings out some papers. Lady Mae asks her if that is a “list of grievances dating back to Genesis?” “No, it’s a petition signed by 2,000 members,” Connie answers. She says the Greenleafs have dragged the members of the church through their mud for over 40 years. Ouch. “It’s time for a change.” Bishop admits that he needs to step down, but he points out that Lady Mae should be allowed to step up.

But after the meeting, something unexpected again happens. “Are you headed over to Percy’s?” Lady Mae asks Bishop. When he says yes, she says, “Would you like to come over for dinner? I will cook.” “I would love that,” Bishop replies. Awww, sookie, sookie, now…

Another reconciliation is underway at Jacob’s house as well. “Who is going run Calvary?” Kerissa asks Jacob after learning about the Harmony & Hope merger. Kerissa tells Jacob he better make sure that he is on the short list of candidates because she needs her child support money. Then she tells him to forget about getting her child support money because she’s not going anywhere. “You’re not going to seize this opportunity without me to guide you. Harmony & Hope is a gigantic deal.” And this is the Kerissa I remember from Season 1. A real goal digger. And maybe this is why Jacob married her because she can make his dreams come true. And maybe he is recalling their wedding night because the man clears the dinner table and serves himself a helping of Kerissa’s love right then and there. And I’m here for all of it. As the helpmate to her husband, a woman should help her husband’s dreams come true. Now, don’t get me wrong. That should go both ways, but right now we’re talking about Kerissa.

Speaking of culinary confessions, over dinner back at the Greenleaf estate, Lady Mae says, “James, I have something to tell you. Grace is Lionel’s daughter.” Surprisingly calm, Bishop responds with, “Well, now, we’re even.” “That’s all you have to say to me?” says Lady Mae, who is truly stunned. With a smile, he tells her that, “You can’t lose me over it, and you already kicked me out the door.” And that was the final twist of the key that unlocks Lady Mae’s love for Bishop once again. “Would you please come home?” He agrees if Lady Mae agrees to heal her relationship with Grace. “You and your daughter are more alike than you want to admit…It’s no use coming back to this house if we can’t live as a family. Real family.”

Moment 4 Life…

Basie’s back, but’s it’s just for a moment. He calls Tasha trying to lure him into going with him and Rochelle to Cancun. “Stop calling me please,” Tasha says. Basie tells her that Jacob doesn’t want her so she has no reason to stay around Memphis. But it’s clear that Tasha wants a fresh start especially since she was able to make a deal with the FBI. “You need to take the money back, Basie.” “Hasta Luego,” Basie says. He’s talking to her while he is shopping at a gas station convenience store where his bill comes up to $40.17. He puts down $40 and a big guy dressed in black, who is behind him, puts down the 17 cents. Basie says 17 is his “blessed number” and thanks the man although he is skeptical about the man given his appearance. He then hops into a black convertible with his half-sister and the big guy jumps in his black truck and follows them! (He probably owes him some money from his gambling days.) I guess more will be revealed in Season 4!

Speaking of money, but lots of money in this case, Aaron tells Grace that she will be receiving $3 million from Lionel’s estate. Aaron, on the other hand, received nothing given the fact that his father never gave him love nor respect while he was alive anyway. And is it just me or do the two of them actually favor?

Apparently Grace has agreed to be interim pastor while Calvary is merged with Harmony & Hope after all. She meets with Bob Whitmore of Harmony & Hope. Apparently, he will oversee the merger. He tells her that he heard she is a prophet and she needs to be a “voice that can unify this congregation.”

In the next scene, Grace meets with Bishop. She tells him that she wants to help him get out of trouble with the IRS. “Daddy, this is going to sound strange, but I’ve come into some money and I want you to have it.” He seems to gloss over what she has just told him to get to the more important matter. “In this family, we don’t live by the flesh. We live by the Spirit. In the Spirit, you are my daughter, my beloved daughter, and you always will be.” Y’all, I just wanted to hug them both. That moment was one of the best moments this season. Grace is Bishop’s daughter in every way that counts.

On Sunday, Bishop, dressed in his purple robe, reveals the status of Calvary as it stands now to the congregation. “This is my last Sunday preaching.” He reminds them that Moses, who was a man of God but with faults, was not allowed to go into the Promised Land with the people he led there. Watching from a mountain, Moses couldn’t go into the land of milk and honey because he failed to trust in God. “I always thought Moses felt angry and sad… but I know today that Moses felt proud to be on that mountain…He knew that each of them earned their ticket to glory. I know he felt grateful to have been on that adventure at all.” Y’all this was a triumphant moment with the standing ovation, but I did feel sad too. Everything can’t remain the same always, but I feel there is more work for Bishop to do at Calvary. What about you?

But maybe God has something else in mind because Bishop, with his hand raised in the air, gets to swaying and eventually drops to the ground. His family encircles him. “I think it’s my heart,” he manages to say. “God gave me a vision of my death and this is the moment. I love you. I love you so much.” “James, stay with us,” Lady Mae says to Bishop. I would have cried, but I was taking notes so I had to keep it together!

In the next scene, Bishop’s granddaughters who are wearing black are walking with one another on the Greenleaf estate. Zora tells her cousin Sofia that she will be going to therapy to explore why she “wasted so much time on that piece of trash boyfriend” (Amen) and she is thinking of auditioning to go to a school in New York! “Good plan,” Sophia says. They agree to never stop talking to each other again no matter what. Awww…

And then inside the house, Lady Mae, who is also in black, announces that Jacob and family are moving back home. She also tells Grace that she will “make things right between us” from here on out and wants to help her daughter! A miracle in their midst! (Aside: Kerissa announces that she is charge of her family with Jacob, not Jacob, when Zora did something that Kerissa did not agree with beforehand I guess. What’s up with that?! More will be revealed about this in Season 4 as well. I don’t think Jacob and Kerissa are going to make it as a couple after this comment. No man wants to be led by a woman…Get ready for Jacob and Tasha in Season 4…)

Y’all, I thought Bishop was for sure dead then, but then he shows up as the family (including Kevin & Aaron), all of whom are dressed in black, gather around the dinner table. Apparently, he was in the hospital for two weeks and he is now officially retired from the pastorate. “I thought the Lord gave me a vision for my last day on earth…In a sense it was, because I feel like I’m in heaven. He’s given me a new day with my family. It’s the real promised land.”

“Grace would you do the blessing?” Lady Mae asks. What?!! “Pastor?” Bishop says.

“I’d be glad to,” Grace says. She thanks God for “food, family and faith” and asks God that all three would sustain them enough to “take back what is ours!” The battle is over but the war is will still be waged in Season 4!

Thank you sooo much for reading my Greenleaf Finale Recap, Season 3 Episode 13: This New Life…and my other recaps so far. If you would like to keep up with OWN’s “Greenleaf,” and my recaps, please click on this link to subscribe to my blog 🙂!

Any thoughts?






Greenleaf Recap Season 3 Episode 10: The Promised Land…

Hello World,

I know many saints don’t celebrate Halloween but clearly OWN Greenleaf writers had some tricks up their sleeve on this Halloween night that I will reveal in this Greenleaf Recap Season 3 Episode 10: The Promised Land so keep readin’ y’all…

Promises Promises…

This episode starts with a solemn scene as Lady Mae is at her laptop at Calvary alone and late into the night. She crafts an e-mail to her children and grandchildren confirming what we have feared since Season 3 began: Bishop and Lady Mae are legally divorced. I must say I didn’t think this would actually happen and I still wonder if the all of the “t”s have been crossed and the “i”s have been dotted as far as the documentation is concerned. Despite the dismantling of the family she and Bishop have built for more than 40 years, Lady Mae tells them they are still entering the Promised Land that they must take possession of with hope. She says she is aware of their “past sins but they are ready to grow. We are no longer married but we are still your parents.” She refers to them as her angels before she ends the correspondence.

In the next scene, Jacob and Kerissa are playing detective over at Triumph as Tasha Skanks has left without a trace and reason why although we (the audience) know what’s up. Kerissa speculates that maybe Basie is back, but Jacob feels that if Basie had returned, he would have have heard something. “Memphis ain’t that big and Basie ain’t that small.” (That’s a nice line.) At any rate, now that Tasha is gone and Kerissa has turned Zora over to God, Kerissa is finally available to take on all of the duties of a First Lady. She hires a new accountant. He has an African accent I think. He promptly notices some irregularities in the accounting…

At Calvary the next day, Grace and Rochelle meet with the murderess (per Lady Mae’s description) Coralie Hunter. Coralie is seriously considering the deal the district attorney offered her although she will be in jail for 20 years. 20 years in jail is better than life in jail after all. Grace pleads with Coralie to allow the lawyer they’ve hired to advocate on her behalf as this case is expected to set a precedent. Coralie aine tryin’ to hear that legal jargon, but Rochelle gets to her with a personal plea. She tells Coralie that her mother went to jail, forcing her and her little sister to be in the system and moved around like “hot potatoes that nobody wanted. I know that you don’t believe in Jesus but you’re going to have to have faith.” That story does the trick and Coralie meets with the new attorney.

Following that meeting, Bishop happens to walk by Rochelle, who is in a conference room at Calvary by herself. She takes the opportunity to ask him about the rumors she has heard. “Are you legally divorced?” she asks. Bishop confirms the rumors are true. “Lady Mae and I are officially no longer together.” Of course that news brings a smile to Rochelle’s face. She invites Bishop to do some “daytime drinking to celebrate or console as the case may be.” Bishop says he would like that. Maybe I’m a sheltered pastor’s daughter but I don’t know any pastor who is quick to sip like that! What y’all think?

The time for “A Day With Lady Mae” is almost here as Maxine Patterson is back! Lady Mae tells Maxine that Bishop looks “lost in his own church. Maxine replies with, “It’s won’t be his for long.”

Y’all know that’s a promise that Lady Mae intends to keep…

It’s A Long Way To The Promised Land…

Zora is back. I must admit I appreciated a break from that hellion in last’s week episode but like a bad weed, she’s back. Zora and Isaiah, the boy she was willing to turn her back on her family for, are at a radio station 104. 8 FM where he is answering interview questions about his latest project. He says the project addresses the “tribulations on tribulations” he’s endured and that it is an “amalgamation of pain.” Yeah, whatever man…moving on…I don’t know about the rest of the family but Zora will not be entering into her own promised land for some time.

Charity is back in her office at Calvary and looking mighty composed actually. Maxine’s music director, a hottie I’ve seen before on some show but cannot remember exactly where I’ve seen him, stops by to discuss how they will move forward with plans for the music included in “A Day With Lady Mae.” Charity starts to discuss a few ideas, but before she goes too long, the music director Michael asks if they can pause to pray. He was already fine, but now, he’s looking irresistible and by the look in her eyes, Charity agrees with me!

The two continue to converse and Michael asks Charity to dinner. She declines because she has to care for her son on the night in question. Michael mistakenly thinks that since she has a son that she is married and apologizes for asking her out. Charity says that she is actually divorced. She also chooses to reveal that her ex-husband is gay only because Michael may see Kevin at some point while he is in town. Michael apologizes for her ex-husband’s deception and says that “sort of deception is susceptible to prayer.”

Maxine Patterson also has some ideas about how to plan “A Day With Lady Mae” but Lady Mae disagrees with Maxine’s directions. Maxine wants Grace to be a part of the program for example, but Lady Mae suggests Jacinta Butler instead. Maxine asks Lady Mae if the theme for the event is “She Changes Everything” or is it “She Puts Everyone to Sleep?” LOL.  Maxine notices that Lady Mae has some sort of block when it comes her own daughter and asks her what is the deal with that. Karine interrupts the planning session to tell Lady Mae that Lionel Jeffries is on the phone, but she aine tryin’ to hear him either.

Maxine, without Lady Mae at her hip, eventually sees Grace alone and uses the opportunity to ask her about her legal defense fund. She decides to contribute. But she also uses the time to ask Grace about her troubled relationship with her mother. “What’s that all about?” Grace responds with “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” That’s right Grace. Keep family business in the family unless you’re in therapy 🙂

Speaking of troubled family relationships, Rochelle tracks down her sister-in-law Tasha at her home. “Why aren’t you at Triumph?” Rochelle asks her. “I quit,” Tasha spits out.  She adds, “The funds have already been transferred from Triumph.” In other words, Tasha wants Rochelle to just leave her alone, but Tasha has more to say first. “You’re messing with an innocent man,” she says in reference to Jacob. “He’s a good man, Rochelle.” Now Rochelle is perturbed. “Are you in love with him?” She doesn’t outright answer the question but she asks Rochelle about the whereabouts of that “no account nothing brother of yours.” She then escalates the conversation even more. “If you come back here, I will call the cops. And I might forget what story I’m supposed to tell them.” Rochelle calls Basie afterward. “We’ve got a problem,” she says. Basie and Rochelle thought they were finally on the fast track to their promised land, but there continue to be road blocks.

The Promise…

Y’all know that Grace is gangsta right? While Rochelle was talking about her childhood in foster care with Coralie, Grace was taking mental notes. Later on, she tells Darius to use his network of contacts to find out more information about a Rochelle who grew up in foster care with her sister and Darius obliges. He tells that there were three girls named Rochelle but only one could be their Rochelle and he even has a foster mother to interview! Rochelle, you ’bout to be discovered chile. That’s a promise.

But while we wait for that to unfold, Rochelle has more business with Bishop. Now that Bishop is single, she is passing time with him out in the open on Percy’s porch no less. (Percy does not make an appearance on this episode though.) Bishop complains that he is “running a church from the guest room of a house next door to a mortuary.” Rochelle promises to help him find a new place and the two drink champagne to that. They don’t kiss as far as I can tell but they do nuzzle.

Another couple that I don’t like are figuring out their way around each other as well. Now that Zora is free is a bird, she mistakenly feels that freedom will be a part of her relationship with Isaiah. But that is not the case. She tells compliments him on the presales of his album and casually mentions that she forgot she applied to Spelman College. Apparently, the couple now reside in Atlanta where the school is located. She is thinking of setting up an interview, but instead of encouraging Zora to continue her education, Isaiah criticizes her. He says “Spelman doesn’t take high school drop outs.” Ouch. She should have stayed in school. But Zora calls him out on not claiming her during the radio interview to a female fan. He says, “I’ll claim you when you start acting like someone who deserves me.” He also knocks some food out of her hand. It looks like she decides to contact Spelman anyway, secretly of course so that her behind won’t be beat. I just don’t get it. Has he made some promises to her that we are not aware of because I just don’t get the attraction…

But maybe it’s just a case of the apple not falling far from the tree. Kerissa calls Tasha about her leaving Triumph in such a hurry. Tasha, who sounds high or drunk or both, says, “Why are you you calling me all mad? It was just a kiss. Don’t hate me Kerissa.” Now Kerissa knows that Jacob is up to his old tricks again and has not kept his promise to be faithful. At Triumph, Kerissa calls Jacob “trifling” and says that he is supposed to be a “strong tower” for the family and is nothing but a “twig.” In fact, he is worse than a twig. He is a “puddle of need, desires and bad decisions.” Wow, but he deserved every bit of that rebuke and probably more. But on the other hand, Kerissa continued to stay with Jacob through all of his past philandering and maybe that was the pattern that Zora observed growing up: My man may abuse me in a myriad of ways, but I shall stay and be abused any way. And in the midst of all of us, the new accountant interrupts them to tell them that $200,000 is missing from the church’s account!

Back at the Greenleaf estate, Charity answer’s Michael phone call. Since she was busy with her son on the night he originally wanted to go out to dinner, he asks her out for another night. She agrees at first, but tells him that something he said about her ex-husband got under her skin. He says that Kevin deceived her about that “struggle with his sin” but Charity doesn’t approve of how he describes Kevin. Michael says, “Charity, you deserve better,” and Charity responds with, “Maybe that’s not you.” So this is some growth for Charity. Usually, she just accepts any positive attention she gets without being selective about the source.

Across town, Darius and Grace go to see the woman who may have been one of Rochelle’s foster mothers. At first, she doesn’t remember Rochelle particularly with the last name Cross, but she does remember a Rochelle James who had a little sister! Gigi wastes no time in telling her father what she discovers. She goes over to Percy’s house to tell him in person. He has some news to share as well, but he allows her to go first. “Rochelle Cross is Daryl James’ daughter. She is the half-sister to Basie Skanks.”

Bishop looks crushed and we never find out what was his news. Maybe we will find out in a future episode.

Speaking of hidden identities and this is THE SHOCKER of the night, Lady Mae pays a visit to Lionel Jeffries in the nursing home. “What do you want Lionel?” she says. “I want to talk about my daughter!” Y’all, we’ve been wondering why in the world does Lady Mae hates her daughter so much. Even Maxine Patterson is perplexed. But now we know!!! I don’t know if a paternity test was ever conducted to confirm it but that is one reason among others in my opinion why Lady Mae is less than fond of Grace. And Grace is the oldest child too! You mean her first child wasn’t even Bishop’s? That’s crazy! (Oh, I don’t recall Lionel ever saying Grace’s name  so it’s possible that he may be referring to another one of Lady Mae’s daughters although that is not likely to me. What y’all think?!)

Speaking of crazy, Rochelle comes back to Tasha’s house and Tasha gets a lamp. I guess she is going to attack her sister-in-law with it, but before she does that, she sees Basie at the door!!!

Yes, my favorite short man character since George Jefferson is back! Brother and sister are both dressed in black. Basie says, “I’ve heard you’ve been a bad girl!” LOL. The funny thing is that Tasha looks like she loves some Basie too even while she was pining way for Jacob for the whole episode. But who doesn’t love a bad boy with some attitude unless it’s one who hits you like Isaiah. That’s another matter altogether. Anywho, that’s it and that’s all…

Thank you sooo much for reading my Greenleaf Recap Season 3 Episode 10: The Promised Land and my other recaps so far. If you would like to keep up with OWN’s “Greenleaf,” and my recaps, please click on this link to subscribe to my blog 🙂!

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