Cruisin’ on a Sunday Afternoon…

Hello World!!!

Your girl is headed to Puerto Rico to hop aboard a Caribbean cruise tomorrow so don’t expect a new post until October 8! (I may be able post but not sure…)It’s my official 35th b-day celebration…Can I say more? Naw! What happens aboard the cruise ship stays on the cruise ship!!! Ha,ha! Hopefully, somebody out there is listening or reading rather, in this case… (I wonder if Isaac from “The Love Boat”  will be aboard…Sorry, this is my first cruise. I had to get that in.:)

Any thoughts?

Prayer Changes Things…

Hello World!!!

Y’all know it’s true, right?…I will say it again. PrayerChangesThings! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!

Troy Davis knows this is true this morning. Less than two hours before he was scheduled to be executed last night by lethal injection, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a stay of execution. (I wanted to write a fancy link to this story, but for some reason I can’t. The devil is busy. So read the complete story here. )

After hearing the news, Davis’ sister and most dilligent supporter, Martina Correia, was quoted as saying,

“I’ve been praying for this moment forever.”


How many of y’all know that when you’re going through, “sometimes you have to encourage yourself!” I had planned a more eloquent post this morning, but the Holy Spirit has led me to just post a few Bible verses about prayer to remind me and you of how He works it out.

“Do not be anxious about about ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the PEACE of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4: 6-7

“Is anyone of you in TROUBLE? He should pray…The prayer of a RIGHTEOUS man is  POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE.” James 5: 13-16

“Be joyful always. PRAY CONTINUALLY; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is GOD’S WILL for you in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Three verses (one for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) that I hope help you and me today and in the days to come in this time of financial crisis, gas shortages, hurricanes, health concerns, etc.  Real talk for real issues…

And finally, when I’m really going through, I have to pull out my gospel tracks. Below is one of my favorites, “This Too Will Pass” by Rev. James Cleveland and Charles Fold.  I know you will be blessed!

Any thoughts?


Late breaking post – Sex and the City…For Teens!

Hello World!!!

Okay, since I started this blog earlier this month, I have tried to set a schedule of posting once a day on Sunday and Wednesday. I have already posted once for today, but after finding this tidbit on the AJC newspaper Web site,  I had to post again! (Okay, I’m thinking I need to somehow be on the AJC payroll.)

Anywho, guess what?…I can’t hear you! Oh yeah, that’s right, you’re reading this…Okay, I hope that was funny. (Probably not.) So aight already, here’s the news. Candace Bushnell, my patron saint of single girl angst, is writing a pair of novels about Carrie, a la “Sex and the City,” as a teenager!  The new books will be called “The Carrie Diaries.” (I know this is not a religious topic, but I am a religious fan…)

The first book will debut in 2010!!! This conjures up fond memories of one of my fave childhood books, “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret?” by Judy Blume!

Do you think these books will be a hit! Can y’all see Carrie as a teenager? I’m willing to buy them when they come out! Goody, goody!!!

Any thoughts?