Saying Good-bye to 2011…


Hello World,

As of today, we have just over three weeks left in 2011….I’m pausing…for.dramatic.effect…Since I’m a person that makes goals each year, I periodically check-in with myself to determine if I’m actually making progress with my goals….I’m proud to say that I’m still budgeting and saving as I was taught by my financial coach a couple of years ago. (Read my post “Use What You Got To Get What You Want…aka Side Hustlers Unite!!! for more info on my financial journey…) And I’m well on my way to reaching my financial goals….

Another one of my goals was to eat more veggies…I know this doesn’t seem like too much of a big deal…but after meeting with a nutritionist earlier in the year, I realize that many of us, including me, have neglected all of the many healing nutrients that God provides for us in our vegetables…When was the last time you ate beets, parsnips or even broccoli (that is not covered in cheese..)? As is stated in the Bible, we are perishing for our lack of knowledge…(Hosea 4:6) I’m proud to say I have changed my diet a lot…It’s not perfect every day, but I’m making progress and have eliminated many toxins from my diet…By the way, I was not changing my diet to lose weight…You can be skinny and eating processed foods all of the time…I’m aiming for health and wellness…

Another one of my goals was to have my blog redesigned…And as you can see, Tess Gadwa of Yes Exactly I LOVE IT…and I hope you do too…

Of course, I have other goals that I have reached for this year…but I cannot share here…have you reached your goals for 2011…what are you thinking of as this year is coming to a close?…My final thought is God is good all the time…All the time God is good…

 Any thoughts?

P.S. And if your year has been difficult for whatever reason, I hope this song will lift your spirit…”Brighter Day” (“this for them rough days when you feel like giving up days”) by Kirk Franklin…



I’m Bout It Bout It aka Marketing & Promotion Month 5…

Hello World,

Santa & Mrs. Claus! Aren't they precious?!!!

Have you got your Christmas decorations up? I’ve been known to procrastinate, but I’m happy to say that I put up my Christmas decorations yesterday! Yay! I know a lot of people put their decorations up the day after Thanksgiving, but I’m making progress…baby steps…

Okay, on to the subject of this post…If you’ve been checking out my blog for a while, you know that my book, After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God, is coming out in just over two months (I’m SUPER EXCITED!!!). And since I started my marketing and promotion activities back in August, I’ve been writing a monthly recap of my progress….If you haven’t read those posts, check them out here…

“I’m Bout It Bout It aka Marketing & Promotion Month 1…”

“I’m Bout It Bout It aka Marketing & Promotion Month 2…”

“I’m Bout It Bout It aka Marketing & Promotion Month 3…”

“I’m Bout It Bout It aka Marketing & Promotion Month 4…”

The Riverdale Middle School orchestra got down...

 And so now I’m recapping month 5 or November! (I should have posted on this topic on Wednesday, but I had to meet a writing deadline…) The first order of business was to get help! As I mentioned in last month’s post. I’m a a full-time reporter, a part-time fitness instructor, a sometime market reasearcher, a freelance writer, a blogger and an upcoming author/marketing & promoting professional…and it was getting to be too much…But I’m happy to say that I now have secured help for my marketing & promotion and the planning of my launch party…Did I mention PARTY? Yes, I did…As Bishop T.D. Jakes says, “Get ready, get ready, get ready…” We are a planning a fabulous launch party for Feb. 14, the release date of my book, that will be the spot for you and your boo on V-Day…But if you are not booed up, that’s okay too because there will be something for erebody 🙂 More details to come…

Since I do have help, this has cleared up some mental energy to complete the final edits of my book AND line up my book tour…More details on that to come as well…In addition to editing and planning my book tour, I’m still freelance writing and blogging…In October, I told you I attended Blogalicious 2011, and now I have started networking with and supporting other bloggers! I’m proud to say I’m a part of Social Fabric, a community of bloggers, and I’m looking forward to expanding my blog and making it the best it can be…Expanding my blog is one of my marketing & promotion goals plus I just love blogging!!! And look out for awesome posts (if I say so myself) in the months to come…

Pointe South Elementary School chorus!!!

I also learned that tweeting is a marketing & promotion must at Blogalicious, and I’m trying to up my Twitter game…Last month, I only had 74 followers, but now, I have reached over a 100…and of course, I still need more…so follow me @jackiehwrites

These two second graders sat next to me at the tree lighting...They were so much fun..I almost felt maternal...

As I have said in previous marketing & promotion posts, I still have some stuff up my sleeve and in the the months to come, more will be revealed…

And since I wrote this post in December rather November, I’ve included some photos from the City of Riverdale Annual Christmas Tree Lighting & Holiday Celebration I attended last night…Enjoy!

Any thoughts?



Have A Little Faith: A New Sunday Night TV Movie!!!


Hello World,

I hope you and yours had a Happy Thanksgiving! It’s been great to have a few days off from work to be thankful with family, friends and loved ones. And I intend to savor today as it’s the last day before the rat race begins anew! Tonight, I plan to put aside my guilty pleasure of watching “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” to watch Laurence Fishburne (What’s Love Got To Do With It, The Matrix, Boyz n the Hood, Akilah and the Bee),  in “Have a Little Faith.” The Hallmark Channel Hall of Fame movie airs tonight on ABC at 9 p.m. EST.

Based on the latest best-selling book by New York Times Best-Selling author Mitch Albom (Tuesdays with Morrie, The Five People You Meet in Heaven), the movie features Fisburne as Henry Covington,  a former drug addict who becomes a preacher to the homeless in Detroit. The movie also features Anika Noni Rose (The Princess and The Frog, Dreamgirls & HBO’s The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency), Mykelti Williamson (Bubba in Forrest Gump) and Martin Landau!

Let’s watch this movie to demonstrate that television movies with faith-themed messages can have huge ratings! Check out the trailer above…

Any thoughts?