Saturday in the A – Featuring Life’s A Fish & Then You Fry…

Hello World,

AJ & Chris...

I have been classified as an introvert, but the older I get, the more I find myself being out and about – especially in the A, my beloved hometown…One of the events I recently attended was “Life’s a Fish & Then You Fry,” which is more of a movement instead of just a regular ole summer fish fry…Read my interview with entrepreneur Anthony “AJ” Joiner, one of  the brainchildren behind one of the summer’s best parties…and check out these pics…

Phillippia performs...


1.How and when did the “Life is a Fish and Then You Fry”start? 

“Life’s a Fish & Then You Fry” started as a birthday party in April 2009. I bought all the fish, fries and fixings, and invited people to my home for my 36th bday. And it was completely free. People encouraged me to charge for fish plates, but I didn’t want money to get in the way of people having a fun experience.

After the first party, people literally begged me to do it again so that they   could bring their friends. So…I did another one, and that’s when I decided to give it a name. “Life’s a Fish & Then You Fry” was officially born.  I wanted to continue doing it because people were having a genuine good time. There were never any incidents; everyone was meeting new people. It was just fun. It was an option for people who didn’t want to go to the club or for people who liked to do something every once in a while.

2. Tell me about the evolution of the party and how it got bigger and better every year

It turned into an underground movement! It grew exponentially from 60 plus,  to 150 plus to 500 plus! It was sheer word-of- mouth and people posting their pics on Facebook!

For the last two years, we partnered with Chris Cornell , owner of E Period LLC , and this year, we partnered with Clayton County Commissioner Wole Ralph and others to host this party in the Clayton County International Park and Beach!

Chris used to attend the house parties. He had his own large scale barbecue that he did yearly for his birthday. At one of the fish fries (the one where police and news helicopters were hovering above trying to figure out what was happening) we discussed a partnership… and the rest is history…

Commissioner Wole Ralph attended one of the fish fries and expressed interest in creating a county partnership with Clayton County. He enjoyed the event and thought the partnership would make sense. We could organize, promote and make the event unforgettable. The county could provide the facility, security, emergency management plans, and help facilitate our needs to make it city-wide! The park had over 3,500 patrons over the course of the day so we were really excited!

A collage of Josh Bias & The 630 Band...

3. Who were some of the featured performers?

We had a great lineup of performers – Untitled, Soulantis, Josh Bias & The 630 Band, and we ended the party with an incredible show by Phillippia and a fireworks show! We also had some great comedians – Comedian Landry, Comedian Arnesto and and Gerald Guillory!

Oh, this was ONLY the beginning. For anyone in ATL the 4th of July weekend 2013, it will be even more spectacular! So, if you’re NOT going out of town – get $10 ready for an evening of unforgettable live entertainment along with a few tricks we have up our sleeves.

Any thoughts?

Below is a video of Phillippia performing for the crowd! Check out the couples dancing onstage!

Halfway There…aka 7 Steps to Get Back on Track to Reach Your 2012 Goals…

(Editor’s Note: I originally wrote this post in 2011, but I decided to post this blog entry again as the message is still relevant.)

Hello World,

Guess what? In a week’s time, this year will be half over… So if at this point, you realized that some of your New Year’s resolutions and or goals have gotten lost in the shuffle of life, it time’s to renew your commitment to realizing your resolutions, goals and or dreams for 2012.

Thankfully, I have completed one big goal for 2012 (the publication of my book 🙂 ), but I still have plenty more that I’m trying to accomplish before the year is over. And I know, through Christ, all things are possible! So move, get out my way, because I’m coming…

If you are experiencing some inertia as you contemplate your resolutions, goals and or dreams for this year, I have swiped some helpful tips for achieving them from Dr. Phil’s website!

Seven Steps to Reaching Your Goals

Successfully executing any personal strategic plan for change requires that as you develop your plan,you effectively incorporate these seven steps for attaining each and every goal.

1. Express your goal in terms of specific events or behaviors.
For a dream to become a goal, it has to be specifically defined in terms of operations, meaning what will be done. When a goal is broken down into steps, it can be managed and pursued much more directly. “Being happy,” for example, is neither an event nor a behavior. When you set out to identify a goal, define what you want in clear and specific terms.

2. Express your goal in terms that can be measured.
How else will you be able to determine your level of progress, or even know when you have successfully arrived where you wanted to be? For instance, how much money do you aspire to make?

3. Assign a timeline to your goal.
Once you have determined precisely what it is you want, you must decide on a time frame for having it. The deadline you’ve created fosters a sense of urgency or purpose, which in turn will serve as an important motivator, and prevent inertia or procrastination.

4. Choose a goal you can control.
Unlike dreams, which allow you to fantasize about events over which you have no control, goals have to do with aspects of your existence that you control and can therefore manipulate. In identifying your goal, strive for what you can create, not for what you can’t.

5. Plan and program a strategy that will get you to your goal.

Pursuing a goal seriously requires that you realistically assess the obstacles and resources involved, and that you create a strategy for navigating that reality. Willpower is unreliable, fickle fuel because it is based on your emotions. Your environment, your schedule and your accountability must be programmed in such a way that all three support you — long after an emotional high is gone. Life is full of temptations and opportunities to fail. Those temptations and opportunities compete with your more constructive and task-oriented behavior. Without programming, you will find it much harder to stay the course.

6. Define your goal in terms of steps.
Major life changes don’t just happen; they happen one step at a time. Steady progress, through well-chosen, realistic, interval steps, produces results in the end. Know what those steps are before you set out.

7. Create accountability for your progress toward your goal.

Without accountability, people are apt to con themselves. If you know precisely what you want, when you want it — and there are real consequences for not doing the assigned work — you are much more likely to continue in your pursuit of your goal. Find someone in your circle of family or friends to whom you can be accountable. Make periodic reports on your progress.

Any thoughts?

P.S. I know I have posted this Yolanda Adams song before, it always inspires me when I’m dreaming big…

“Never Give Up” by Yolanda Adams

Summer Love…

Hello World,

High School Memories...If you look very carefully, you can see me in the back wearing my big Marcie (from "Peanuts") glasses...

Yippee! Hooray! Woohoo! Today is the first day of summer, my absolute favorite time of the year…I think it’s in my DNA to love summer more than any other season because my family hails from the sunny isle of Jamaica  🙂

So since this is the first day of summer, I would like to post something that reminds me of the summer days of my high school years…It’s funny… During high school, I vacillated between believing my life was over when a guy dumped me or never returned my affection in the first place and being excited about being thrust into the “real world” upon graduation…And now when I look back, I wonder two things: why did take my “relationships” so seriously and why was I in such a hurry…life was pretty good even with my parents’ strict rules(being a preacher’s kid was challenging)…Oh the folly of youth…

One of their rules was that I could not go to parties, and I especially couldn’t go clubbing…which was unfortunate because (as I was told) we had some slammin’ clubs that my fellow teenagers used to frequent such as Sharon’s Showcase, Charles Disco, MBK, 559 and Club XS, where “Atlanta Jams” was taped!!! “Atlanta Jams” was the show you wanted to be on if your were a teenager in the A in the ’90s! Basically, it just featured teenagers from high schools all over the A getting their party on and just cheesin’ hopin’ they would see themselves on a future broadcast of the show…

Well, to my utter despair, I never got to visit nearly all of those clubs I mentioned in high school because of my parents’ rules, but ONE TIME, I did visit Club XS and was on “Atlanta Jams!!!” During the summer of 1991 (the summer between my junior and senior year), I was a part of a summer program in which high school students lived on the Emory University campus for a month…Of course, I took advantage of the opportunity to break all of my parents’ rules…lol…We convinced our resident advisers, who were Emory University students, to take us to Club XS…I relished dancing with my friends and hoped the cameras wouldn’t catch me…Wouldn’t want any of the church folk somehow seeing me on the show and telling my parents…

Long story short. I did end up on TV, and as I watched the show the later, I hoped my mother (who was in the living room where our only television was located) didn’t happen to see me…She didn’t…And guess what? I did not die Mom & Dad…Lol…Real talk…I’m glad I didn’t get into clubbin’ as a teenager…I’ve seen some people who got into that very early back in the day…And they look like they have really lived…if you know what I mean…Anywho, here’s a video of “Atlanta Jams.” This show so reminds me of summer – the season that I love…it’s summer love…

Any thoughts? (I think that’s Ryan Cameron from V-103 on the stage wearing the black and white polka dots…)