Looking Back: 2013 in Posts…

Hello World,

In just two days, we get to press the virtual reset button on our lives and begin anew…But before we plot our path into the future, it is always wise to see where we have traveled up until this point…One the ways that I reflect on my journey is to go through the posts on this blog month by month and consider the events of the year…so indulge me a bit as I highlight the best of After the Altar Call 2013….

2013 Emerging Writ E-Blast:Layout 1

January 2013I was one of two authors selected as an emerging writer for 2012 by Written MagazineKim Green (author of “Hallucination”) and I read from our work as a part of Written Magazine’s “Wine & Words” at the historic Hammonds House Museum. It was a real blessing in more ways than one! In January 13, my beloved sorority celebrated its 100th birthday!

February 2013 – I recounted some of the the scandals that have shaken up the church, particularly the Atlanta church …From Bishop Eddie Long Accuser Centino Kemp To Release Tell-All Book to RHOA Kandi Burruss Releases Gospel Song “Stay Prayed Up” with Marvin Sapp 

March 2013 – I revealed I am working on a novel in “The Next Big Thing…aka My Next Book in Progress…” I’m not quite finished with the rough draft, but my novel is shaping up to be a juicy page-turner (if I say so myself…at least prayerfully… 🙂 )

April 2013 – By April, I was in full wedding planning mode and was stunned by the average cost of a wedding…An astounding $25,656, according to theweddingreport.com….so of course I wrote the post “The Wedding Industry Heist aka maybe I should go in the wedding planning business.”  I was also saddened by the Boston Marathon bombing…Although I am a late bloomer to running, I have fallen in love with it and wrote “An Ode to Running (my tribute to the people affected by the Boston Marathon bombing…).”

May 2013President Obama becomes an honorary “Morehouse Man,” delivering the commencement address to the 2013 to the graduating class of Morehouse College! It was the first time that a sitting president has ever addressed a spring commencement in the state! I was blessed to be to cover the event…

Brand new Morehouse Man President Obama!

Brand new Morehouse Man President Obama!

June 2013 – I expressed my disappointment that a wedding vendor “jacked” $600 from me, but thankfully, with the Lord’s wisdom and guidance, I was able to get my money back!

treyvonskittlesJuly 2013 – The day after George Zimmerman was allowed to go free in spite of killing unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin, all I could do was be quiet and reflect in “Why the Trayvon Martin Murder Case Matters…Peace Be Still”…And while I am no psychologist, one has to wonder why George Zimmerman continues to get in trouble following the not-guilty verdict…Is his guilt prompting him to act out in ways that will get him locked up? I guess we will know in time…

wedding partyAugust 2013 – One of the best events in my life happened this month…I married my ace boon coon on August 10, and we traveled to Hawaii, the state of President Obama was born, for our honeymoon…Yep, it was the best month of the year…We also celebrated the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his impassioned and ultimately prophetic “I Have A Dream” speech. 164

September 2013I joined the 4-0 club this month…I still cannot believe I am 40 years old…I remember when I turned 13…but those days are gone now…Hello Middle Age…LOL…Sadly, 50 years ago this month, members of the Ku Klux Klan, planted a bomb at Sixteenth Street Baptist Church and killed four girls, Addie Mae Collins, 14; Denise McNair, 11; Carole Robertson, 14; and Cynthia Wesley, 14…

LolaBrownOctober 2013 – On Oct. 22, my friend and Delta line sister went home to be with the Lord…Although she is with her savior, the one who knows her and loves her best, and is now cancer-free, we miss her so…I had a dream about her last night…Please keep her family in your prayers…“The Light and the Life that was Lola…”

November 2013I was blessed to be able to speak to students at Milligan College and take a trip down memory lane with my parents who accompanied me on the trip…My father received one of his several degrees there in 1972, the year before I was born. In fact, when my parents arrived on Milligan’s campus they had just gotten married

The entrance of Milligan College...

The entrance of Milligan College…

months before in August 1971.

December 2013 – Every holiday season, it is hard not to lose ourselves in the Christmas commercialism, but thankfully, I am always able somehow to remind myself that Jesus is the real reason for the season in “Seven Scriptures to Remind Us that Jesus is the Real Reason for the Season…(Repost)” I also celebrated my first Christmas with the hubby…we are still working on figuring out to celebrate holidays with two families…

Our first Christmas together tree ornament...I know it's corny but...

Our first Christmas together tree ornament…I know it’s corny but…



Any thoughts?





A Modern-Day Joseph…RIP Nelson Mandela…

Hello World,

Every once in a while, the words of the Bible become three-dimensional, playing out right in front of you. Since Nelson Mandela’s death was announced last Thursday, I have been thinking about his contributions to humanity. Not only was he a world-class freedom fighter that will remembered among the greatest of men in history, his life was also a testament to God’s word. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Genesis 50:20….

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many peoples hould be kept alive, as they are today.”

These are the words of Joseph to his brothers after they discover that he is no longer in prison where he had been for years, in part, due to their actions…Instead of being a prisoner, he was now a leader in the Egyptian government able to help his brothers and his family during a time of famine…I was listening to a radio broadcast in which Nelson Mandela’s biographer was interviewed. He said how Mandela’s imprisonment of 27 years, refined him as a human being…I wonder had Mandela never been imprisoned, would he have been able to unite his country after he was released and become South Africa’s first black president…Something to ponder when evil is allowed in our lives…

Thank you Mandela for the example of your incredible life…

If you are in Atlanta and want to pay tribute to Mandela, the World Affairs Council of Atlanta and Morehouse College will be holding a memorial service for Mandela on Wednesday, Dec. 11  7-9 p.m. The memorial service will be held at Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College which is located at 830 Westview Dr SW 30314.

Any thoughts?

P.S. Will you be seeing the movie “Mandela?” I will…

The Wonder Years…Mom & Dad Edition…

Hello World,

My mom and dad on their wedding day in 1971, just months before they arrived at Milligan College...

My mom and dad on their wedding day in 1971, just months before they arrived at Milligan College…

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I am thankful for so many blessings! But in today’s post, I want to express my gratitude for my mother and father. A week ago today, my parents and I traveled on the interstate through the mountains to Johnson City, Tennessee for my speaking engagement the next day at Milligan College. I was invited to speak there about a week or so before my wedding date. I thought it was one of those weird coincidences because I had never met anyone from the college except for my Dad! That’s right, my father received one of his several degrees there in 1972, the year before I was born.  So I asked my parents if they would come with me, and they happily agreed as they had not been back to the campus since 1972.

The entrance of Milligan College...

The entrance of Milligan College…

So even though the trip was about speaking to the students and hopefully imparting some of the lessons I’ve managed to learn in my 40 years, the trip was also a chance to get to know my parents before they were my parents. In fact, when they arrived on Milligan’s campus they had just gotten married months before in August 1971. I thought it would be interesting to learn about them as a newly married couple, particularly as I’m newly married.

The chapel were I spoke...When I saw the size of this place, I was so very nervous...

The chapel were I spoke…When I saw the size of this place, I was so very nervous…

So here is some of what I learned about my mother and father before they were my parents:

  • My mom experienced “culture shock” moving to Johnson City which is still pretty small now but was even smaller then. Although she is from Jamaica, she had been living in New York City with one of my uncles before she married my father so it was a definite change to move from the hustle and bustle of gritty New York City to the serene mountains of Johnson City.

    An outside of view of the beautiful chapel...

    An outside view of the beautiful chapel…

  • My father also had to deal with culture shock from a racial perspective. After I spoke during the chapel service, my parents and I had lunch with several students in Milligan’s Goah Diversity Scholars Program. Through this wonderful program, several minority students have been able to receive full-tuition scholarships to Milligan. The students that we met are Hispanic and shared how they often feel other than or different for a variety of reasons ranging from missing familiar foods to cultural celebrations. My father empathized with them because he said he had similar experiences back then.

    An outside view of the dining hall...

    An outside view of the dining hall…

  • My parents lived in a trailer on campus! I cannot imagine trailers being all that comfortable, but my parents said the trailers were actually quite nice. They did mention there was a student from Grenada that used to regularly barge into their trailer and march up to their refrigerator to see what my mom prepared. With a laugh, my father said he had to “nip that in the bud” pretty quickly.
  • Emmanuel Christian Seminary is across the street from Milligan College..

    Emmanuel Christian Seminary is across the street from Milligan College..

    My parents raved about how beautiful the campus was, and it is still a very beautiful campus.

  • While my father was in school, my mother worked worked in the president’s office as well as another location on campus. My father was actually a co-pastor at a small church in Johnson City.
While eating dinner in town, a Milligan student who worked at the restaurant came up to me and said she enjoyed my message...Made me so good I had to take a picture with her:)

While eating dinner in town, a Milligan student who worked at the restaurant came up to me and said she enjoyed my message…Made me feel so good I had to take a picture with her:)

As I watched my parents reminisce, it occurred to me that they probably really bonded as a newly married couple in Johnson City because they were there without family and friends. I think that would probably be an experience that would valuable for most newly married couples. And it must have been an incredible adventure considering their age! My parents got married just as they turned 30 years old. I wasn’t ready to get married at 30 years old, but I must admit, I feel a little sad about waiting until I was just shy of 40 to get married. But then again, I trust in God’s timing…

So on this Thanksgiving Eve, I thank God for my parents – the people they were before they brought me into the world and the people that I have known in my 40 years…And thank you Milligan College for inviting me to speak and being a part of my parents’ history together…

The mountains from my parents' hotel room...

The mountains from my parents’ hotel room…

What are you thankful for this year?

Any thoughts?