Hello World,
Join me and other writers as we share how we have kept our writing careers going in this new day and age of journalism….Details below…
Any thoughts?
Hello World,
Last week, I posted about revisiting the goals that we made at the beginning of 2012…As we all know, it is easy to drift away from our goals if we don’t pay attention. And now that we officially have six months left in 2012, we must get back on track!
HOWEVER, with all of our planning, it is impossible to predict what the results of our actions will be. In essence, we plant the seeds, but only God gives the increase…If you are anything like me, I love to plan and then I worry about the results….But God has told us over and over again that worrying is wrong and not characteristic of believers…So to minister to me and you, let me share my favorite seven scriptures to ward off worry…
1. Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 55:22 In this scripture, God says turn over all of your troubles to me, and I will see you through. We are neglecting some of the benefits of being a believer if we don’t realize that He wants to bear our burdens!
2. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I will be thinking of a situation and all of a sudden, I feel overwhelmed by fear and worry…That’s not God! God does not give us fear! Instead, He gives us power, love and a sound mind! When I feel overwhelmed by fear and worry, I see this as a sign that I need to pray and connect with God because the devil is trying to get at me…
3. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Luke 12:25 Can this scripture be any more direct? I don’t think so! This reminds me of a saying I recently heard…Worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair…It will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere…
4. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 This verse has kept me from losing my mind for real! When I begin to worry, this verse reminds to talk to God about my present concerns AND thank Him for all that He has seen me through in the past…And supernaturally, my worrying is replaced by peace…Try it!
5. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid. Luke 12:7 I LOVE this verse…We are so important to God that He has even counted the hairs on our head! Wow! That’s why we can pray about anything – no matter how big or small! I even pray about what to wear sometimes…
6. So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:31-33 In these times, it is tempting to worry about our finances and resources, but God says if we put Him first, then He will provide for our needs…Take Him at His word…
7. I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip—He who watches over you will not slumber. Psalm 121:1-3 I have claimed this whole Psalm for this year because I have embarked on a journey that I have never been on before….the journey of a published author…Although I am tempted to stay up nights planning marketing & promotion strategies, this verse reminds that I can sleep knowing my God in Heaven is always awake – and taking care of me on Earth below…
I hope these verses help you to realize that God simply does not want us to worry…We plan, but we must leave the results up to Him. Think about it. We cannot even control our next breath so why even worry about it…I know, it’s easier said than done 🙂 .
Below is a BEAUTIFUL song that I heard for the first time yesterday that reminded me not to worry and to turn over my concerns to God…Here is a sample of the lyrics…
“When Will I” by Candi Staton…
Hello World,
If you read my last post, you know that in a span of two weeks, I’ve driven up to Nashville, Tennessee for the 33rd Annual Christian Women’s Retreat, spoken at Central Christian Church’s 11th Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast in the A and flew up to Hampton, Virginia for the 98th Hampton University Ministers’ Conference! But I took it all one day at a time like the old saints advise, and I’ve had a fabulous time!
Since this was my first time attending the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference and visiting Hampton University, one of the illustrious HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities), I took lots of pics to chronicle my journey…Share my journey in pics below…and tell me what you think 🙂
Obviously, a Hampton University banner…The school was established in 1868 and is still here today!
I was blessed to be a part of the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference Bookstore, which was sponsored by Urban Ministries Inc.
My books in the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference Bookstore…
The obligatory me and my books shot 🙂
A conference attendee checking out my book! I promise she was already checking it out before I asked if I could take the pic…And she bought the book too 🙂
Ministers enjoying the bookstore…
Many of the conference attendees (including me) stayed on campus during our time at the conference…I was assigned to Twitchell Hall…This brought me back to my 552 Creswell Hall days at UGA…Loved dorm living back then…but now, not so much…
This was the view from Twitchell Hall…Wow!
I was told this is the home of Dr. William R. Harvey, Hampton University president…This home was literally just a few steps from Twitchell Hall..Ere ah..I bet he keeps a very close eye on students since he lives right in the center of the dorms…LOL…
I just adore old buildings, and Hampton has many buildings that appear to be decades old…I believe this is the dining hall…
A girl had to eat! The dining hall…again…brought me back to my UGA days…
And just like my UGA days…A bruh will make himself known…LOL…This bruh told me he pledged in the ’50s! He was there for the 78th Annual Choir Directors’ & Organists’ Guild Workshop which is held in conjunction with the ministers’ conference…It was the best singing I’ve heard in my whole life…
Now, if I met a bruh, you know I had to meet a soror! This is Soror Rev. Evelyn Harvey White Spurlock (who made sure to apply her red lipstick before I took her photo)! She proclaimed she is a 1938 graduate of Hampton (then Hampton Institute) and will be 98 years old this month! And she didn’t start preaching until 1992! She retired in 1979 after teaching 43 years in public education…How inspiring!
There was a wonderful display of flags from different countries across from the dining hall…Do you know the names of all of the countries?
Of course, I had to highlight Jamaica’s flag…
Another view of the flag display so that you can see more of the beautiful campus…
Of course I had to take a picture of the campus church…I love the message…TGIF!
The church’s magnificent clock tower…
My artistic shot of the clock tower…
Another view of the church…
Behind the vendor area is the HU Convocation Center where most of the festivities for the conference were held…
Inside the Convocation Center..Just to give you an idea of how many people were at the conference…This photo was taken at the Tuesday evening worship service…Again, one of the best praise and worship experiences I’ve ever had…
A view of the choir and ministers…
I’ve never seen this before…Every time this woman got excited in the worship service, this woman started waving flags…and she never hit anyone with them…A creative way to praise the Lord!!!
And if you needed accessories for your praise and worship, you could find them here…Lap cloths anyone?
And you could get your accessories personally embroidered…
Okay, I could post more photos, but you’ve probably had enough at this point…so here is my last photo of the beauty on Hampton University’s campus…I hope to go to this conference again…
Any thoughts?