I’m in the Mood for Love…and Marriage…

Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher, the longest married couple in the world...


Today is the day — the day when my affinity for all things that have to do with love, dating and relationships is actually celebrated instead of berated…Yes, I began crushing on boys in the first grade and by the time I was 13 years old, I was known as the boy-crazy chick in my group of friends…but today, my tendency to swoon over and pay attention to the charm of hot guys is actually just fine…

Over the years, I have always kept several guy friends — in part because I like the perspective of guys that is unlike any of my girls and because I like variety…even when I had a boyfriend, I always had several guy friends to bounce things off of and to be there when the boyfriend of the day acted up and was let go (or vice versa…)

But about two years ago, a married friend told me that when I got married or if I aspired to be married, having a bunch of guy friends would not be tolerated…And what she said made sense…She suggested that I should stop hanging with all of my dudes and mainly reserve my friendship for my girls as a way of preparing myself for the arrival of The One…and that made sense too…so I did…I rarely talk to any of my guy friends anymore…And it’s actually okay with me…They are still my dudes, but unless I’m your main chick, you are not getting all of my convo…I’m hoping that on a Valentine’s Day in the future, I will actually be married…

I’m thinking if I want to get married, maybe I should befriend more married women and soak up more of their wisdom…I expect this was the principle in mind behind the Twitter event of the longest married couple on the earth, Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher. Today, the couple will be responding to tweets about marriage. And they should know…They have been married for 85 years…And isn’t it crazy that the Fishers are on Twitter? Guess I need to go ‘head and set up an account…

So on my V-Day post last year, I posted my Top 14 Love songs…This year, I will post my Top 14 movies about dating, marriage, love, etc…and please share yours… And in no particular order…

1. “Titanic” – I saw this movie years after it came out, and I nearly kicked myself that I had not seen this movie before. Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet convinced me that their love would go on…although the Titanic ship didn’t…

2. “Love Story” – Since this movie came out three years before I was born, I obviously didn’t see this movie on opening night either…But I did catch it late one night when I couldn’t sleep…Love means never having to say you’re sorry…Swoon, swoon, swoon

3.  “Purple Rain” – Believe it or not, I saw this movie for the first time in December…I Would Die 4 U – Love it…Love Prince and his bike in that movie…

4. “When Harry Met Sally” – Classic. It is THE movie for friends turned lovers…

5. “Love Jones” – This movie totally brings me back to the mid ’90s…Larenz Tate hadn’t looked this good since!

6. “Jason’s Lyric”  – I met Allen Payne Memorial Day Weekend in Miami years ago…Dang, he is fine!

7. “Grease” – The soundtrack is so fun…”You’re the one that I want…”

8. “The Notebook” – Would you marry for love or money…I say both! But I would prefer love if I had to choose…

9.  “Something’s Gotta Give”  – This movie has the most realistic crying over a man scenes of any movie I’ve ever seen….have you ever woken up in the morning and then a moment later, you remember that y’all broke up…and your heart drops and the tears fall…what a horrible way to start the day…but that’s real…

10. “Beauty and the Beast” – Hey, cartoon movies should get love too…I saw this movie on a first date in high school…at the time, this guy made my toes curl and it didn’t help that we saw this sweet movie on our first date…

11. “The Bridges of Madison County” – I don’t know much about being a bored housewife in the Midwest, but this one right here made me almost wish I did…Meryl Streep is the Greatest!

12. “The Wood” – Loved the soundtrack…”You’re my latest, tell you you’re my greatest, my latest, my greatest inspiration…” Miss you Teddy P!

13.  “Love and Basketball” – I really don’t care what movie Omar Epps is in…I’ma watch it…

14. “Walk the Line” – almost made me wish I was dating a country music star…

Any thoughts?

To honor Black History Month, I will offer a memorable quote from someone in black history on each post I write this month…

“Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever…”  Audre Lorde

The End of Death…The Beginning of Revelation!

Hello World!!!

At long last, my Bible study class has finished studying the book of Revelation. Months earlier, I blogged about my anxiety in reading the Bible’s final and likely most mysterious book. So what are my final thoughts…Revelation is not as scary and cryptic as I once thought…However, I’m not sure if it will ever be the first book that I choose to curl up in bed and read just before nodding off to sleep. But the final words of the book fill me with a strange sense of joy…First of all, death itself will be killed…

11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat upon it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

 12 And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne; and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works.

 13 And the sea gave up the dead that were in it; and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

 14 And death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, even the lake of fire.

 15 And if any was not found written in the book of life, he was cast into the lake of fire.  Revelation 20:11:15

And as a result, death will not be a part of reality as it is in Earth…

3 And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his peoples, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God:

 4 and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more: the first things are passed away.

 5 And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he saith, Write: for these words are faithful and true.  Revelation 21:3-5

 It is only these words that give me comfort as I have heard about so many deaths recently…Now if you’ve been living on this Earth for any time at all and are old enough to pay attention, you hear about death every.single.day. There is just no getting around it…people cry and people die…One my favorite poems succinctly and eloquently illustrates this principle…

Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay. 

Robert Frost

And speaking of Eden, according to what I’ve heard, Adam’s original sin is what caused death to enter this world at all. I cannot pretend to understand all of this…so I will let the theologians debate about that…but I do know that death is part of Earth’s reality…but I have faith that death will not be allowed to enter Heaven…

But it is with a heavy heart that I tell you about some of the deaths that have happened recently that have got me asking, “Why God? Why God is there so much pain?”

Last summer, I was touched when I heard about the death of Rev. Timothy Wright’s wife and grandson as a result of  a car crash. The gospel singer, his wife and grandson were traveling home from a conference. It struck me because that very same week my father,  mother and nephew were also traveling home from a conference, but nothing happened to them at all. Since then, I’ve been praying for Wright and his family….I cannot imagine such a tragedy. I read on Friday that Rev. Wright has now died. From what I’ve read, he never fully recovered after suffering injuries in the crash. This man was known for singing God’s praises…why was he and his family allowed to die this way…

If you live in the Atlanta area, you’ve heard about the car crash that happened on Easter Sunday in which Delisia Carter and her whole family were killed…Carter was an inspirational speaker who had been abused by her father and first husband but was finally living the life of her dreams. She had recently married her second husband, and she gave birth to their first child in February. Delisia, her husband, her daughter from a previous marriage, their son and another child all died in that crash…What a senseless tragedy…

Merciless bullying led to 11-year-old Jaheem Herrera hanging himself. Apparently, the children at his school here in Atlanta teased him because they thought he was gay and a snitch. His 10-year-old sister discovered his body…Now I know that teasing is a part of childhood…but what makes children continue to tease someone after they realize they are clearly traumatizing a child…I don’t know who raises these type of children, but there must be something going on their home life to create these little monsters…I was mercilessly teased as a child, but even if I hadn’t been a victim, it would have never occurred to me  to treat others that way…just plain mean-spiritedness…

At any rate, why did God allow these deaths to happen…I certainly don’t know, and it saddens me…but I have to hold on to my faith that one day death will be no more, and the answers to my questions will be revealed…

Any thoughts?

P.S. Here is one of Rev. Timothy Wright’s  most popular songs, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” which he wrote about the victims of Hurricane Katrina…

Of Heaven, Hell & Revelation…

Hello World!!!

In spite of the title of this post, I am determined to make this a fun and whimsical post  – hopefully, it will not be sacrilegious…I’m sure somebody will let me know if it is.

So tonight, we start studying the book of Revelation in Bible Study. I’ve never been too excited about this book. All of the symbolism just goes way over my head. And the battle between Good and Evil is downright scary even though Good wins. Have you taken a look at Revelation lately? There is mention of creatures covered with eyes, a beast with horns but with the voice of a dragon, plagues, men gnawing their tongues in agony, a fiery lake of burning sulfur and I could go on…pretty scary stuff – as scary as any scary movie I’ve ever seen. Also, I have childhood memories of watching this creepy movie, Thief in the Night, in church one Sunday night. In the movie, this woman discovers her Christian husband has been raptured, and she is living in the last days of the Antichrist. Everyone must get the mark of the beast, etc. Imagine seeing that as a six year old – no wonder I have tried to avoid the book of Revelation pretty much since then. (Aside: I have heard people speculate that Barack Obama may be the Antichrist…My answer to that is – why the black man gotta be the Antichrist? I mean…)

By the end of Revelation, however, John, who wrote the book, describes his vision of heaven. He said “it shown with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.”  According to John, the sun or moon are obsolete in heaven as “the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.” There will be no need for health or life insurance (Thank You Jesus!) as “there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things have passed away.”

So when is this post going to get fun and whimsical? Keep reading! 🙂  As the daughter of a pastor, I have heard many a gospel song over the years – one in particular comes to mind. I remember riding with my father to church one Sunday and this song came on, Walk Around Heaven, by Cassietta George. In the song, George said in Heaven, every day will be Sunday…I remember telling my father just then that if in Heaven, every day is Sunday, I just as soon not go. He laughed and asked me to explain why.  Here’s the thing. I truly enjoy going to church on Sunday, and on some Sundays, I love going to church. But when it’s time to go, I leave and sometimes very happily… I just want don’t want heaven to be an eternal church service where we are reading scripture, passing the offering plate, listening to long, rambling testimonies, listening for when the pastor is going to shut down the sermon, wondering why our pantyhose is itching, etc.

I want Heaven to be like a tropical island – a place where the water is so blue that it is nearly indistinguishable from the sky. I want to be able to walk up right up to God and talk to Him as long as I want to about anything that comes to mind. Why didn’t Erik Estrada from “CHiPs” marry me when I was a little girl? Why are some really mean people rich and some really nice people poor? Why does there have to be war? And for goodness sake, who let the dogs out? (Yes, I’m being silly) I hope in heaven everyone is their best self – whatever that means. And I hope we’re not just spirits walking around in heaven. I hope that we still have our bodies – toned up though.  And I hope there is male and female for reasons I won’t go into here, ha, ha…

So what is your idea of Heaven?  When I listen to that song, Zoom, by the Commodores, I think of Heaven…It’s a beautiful song really. Uh, oh, I can hear you singing, “Zoom, Zoom.” 🙂

Any Thoughts?