The Giving Away of a Daughter – A Father’s Day Meditation…

Hello World,father

As you hopefully realize, today is Father’s Day! Last month, it seemed the world over celebrated their mothers for Mother’s Day with unabashed praise and adoration, but for many, Father’s Day is decidedly less shiny…If Mother’s Day is a sun high up in the sky, brilliant day. Father’s Day is a sun behind the clouds day, a day that could go either way…Maybe it’s because Father’s Day dredges up painful remembrances of fathers that did not live up expectations for some…(Hallmark has even created a Father’s Day card for black women 🙁 )Or maybe Father’s Day is not as shiny a day as Mother’s Day because although children are created by mothers and fathers, mothers literally bear a more tangible connection to their children…

Thankfully, I cherish my mother as much as I do my father…I have written about my father in “Color Him Father, Color Him Love (An oldie but goodie
)” and “Reflections on being a Preacher’s Daughter Without the Reality Show
” and now I have a new memory to share…As I was preparing to get married a year ago, I was not only aware that I was taking Robert’s hand to walk with him for the rest of our days, I was also keenly aware that I was letting go of the hand of the man that had loved me best…My Dear Ole Daddy :)…And it made me sad even in the midst of my joy…And I was nervous too…Although I had been living on my own for many years, I always felt that my Dad was watching out for me…While we did not expressly talk about all of this, I think he was processing his own set of feelings too…Sometimes I would catch him looking at me. And though his eyes were directed toward me, but they would be focused on something or maybe some place else…

dadandmeWhen it was time to actually plan the events of the reception, I waffled about asking him to dance with me at the reception…After all, this was the same man who showed up at one of my high school dances wearing his pajamas and a trench coat to drag me out of there…But my mom suggested I ask him anyway…I was surprised when he said, “yes.” Our Father-Daughter Dance was kind of awkward, but I think it illuminated what was going on in our hearts…I imagine it’s incredibly awkward to give a daughter away after you remember when your daughter was just a thought and then that thought became a tiny human being that you watched grow into a woman…And as much I looked forward to moving forward with Robert, it was awkward to realize another man would be the keeper of the treasure trove of my heart…

And although that transition is taking shape every day that passes by, I’m glad I’ve (or rather God) chosen a man that possesses the kindness of my father…My father makes the effort to be kind to all living creatures from animals to human beings…I remember when I was in fifth grade, I had a fluffy black dog named Buffy and she would follow my father and I as we walked to my bus stop each morning. One morning, after I was picked up from the bus stop, a car hit Buffy and she died. My father carried my bleeding, dead dog all the way from the bus stop down a hill to the back yard of our home where he buried her…I see that same kindness in my husband when I feel like I’m about to unleash hell with my mouth until I look at Robert…He doesn’t even have to say anything. With his eyes, he tells that he doesn’t want to fight…And nothing makes you feel more savage than picking a fight with someone who refuses to do so…

According to the June 12 The Atlantic article “Masters of Love,” research has demonstrated that “kindness (along with emotional stability) is the most important predictor of satisfaction and stability in a marriage. Kindness makes each partner feel cared for, understood, and validated—feel loved.” I’m so grateful that I have a kind father and now I have a kind husband…

Wedding planning for a woman, like no other event, forces you to reflect on the relationship you have or don’t have with your father…And now that I have planned a wedding, I’m drawn to wedding planning…I’ve been watching the wedding planning of Real Housewives of Atlanta star star Kandi Burruss to Todd Tucker…In last week’s episode, Kandi and her father discussed their troubled relationship which included him being absent from her life for a year at a time sometimes…Still, she asked her father, who is now a pastor and presumably a changed man, to officiate at her wedding…See the exchange below…


Tonight’s episode ( Bravo, 8 pm EST)  promises to be just as if not more dramatic as Mama Joyce, Kandi’s mother, has a showdown with Todd Tucker’s mom…You remember that I wrote about Mama Joyce and her now legendary disapproval of her fiance’ in “Mama Joyce Gets Us Straight
And Steps Back
And Keeps Stepping

So to all of the fathers, I wish you “Happy Father’s Day.”

Any thoughts?


‘The View’ Co-Host Sherri Shepherd and husband Lamar Sally Are Having A Baby!!!

Hello World,

“The View”‘s Sherri Shepherd recently announced that she and her husband Lamar Sally will be having a baby on “The Tom Joyner Morning Show,” according to Elev8. However, as Shepherd, whom I interviewed for my book “After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God,” is 46 years old, the couple have opted to use a surrogate mother.

“We found a drama-free uterus,” Shepherd told Tom and Sybil. “We found a girl that didn’t have any drama in her life. We’re putting in our  egg and Sal’s sperm and we’ll let you know how it progresses.”

Sherri, who already has one son Jeffrey from her previous marriage, recently released her book “Plan D: How to Lose Weight and Beat Diabetes (Even If You Don’t Have It)”and new wig line LUXHAIRNOW by Sherri Shepherd will debut on QVC on June 13.

As I will be getting married this summer, I have started to think about motherhood and whether it’s a real possibility as I will be 40 years old this year…I love spending time with my niece, who is 5 years old, and my nephew, who is 12 years old, and I have worked with the youth at my church in various capacities from being a Sunday School teacher to Vacation Bible School director. But I wonder if I have what it takes to be a mother at this age. I get so sleepy sometimes, and I cannot imagine having to tend to a crying baby at night. And a friend of mine who recently had a baby told me how much she pays for a diapers! Children are expensive, and I have to save for my retirement 🙂 And then if you want to go somewhere you can’t just hop into your car and ride out. You have to consider if you can bring the baby along and if not, you have to find a sitter…And on top of all that, I will be a whopping 40 years older than my child…An old mama. So anyway, these are some of my concerns/fears as I ponder if motherhood is truly for me…I know this all sounds whiny and selfish, but just because you have a uterus doesn’t mean you are supposed to be a mother…

If you’ve had a children at 40 years old and older, let me know how it has been for you!

Any thoughts?

A Father’s Day Testimony…

Hello World,

A one-year-old DeVon Franklin celebrating his birthday with his father...

Happy Father’s Day to all of the wonderful fathers in the world especially my dear ole Daddy 🙂 And here is my testimony about my father “Color Him Father, Color Him Love.” Unfortunately, not everyone has a father to which they can wish Happy Father’s Day, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t live on in their hearts or influence their actions although they are gone…

The father of DeVon Franklin, vice president of production for Columbia Pictures, died when Franklin was a child after having a heart attack. In his book/testimony “Produced By Faith: Enjoy Real Success Without Losing Your True Self,” Franklin shares memories about his father who also suffered from alcoholism and how his father’s life and death influence him even now…Franklin, who will be featured on Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday” today at 11 a.m./1o a.m. C.S.T., candidly admitted on his Facebook page how being on this show on Father’s Day (also his father’s birthday) has affected him…

ALCOHOL ABUSE + AMBITION proved to be a lethal combination. My dad died at the age of 36 when I was only 8 years old. This is a picture of me and my Dad, celebrating my first birthday. When I got word from Oprah’s network that my interview with Oprah would air on Sunday, June 17…it nearly brought me to tears. Why? Because June 17th is not only Father’s Day, but it is my Dad’s birthday too. He would have been 61 years old. So much of my life I have wanted to make him proud and fulfill the potential that was cut short in him. So I believe it is no accident that God would schedule one of the biggest opportunities of my life on this day to let me know that my Dad’s purpose wasn’t cut short…it is alive and well in me and my 2 brothers. It is deep confirmation to me that even with the most difficult tragedies…God’s grace, mercy and love still abound…

Franklin’s book is truly inspiring, and I was blessed to interview him about his book and his career for MOVIEGUIDE.  Check out my interview with him here! Below is a preview of his interview with Oprah.

Preview: DeVon Franklin on “Super Soul Sunday”

In an all-new “Super Soul Sunday,” DeVon Franklin—a Hollywood executive who does double duty as a preacher—shares his advice on achieving success without losing yourself. The author of “Produced By Faith” author talks with Oprah about how he balances his Hollywood life with his faith.

How does you father influence your life today?

Any thoughts?