Pastor of the United Methodist Church’s Largest Congregation Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell Pleads Guilty to Multimillion-Dollar Investment Scheme

Hello World,

I’m surprised that Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston, Texas didn’t decide to forego in-person worship services for online worship today due to the coronavirus as its neighboring church Lakewood Church has. It would be a perfect excuse to regroup as its pastor the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell is in serious trouble.

According to the United Methodist News website, “the longtime pastor of The United Methodist Church’s largest congregation has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud in what federal authorities called a multimillion-dollar investment scheme.

The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, pastor of the 18,000-member Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston, entered his plea during a March 11 hearing in U.S. District Court in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Caldwell, 66, was indicted almost two years ago with Shreveport investment advisor Gregory Alan Smith. Smith pleaded guilty last July.

Federal authorities accused them of selling $3.5 million in worthless antique Chinese bonds, promising exponential returns to unwitting investors in the Shreveport area.”

Read the rest of the article HERE.

Any thoughts?



Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church Pastor Rev. Raphael Warnock & Wife To Divorce as He Runs for U.S. Senate…

Hello World,

Earlier today, I checked the analytics for my website and noticed that many of the posts I have written about the Warnocks have received traction in the last couple of days. I wrote about their their romantic engagement in “Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church Pastor Proposes to Girlfriend During Watch Night Service! (VIDEO)” in January 2016,  their beautiful marriage ceremony just over a month later on Valentine’s Day in “Why Wait? Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church Pastor Marries on Valentine’s Day After NYE Proposal (VIDEO)!” and even the birth of their first child in “Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church Pastor & Wife Become Parents!” later that year. I think they are a beautiful couple, and I have visited Ebenezer several times over the years.

But when I Googled them today, this AJC article appeared…”Warnock, Wife Involved in Dispute” by Stephen Deere and Greg Bluestein. Rev. Warnock told the AJC that he and his wife have been separated since November and plan to divorce. The reason why he told the AJC this information is that the newspaper received a police report in which Ouleye Warnock accused her husband of driving over her foot in a recent argument. You can read the entire article  with the details HERE. 

Rev. Warnock’s life has already been of interest to the general public as he is the pastor of Dr. King’s church, but now that he is running for the U.S. Senate, his personal life will be scrutinized by a much broader platform. I wonder if he has factored that cost into his campaign costs. If not, now is the time because people are really looking for information according to my analytics. But let’s not forget that the God we serve is sovereign and what God has put together, let no men (even the men (women) in the relationship) put asunder. Although things don’t look so good right now, I hope the couple figures out a way to reconcile…

Any thoughts?

New Birth Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Jamal Bryant Takes Daughter Grace to Daddy-Daughter Dance, Some Critique Her Dress…

Hello World,

The first time I officially danced with my father was during my wedding in 2013. It was one of the most special moments in my life because the first man I had ever loved gave me away to the man I will forever love. I don’t recall any of the schools I attended when I was growing up having a Daddy-Daughter Dance, but I hear about them all of the time now. Apparently, the school where Grace Bryant attends had a Daddy-Daughter Dance on Saturday as Bravo reported that New Birth Missionary Baptist Church Pastor Jamal Bryant took his daughter Grace to one. Grace is also the daughter of Gizzelle Bryant, who is on the cast of  The Real Housewives of Potomac.  Both of the Bryants, who are back together after being divorced for several years, posted about this special occasion on their Instagram pages. But Grace’s dress, which is somewhat short and tight and shiny, has received some critical feedback…Below are some of the comments and Pastor Bryant’s IG post…

“No Mam Grace. Come with a dress to your knees . Y’all look good but no Mam I’m old school.”

“Naw. Naw grace lookin to grown 😭”

“Tell her to get back inside and put a crinoline over that Sir 🤭😉😆”

But I must say, most of the comments were complimentary…So what do I think? Believe it or not, I started receiving attention for my backside when I was still in elementary school. As a result, as I growing up, I tried to wear clothes that weren’t too tight or too short because of the unwanted attention. That being said, that’s just me. If her parents are cool with it, then that’s that…

What say you?

Any thoughts?