Texas Woman Alleges She Had An Inappropriate Relationship with Relentless Church Pastor John Gray…


Hello World,

Either Pastor John Gray is relentless in his pursuit of “inappropriate relationships” outside his marriage or chicks are relentless in coming after the married man of God. Whether the former or the latter is true, I’m just about sick of hearing about Pastor John Gray and what he done did or didn’t do…

I had heard over the weekend that another woman had accused Pastor Gray of acting like he was single and unsaved, but I wanted to wait until I saw the story on more conventional media platforms before I wrote about it. Since The Christian Post has covered the story, I feel more comfortable about airing out my opinion. Below is an excerpt of the story:

Lawyers for megachurch pastor John Gray said Monday that he is being blackmailed and extorted after the leader of Relentless Church in South Carolina was accused of engaging in another inappropriate relationship.

“There are allegations that there were phone conversations between the two parties, and that’s essentially the extent of the allegations,” attorney Devon Puriefoy of the law firm Truluck Thomason told Greenville News. “When you take her own words, she says there was no affair, no physical contact, they never met each other, they never saw each other.”

Puriefoy was not immediately available to discuss the situation when contacted for comment by The Christian Post Tuesday.

The latest allegation against Gray came last Friday from a 48-year-old Houston woman who identified herself as “Mary” during an interview with online personality Tasha K, which was broadcast on YouTube. The Houston woman said during her interactions with Gray, she sent him partially nude photos at his requests and he video-chatted with her while revealing his underwear. She claimed that he also met with her in Houston and invited her to visit his home and she declined because she feels he may have wanted to sleep with her.

Read the rest of the story HERE.

If the allegations are true, who cheats during a pandemic? Like it’s dangerous to go to the grocery store and folks are actually out here sharing air and God knows what else with people who haven’t promised to love and care for you in sickness and in health! That’s just dangerously dumb.

And then when you look at some of the receipts this Texas woman has provided, I’m just appalled. In one video, Pastor Gray involves his son and asks his son what does he eat every night. When his son replies pizza, he explains that is what happens in a household where no one is cooking. So basically he’s saying his wife is not cooking for  him nor their children. He threw his First Lady, his “good thing” under the bus. Ain’t he the one who found her? That’s the word says. Was she cooking when he met her? And what’s wrong with his hands? Clearly, he can drive, make a video and question his son at the same time so he’s ambidextrous. Those are qualifications enough to cook! And if this video is as crazy as it seems, I think Pastor Gray may have an untreated sex and love addiction. The existence of this video is downright reckless as he is a man with a pretty big platform (although it will continue to get smaller even if he is truly this senseless…Remember he  used to have a television show..). Did he not think this woman would save the video?

Again, I don’t know if this is true, but all manner of scandals and such keep circulating around Gray. And this was before 2020 in which we’ve all had our share of suffering. But Gray of all people, particularly as the shepherd of a congregation, should know that 2020 is not to be played with – especially when you’ve admitted to similar behavior before…

I guess that’s all I have to say about this. Pastor John Gray, if you’re reading this and the allegations are true, either get help or just do and be better. And if these allegations aren’t true, please watch yourself and your associations because your name stay in some scandals…

Any thoughts?



Greenleaf Recap Season 5 Episode 8, Series Finale: Behold…

Hello World,

It.Is.Finished…My favorite church drama OWN’s Greenleaf, after five fantastic seasons, is now over…Let’s break it all down in this Greenleaf Recap Season 5 Episode 8, Series Finale: Behold…When you want your recap to be as good as the show, you’ve come to the right place…

Now Behold the Lamb…

Saints, unfortunately what we feared is true, Bishop has gone on to his final reward and is with the Lamb of God in that pasture in the sky. After last week’s episode, when it appeared that Bishop had a stroke, I felt like I had lost a beloved family member rather than a character on a mere television show. And even the next morning, I felt melancholy. But that is what great television or any great work of art will do: illuminate real life so much that you have no choice except to contemplate what has been presented and incorporate the message in your real life. The reality is that we all have an expiration date and hopefully we will leave this sphere as Bishop did, having poured out everything in service to God and what He has called us to do for our fellow man…

This episode begins with Lady Mae laying next to Bishop’s body. She gets the ring box that he presented her with earlier and puts on the first engagement ring that he ever gave her. She caresses his head and places one last kiss on his lips. Next to Bishop is the paper where he wrote, “I do.”

In Grace’s suite, she obviously has no idea what has transpired as she is fussing with her daughter about those topless photos that she sent to Dante that have magically spread through the Internet…(Hey, whatever happened to Dante and Nikki? I guess it doesn’t matter now…)”Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” Sophia says the photos are no big deal. “They’re a big enough deal that you’re considering changing schools,” Grace says.

At that moment, Grace is interrupted by a telephone call from an Anne Holiday. Apparently, Anne is running NY1, and she has heard that CBS is doing an expose on Bob Whitmore and that Grace had a lot to do with that. Now, she wants Grace on her team as she is looking for “smart women of color.” “Are you ready to get back in the game?” Anne asks her. Apparently, she runs 20/20. Remember, Grace is a journalist by trade. Anne tells her she will call her tomorrow to give Grace some time to think about her offer.

By this time, Lady Mae has appeared and Grace can tell by looking at her face that the news is not good. In the next scene, all of Bishop’s family have gathered around him in the bed. It’s a touching display depicting that Bishop was absolutely the center of the Greenleaf family.

In the next scene, the family have gathered for a small homegoing service on the property. I imagine this was filmed before the COVID-19 pandemic presented itself, but this small gathering fit with the social distancing guidelines we now have to follow. Charity beautifully sings “If I Can Help Somebody” as they gaze as Bishop’s tombstone. Bishop was born in November 1954 which would make him roughly 66 years old. Did anyone see the exact dates?  He was way too young to die, but God knows best. Purple, blue and white flowers are placed on his casket, and it is so sad to see it lowered into the ground.

Percy Lee, the funeral home director, is the only one not in the family who is present. I imagine the reason he is there is twofold: his services obviously and the fact he was Bishop’s best friend I believe. After the service is over, the family plus Percy walks back to the home. Lady Mae grips the hand of her son Jacob on one side and surprisingly, she grabs hold of Kerissa’s hand on her other side as well. I liked that she did that because although Jacob and Kerissa are no longer together, Kerissa will always be an inextricable part of the Greenleafs…

After the service, the family gathers around the dining room table and reminisce about the patriarch of the family. AJ says, “How can I miss someone who I barely knew so much? No one has ever spoken to me like that before.” He then promises to build the car that Bishop gave him whether it take a year or 10 years. (I guess car parts were in that box after all. And what was up with that A.J. doppelganger?! ) Grace says, “Bishop sat me down and said, ‘Before you do anything, check your heart and make sure you’re acting with love.” She said he said that because Jesus only acted out of love. Lady Mae is there taking it all in, but her grief has mellowed her characteristic outspokenness. She is silent except when she gets a phone call. She excuses herself to another room to take it.

It’s Misty from Calvary. The deacons minus that snake Connie Sykes have met and they want Lady Mae to lead worship service on the upcoming Sunday. After all, the church has thankfully severed its ties with Harmony & Hope Ministries and Phil has slithered away as well. “We need someone to remind us of where we’ve been, what we have achieved and what a blessing it all was,” she says. Additionally, they want to honor Bishop. It’s an offer that Lady Mae can’t refuse.

Behold (Then Sings My Soul)

Although this episode begins on a bad (sad) note, not everything in the episode is bad. Noah has found a house AND he has secured a job as the director of campus security at a nearby college, Rhodes College. With Isabel not seeking alimony, he and AJ can move on with their lives with no strings attached to anyone. “I want him to have a nice place,” Grace tells Noah as he is showing the house to her. A.J. is off to the side on a phone call. Once he gets off the phone, he announces that his CD4 count is up quite a bit after only being on medication for a week. Grace asks, “Can I give you a hug?” A.J. repeats, “Can I give you a hug. You’re the one who set me up with this fancy doctor.” For whatever reason, now that Bishop is gone, A.J. is more chatty than ever. When Darius calls Grace a few minutes later, he tells his mother that he wants to meet him and check him out to determine if he has “honorable intentions.” Who dis?

Back at the Greenleaf estate, Kerissa is still there. They’re discussing how they will co-parent Winkie. Jacob asks, “Do you think he gets that his grandpa won’t be coming back?” Kerissa tells him even the adults are having trouble with that much less a child. She asks Jacob if she can leave Winkie with him for a few days while she looks for a place. She also tells him that she will be heading out a hotel for the night but Jacob says she can stay at the home although not with him obviously. Kerissa says, “I don’t want to confuse Winkie, and I don’t want to confuse you either.” Then she says something that really surprises me. “It won’t seem like one now, but this is our happy ending.” “I know, ” Jacob says.  Once Kerissa realized their marriage was truly over, she really seems ready to move on with her life. Good for her!

Speaking of being ready to move on with life. The three cousins – Sophia, Zora and A.J.- discuss what they think happens when someone dies. Zora compares it to diving in deep water. Sophia compares it to falling asleep. A.J. says he has no idea, but then adds, “I will still want to see what happens when you live.” Okay, then, A.J….

And A.J. is not the only one contemplating the rest of his life. Darius and Grace are hugged up in the next scene. Darius is encouraging Grace to at least respond to Anne’s inquiry. “Just call her back. You don’t have to move to New York tomorrow.” He also tells her that her children are no longer children. “Everyone’s an adult,” he says. Grace asks, “Are we adults too? You’re always wanting to talk about the future.” She asks about their future together. Darius tells Grace that if her future was in New York, he would accompany her there. Grace starts bawling in his arms then. “I didn’t know accompany was the magic word,” he says.

Later on, Lady Mae explains to her family that she has been asked to honor Bishop on Sunday. Grace says, “Daddy did lay himself on the altar for us.” Jacob says, “Pop had this light that he took wherever he went. I guess that light is in us now.”

Now that H&H has vacated, Lady Mae can stop by Calvary whenever she wants to and does so in anticipation of Sunday service. Karine tells her that she has restored Bishop’s office to what it was before H&H showed up and takes Lady Mae there. She also tries to express her condolences about Bishop to Lady Mae. Lady Mae says, “Do me the kindness of not mentioning his name his week. My heart is a truckload of nitroglycerin, and his name is a bump in the road.” She then asks if she can have a moment alone in his office.

Speaking of stopping by churches, Jacob stops by New Revelations Memphis Mission to see Tara James. She immediately says, “I’m so sorry about your father.” Jacob explains that Bishop suffered a cerebrovascular accident or in another word: a stroke. She tells him that she hopes that the stress of digging up the past did not contribute to his untimely demise. She tells him all of this as she is passing out bagged lunches to her small flock.

Jacob finally gets around to saying what he came to say. “Look, my mother wanted me to ask you if you could give us three months to deal with losing my father.” Tara praises Jacob for being upfront with her from the beginning and then shocks him by saying, “Can we call it even?” Close your mouth. You read that right. Tara no longer wants to take possession of the Greenleaf home. “I can’t throw you out of your home,” she says. Jacob reminds her that she said the home was her blessing from God. She replies, “Maybe the blessing is something else.” More like someone else in my opinion…But more on that later. Bishop must have orchestrated that grace from Heaven. He is up there singing with all of the souls who have made it there but he sees to it that his beloved down here will still benefit his connections in high places…

When Jacob tells his mother what Tara James said, Lady Mae replies, “She really is who she seems to be. I don’t know what to say.”

Even after discussing it with Darius, Grace still hasn’t returned Anne’s call. She discusses the matter with Aaron, who has set up trust funds for Aaron and Sophia with the inheritance that Grace received from their father. Of course, he does so at his sister’s direction. Grace says, “I want to be here for my family, but every time she calls me, I can’t take the call.” Similarly to Darius, Aaron tells her to at least take the call. (I guess we’re never going to see Kevin again, huh? And come to think of it, I guess Mavis wasn’t invited to Bishop’s burial either.)

Behold Him…

The time has come for Sunday Service. The hallways of Calvary are crowded with people who are buzzing with excitement. Calvary is back, baby! And guess who shows up?! Tara James. She heard about the service on the radio and decided to come, and she brought members of her mission with her. She encounters Jacob in a hallway. She tells him that Tasha told her that he had a heart for the homeless so hopefully he doesn’t mind that she brought along her members with her. He tells her that is true. Then he says, “What you did for my mother and family allowing us to keep the house means a lot to me.” She explains that she is “rich in blessings” even if she will not own that big ole house.  When she says, “God is good,” Winkie, who never talks it seems, replies “all the time.” Tara seems to be the opposite of Kerissa, and it’s obvious by the extra look that he gives Tara as she walks away that she is on his radar. And the look that she give him when she looks back to see if he is looking at her tells me the feeling is mutual.

The service opens with Charity belting out, “What a Mighty God We Serve,” Lady Mae, who is adorned in purple, follows. She starts out with, “I know exactly what Bishop is feeling right now. Yes, Lord. ” She takes a deep breath. “Good Morning, there is so much to say. I miss him so much.” She tells the congregation that she has talked to him more in one week than she has in 10 years.

She declares that she wants “something new” for Calvary. “Behold the prophet Isaiah who says, ‘I am doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it?'” Obviously, Lady Mae, similarly to Bishop, can preach. In her expansive voice, she knows what words to bellow and what words to nearly whisper to move all who hear her voice into a frenzy. “Calvary, we’ve been through a lot. We’re asking God to help us love our past enough to let it go. Jesus, make me new. Say it with me, Jesus make me new. ” AJ is moved by his grandmother’s plea to God to make them new and he comes up to the altar to give his life to the Lord. Behold Him who is able to do even what is impossible.

In the midst of all of this, Sophia says to her mother, “I think your work here is done.” Wow, that’s what Grace needed to hear. After the service is over, Grace goes to her mother who is in Bishop’s office. “Mama, you got the church back.” Apparently, she overheard Misty discussing the matter. The mothers also express their gratitude that A.J. has been saved. “He needs that peace,” Lady Mae says. “Yes, we all do,” says Grace. But Lady Mae knows there’s more that Grace wants to say. “It’s time for me to go,” Grace says. “Not now,” Lady Mae says. Grace says, “It’s your time, and it’s my time.” Kneeling before her mother, she kisses her on the cheek.

Back at the estate, after the service is over, Grace, dressed in white, tells her family, who is gathered outside the house, that she will be back in a few days. She says, “It’s just an interview.” And Jacob replies, “For a job you’re going to get.” He asks her to look out for Zora in New York. Grace asks Charity to look out for Sophia. “She’s wilder than she seems.” Lady Mae tells her not to say goodbye. Instead, she tells her daughter, “Thank you for sowing discord in the fields of my peace. They needed it.” Remember, Lady Mae said that to Grace during the first episode. How far they have come. Lady Mae dreaded her daughter coming back and now she is begging her to stay. But she does finally relinquish her to the rest of her destiny. “Go on, the Lord’s going to take care of us.”

With that, Grace gets in the car that will take her to the airport. The driver, who apparently drove Grace onto the property in the first episode, says, “You’re Pastor Greenleaf.” Grace says, “It’s just Grace Greenleaf now.” And with that, the car exits the iron gates surrounding the estate as Grace looks back at the gigantic “G” affixed to them. What a ride this show has been…I will miss it…What about you?

Thank you sooo much for reading my Greenleaf Recap Season 5 Episode 8, Series Finale: Behold and my other recaps since 2016!!! If you would like to know what’s ahead in the SPINOFF (which I think will be called Delilah according to the commercial at the end of the show), click HERE. I interviewed Craig Wright, the creator of the show AND Kriss Turner Towner, executive producer!!!

If you would like to keep up with my SPINOFF recaps sometime in the hopefully not so distant future, please click on this link to subscribe to my blog 🙂! Be blessed…

Any thoughts?




Greenleaf Recap Season 5 Episode 7: The Seventh Day…

Hello World,

I’m nearly in tears as I write tonight…I shoulda seen it coming…Seven is the number of completion and something was most certainly completed in tonight’s episode…But let me not get ahead of myself…And let’s not wait another second to get into another exhaustive and entertaining Greenleaf Recap Season 5 Episode 7: The Seventh Day…Trust me on this: You will not need to read another recap after reading this one here…

The Seventh Sin…

Thankfully, Darius is not dead! After last week’s episode, I wasn’t so sure. This episode begins with Grace and Darius in the Memphis Police Impound Lot as Grace had to bail Darius out of jail and apparently Darius’ car had been impounded in the process. Yes, Bob and nem had Darius thrown in jail! We are all sinners but Bob and nem are among the worst…But even being jailed isn’t stopping Darius from chasing the story so that the truth will come out. After he is let go, he still plans to interview the source that Yusef gave him.

Grace is working her angle as well. She and Aaron are trying to get an injunction to temporarily stop the demolition by proving that the land that Jacob and Kerissa sold to H&H was done under false pretenses. Grace and Aaron believe the couple didn’t know that the true buyer was H&H as another name was used as the buyer. Those of us who have watched the show know that this angle aine goin’ nowhere. But more on that later. Also, Grace tells Darius that Bob plans to make a big announcement at the demolition. He’s treating this like a “ribbon cutting ceremony,” Grace says.

Bishop isn’t thinking about Calvary at all…at least for the time being. He shows up in his bedroom with a warmer (is that what it’s called?) presumably to serve Lady Mae breakfast in bed. She says, “Have you lost your mind?” He tells her that although it is demolition day at the church, he doesn’t intend to “sit around and mope all day. New Church, New Life.” When Lady Mae opens the warmer, she discovers the very first ring that he gave her. Although Lady Mae had told Bishop she would remarry him on Flag Day, Bishop says, “I thought the right ring might inspire you to push the date up.”

It does make her melt, but you know Lady Mae is all about the terms and conditions. She tells him that before they are remarried, they have to be on “one accord.” She wants to work out a plan with Tara. “I won’t plant a church in the shadow of another scandal,” she says. She proposes selling the property and giving the money to Tara. Bishop says, “I’m not offering Tara anything because it’s like I’m admitting I’ve done something which I didn’t.” And just like that, Bishop is back to square one. “Then this has to wait until Flag Day.” At this stage in her life, Lady Mae is putting her foot down when it comes to Bishop and keeping it there.

Speaking of putting a foot down, Zora is still trying to move to NYC and now that her parents are separated, she’s trying the divide and conquer approach, but it doesn’t work. She never cancelled her flight for that night. “I’m trying to be nice to you, but you need to be patient,” Jacob says to his petulant daughter.

Once Bishop goes downstairs, he sees his oldest grandchild A.J. “Isn’t today the day?” he asks. But Bishop isn’t going to succumb to sadness. “Today is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Amen, Bishop. But Bishop knows that A.J. didn’t show up just to talk about Calvary’s demolition. He tells him that he will meet him in the garage in half an hour.

At Calvary, the plans for the demolition continue to proceed. Phil, Judee & Fernando are there, and Grace and Aaron show up. The half siblings announce that because Jacob and Kerissa were not aware that they were selling their land to H&H, it was real estate fraud. “My brother is willing to testify under oath.” Fernando, with his greasy self, says that Kerissa knew all about it and that she “enjoyed it immensely.” Of course, Grace calls Jacob who says he will call Kerissa. We know that Kerissa knows. SMH. He is crestfallen when he calls her and she admits that she knew. He realizes then that her betrayal was worse than he thought. Now, he is really glad that they are longer together.

Back at the estate, Tara shows up. “Is Bishop willing to part with the land?” she asks. She tells Lady Mae that Rochelle won’t even be satisfied with that. “She wants him brought low” while Lady Mae and Tara want “peace.”

Seven Faces…

Bishop meets A.J. in the garage. “I was just about to get started.” Bishop laughs as he is not convinced. He knows good and well that A.J. is intimidated by this task of putting together a Pontiac GTO from the parts as he was and still is. “Should we pray for strength?” he says. “It’s been over 40 years, and I still haven’t found the strength to open it up.” Remember the car is in parts in a humongous box. For Bishop, praying practically comes natural but A.J. wasn’t raised in church and is not a Christian. But Bishop says he can easily get saved by saying a “simple prayer” and get removed from the “destroy your soul pile.”

A.J. isn’t ready for all of that at the moment, but he does listen when Bishop says, “There is a God. A world like this just doesn’t happen. He sees you and he loves you.” Although Bishop doesn’t force God onto A.J., he says he looks forward to the day when he is saved because the smile on A.J.’s face will be “equal in beauty to 10 Grand Canyons and 100 sunsets.” Wow, that’s beautiful, right?

So the angle that Noah had been working on works out! He finds the caretaker, an elderly white gentlemen with one of those wizard beards. Noah and Grace meet with him at his home somewhere in the country it seems. He tells him that this “Negro” had a close relationship with Loretta Davis. “She let him walk all over her.” Apparently, they used to fuss and fight so much that she would tell him not to come around any more. But he always came back. “Do you think they were lovers?” Grace asks. Taken aback, the caretaker says, “They were not lovers.” “Who was Darryl to Ms. Davis?” Grace asks. He says he was her son. What?!!! Apparently, this Mrs. Davis has a public face and a private face. The unmarried woman had a black son! (But I’m a little puzzled. How did she have enough money to buy a house of that stature without a husband during that time period? She must have inherited some money herself, maybe from her father…) But isn’t all wild?

Via the news, the family discovers that Bob Whitmore plans to announce his candidacy for Senate at the demolition. “The man is pure, unmitigated evil,” Bishop says. Grace tells her family what she has discovered.  When Charity hears the news, she is more determined than ever to stop the demolition of the church. “If we’re about to lose our house, I’m not giving up the church without one last fight.”

Bishop finally wants to meet with Rochelle and Tara, and they show up at the estate. Lady Mae breaks the news to the sisters. “Ms. Davis may have been your grandmother. That’s the only story that makes the first will plausible. If this is proven, your blood ties preceded our legal ties.” But as Tara said earlier, that news doesn’t satisfy her sister. Rochelle shouts, “All I want is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.” Bishop gets up fed up. He promises to reveal all the truth “the whole God blessed thing.”

Speaking of the whole truth, Charity has done a thing as well. She emailed Calvary church members about Bob and Eden Vale Lending and told them they could hear the whole truth if they showed up at the church. Jacob found out about the email and told his parents so of course everyone is on the way to Calvary for a showdown!

At least 100 or so members have shown up and the room is buzzing. Bob gets in front of the church and accuses Charity of digging up a “bunch of old news.” But Bob is confronted by the whole truth which includes low-interest cash loans to an 100 percent black clientele. Nearly 300 of these loans defaulted and Gladys DeMars, Phil’s mother, was the signatory on each and every one. None of that sounds good and Phil, with his two-faced self, has to speak out as well.

“Gladys DeMars was my mother,” he says to the church. He explains that while on her death bed, “she seemed concerned that God couldn’t forgive her.” She didn’t reveal what she needed forgiveness for, but now he knows why she was concerned. His mother was a crook! Bob attempts to stop Phil from revealing his truth and calls him, “son.” “I’m not your son.” Next, in front of everyone, he says to Judee, “Give me my mother’s ring back, Judee.” Judee is shocked but recovers quickly enough to drop his “stupid ring” on the floor. Bob still attempts to save the situation. “Let’s stop focusing on the past. Let’s focus on the future.”

7th Heaven…

But the true shepherd of Calvary has shown up and he’s ready to come all the way clean. Bishop and his family come in the sanctuary and Bishop walks up front. He says, “I took advantage of your faith in me, and I got fat and happy in the process.” He explains that the only reason that the church even exists is that he was able to construct the building by using his home as collateral to get a loan from the bank. He was told by Mac that Ms . Davis was childless after Darryl James died in the fire and that she could be convinced to will the home to him.

His ambition blinded him to the connection of the fire and the destruction of the first will. “I was too enchanted to consider the cost and who had paid it.” Apparently, Mac with his evil self must have started that church fire or put everything in motion for the fire to happen. “I know that’s not what you wanted to hear Rochelle but that’s it’s true.” Yes, Rochelle and Tara were present. (Aside: I think Tara and Jacob are going to get together in the final episode…What say you?)

Bishop continues. “I’ve got a few more sins.” He admits that he was seduced by the demon of wealth and power. “I lost my way and you paid the price, and my family paid the price, and I’m so sorry. I dragged you into captivity by this monster. All I ever wanted to show you was what was possible with God, and all I showed you was what was inevitable without Him.” Whew, that’s a line for the ages, right? He finishes with “Bob, I told you your days are numbered.”

As Bishop finishes, Charity begins singing “Amazing Grace” and the whole family including A.J. surround him on stage. When they sing the line, “Grace will lead you home,” I’m reminded that Grace came home for the whole truth to be revealed and by God’s grace, it finally was. Somebody needs to shout!!!

At this juncture, Rochelle sees her way out, but Grace follows her into the hallway. “You happy now?” she asks Rochelle. Rochelle says, “I never wanted the house. All I wanted was what I got today.” Grace then reveals that she knows it was her who put A.J. in contact with Noah which ultimately led to them to being reunited as a family. Rochelle tells her that she wanted her dirty laundry to be aired out like she was doing to everyone else and in the end it worked out for Grace’s good. “God can use anybody,” she says, “even a mean old sinner like me.”

Another pair have to settle a score as well. Phil walks up to Charity and says, “You’re right. You didn’t deserve any of that from me. I love you.” Staring him down, Charity says, “Not even the father of my son broke my heart the way you have. I will never trust you again.” Wow! For once, Charity has had the right reaction to man and his misplaced overtures. There’s hope for her after all 🙂 She smiles as she walks away, not even bothering to look behind her. Phil was fine though. I must admit. Hopefully a man that fine but with some character is in her future.

Back in the sanctuary, Bob steps down from H&H…as if he had any other choices at this point.

Grace and Darius discuss what has happened as he drops her off at the estate. CBS will be running the entire story about Eden Vale Lending! They share a passionate kiss that leaves Darius wanting more. “We just can just go to my place,” he says. But Grace says, “Maybe tomorrow.” Bishop dropped a bomb and the family needs some time to sort through the wreckage so to speak. And Sophia needs to discuss something with her as well…

Sophia, thinking that Zora has told her mother about topless photos, tells her mother that she was wrong for sending topless pictures to Dante. “What pictures?” Grace asks. Zora didn’t tell on her cousin after all…Hmmm…

And now…here’s the moment that I was wholly unprepared for although I should have been…considering my interview with Greenleaf Creator Craig Wright and Executive Producer Kriss Turner Towner…

Darius ain’t the only one feeling lovey dovey. Lady Mae, dressed in her finest lingerie, comes behind Bishop, who is sitting on their bed and says, “Oh James, my darling, let’s get married tomorrow.” But when she hugs him, she realizes he is stiff and can barely move. Something is very wrong. It appears that Bishop is having a stroke! (Oh Bishop, why did you skip your physical?!!!) She gets ready to call 911, but Bishop, who has an open Bible on his lap, motions for to get a pen. He scribbles the words, “I do”on a piece of paper. She hugs him and says, “I do too, my love.”

He appears to ascend to Heaven right there in her arms, but I’m hoping it’s like the near death experience that A.J. had a few episodes ago. We thought he was dead, but he wasn’t. Did y’all notice that Bishop was adorned in a purple robe? It’s been some time since I’ve seen him in purple I think. Purple is the color of royalty. It seems to me that once he told the truth, he was reinstated to his royal position as the shepherd of the sheep at Calvary…Y’all, it can’t be just one episode left, but alas it is…tears…

Well, eight is the number of new beginnings so I imagine that the new Calvary or a brand new church altogether will open its doors next week…I pray that Bishop will be there to see it…

Thank you sooo much for reading my Greenleaf Recap Season 5 Episode 7: The Seventh Day… and my other recaps so far. If you would like to keep up with OWN’s “Greenleaf,” and my recaps, please click on this link to subscribe to my blog 🙂!

Any thoughts?