Greenleaf Recap Season 2 Episode 3: A Mother’s Love…

Hello World,

The seeds that were planted last season of OWN’s “Greenleaf” have grown roots and are sprouting like it’s spring as of this episode…This was a character development episode rather than an action-oriented episode.We are finding out what each character is struggling with and how their struggles will require them to act in the future.  Read on for the rest of this Greenleaf Recap Season 2 Episode 3 …

Pills and Potions…

This episode begins with Grace receiving a telephone call that one of Mac’s victims, Danielle, attempted to kill herself by taking a bunch of pulls. The girl has to go to the hospital to have her stomach pumped, and the girl’s mother wants Grace to help her child transfer to another school as she is being bullied. Apparently, the other kids discovered that she had a sexual relationship with Mac and terrorize her because of it. After Danielle tells Grace about what happened, her final question to Pastor Grace is, “Why isn’t he in jail?” Mac may not be in jail, but Grace will make sure that he is punished one way or another…

Kevin Satterlee, who has returned to the Greenleaf estate finally, is not taking pills. But he is drinking some sort of potion that he received from his gay conversion therapy group leader. Apparently, whenever he has homosexual thoughts, he is supposed to drink the potion. So what is that elixir made of anyway? Sounds like he is sipping on sizzurp to me. Whatever it is, he may need a case of it because his mother is coming to town from North Carolina to meet her new grandson Nathan and she has a lot of questions. One question she wants answered is why is she just being allowed to see her grandson when his birth was planned for a specific date? She also wants to cook some sort of stew at the Greenleaf estate to welcome her grandbaby. It must be a family ritual of some sort.

The Sins of the Father…

Jacob has encountered a stumbling block in building the new Triumph building across the street from Calvary. Apparently, the land has drainage issues and a hefty chunk of change is needed to pay for the drainage issues to be resolved. Jacob meets with his boss Basie Skanks to tell him about what is going on, but Basie is still enthusiastic as ever. He tells Jacob, “Today’s tests (or is it tussles?) are tomorrow’s testimonies” and that he is David against Goliath! He encourages Jacob to visit a Ms. Clara, a wealthy member of Calvary, to ask for money. Apparently, she is nouveau riche as she acquired her wealth via the lottery. (So Ms. Clara is my former Tae Bo instructor from years ago…Does anyone still do Tae Bo anymore?) I’m thinking Jacob is pretty bold to approach a Calvary member about money to build another church, but she tells Jacob, “Not everyone wants to work in their father’s shadow forever.” But I still didn’t see her writing a check or slipping something in his pocket. Jacob knows he’s wrong for asking a Calvary member for money to build a Triumph building…

Jacob’s daughter Zora is up to no good as well. She’s not too happy to be living in a new location first of all. She calls her bedroom a closet. However, there are some perks to moving to Triumph territory. She is in close proximity to her new boo Isaiah, a singer at Triumph. Although Sophia was the one who originally was crushing on Isaiah, Zora seems to have no qualms about moving in on him. But in her defense, Isaiah never showed real interest in Sophia although he did invite her to see him rehearse once…presumably his motive was to get close to Sophia’s cousin all along though. But on the other hand, Zora is wrong for getting Sophia to cover for her when Zora and Isaiah sneak off somewhere when they are supposed to be at a Triumph youth conference.

Zora isn’t the only one having difficulty getting used to their new digs. Jacob’s wife Kerissa does not even pretend that she likes their new home although Grace tells her she’s done a great job decorating the humble parsonage. Kerissa tells Grace, “If you hadn’t come back, we wouldn’t be living here.” I’m not sure if that is the truth. Although Lady Mae wanted Bishop to groom his son to take his place at Calvary one day, I don’t think Bishop was ever really sold on the idea. And with Grace, his favorite, back in town, Jacob may just need to get comfortable at Triumph and in his little bitty house. Of course, all of this was set in motion because of Basie’s plot to bring Bishop down for killing Basie’s father, which Jacob doesn’t know about yet…

Kissing You…

It seems that Grace has finally put her flirtation with Noah in the past as she plants a kiss on Darius’ cheek after their second date! In fact, she tells him that she feels like her time back at Calvary has seemed like she was “cleaning up the past” but now she feels like she is in present! The right man will have you feeling like you are living your best life now! Having you doing new thangs and what not. Darius takes Grace to a batting cage to get some of her pent up anger about Mac out of her system. It feels so good to Grace that she holds on to that bat…

Kerissa needs to be kissing up to Basie’s wife Tasha who wants to help decorate the parsonage. But instead of kissing up to the First Lady, who looks more like a club chick with her faux fur and herringbone chain, she shuts her down. Tasha is going to get Kerissa in the future as it’s obvious that Kerissa thinks she’s above the woman…I don’t know how and I don’t know when but it’s coming…

Kevin’s mother continues to press her son about why she hasn’t been allowed to visit her new grandson until weeks after he was born. The question finally disrupts a family dinner where her stew was supposed to be served to the Greenleaf family. She follows Kevin when he excuses himself and he finally reveals that while he has “kiss and made up” with Charity, he was staying at a hotel for a while. When she asks him what he could have done to be staying in a hotel, he looks at her until she discerns the answer. Apparently, his mother knows that he is gay…

Batter Up…

As we’ve already discovered, Calvary is having cash issues, but Bishop and Lady Mae have some plans in the works. One of their plans was buy a radio commercial advertising their Fall Revival. But they are mortified when they listen to their commercial which is immediately followed by a Basie Skanks ad. They also discover that Jacob went to see Ms. Clara! Lady Mae, who had been missing Jacob in the Greenleaf estate, has had enough! She decides to confront Jacob and tell him the truth about the game that Basie is playing. At the site of Triumph’s new building, Lady Mae tells Jacob that Basie is Darryl’s son and Jacob is being used to get back at Bishop! Instead of being upset about it, Jacob tells his mother that if he is being played, he has nothing to lose at this point. “I’m 47 years old and have nothing under my belt but kids. There’s no place for me at Calvary and time is running out.” Wow! I see where Jacob is coming from…

Grace believes that she has unleashed much of her anger about her uncle until she shows up for work at Calvary and discovers that her assistant’s daughter,  another one of Mac’s victims, ran into him in town…She goes to the lowly apartment complex where Mac now lives and bashes in the windows of his truck with a bat. (She either went Beyoncé from “Lemonade” or Negan from “The Walking Dead”  on him depending on your pop culture interests…) Mac comes running out and stares at his niece. He looks both hurt and indignant. He doesn’t say a word in this episode but something tells me he will have a lot to say in future episode…

Check out this scene from Season 2 Episode 3 “A Mother’s Love”



So I am finished and I am done…Y’all get that right…If not, Google it…

And that concludes my Greenleaf Season 2 Episode 3 recap!

Any thoughts?

Greenleaf Recap Season 2 Episode 2: Strange Bedfellows…

Hello World,

As usual, the writers of OWN’s “Greenleaf” put their feet into this holy stew of a show, episode 2 of Season 2,…but thankfully, this episode was decidedly calmer though no less entertaining than the season opener…And for good reason too…I don’t think I could handle another explosive episode just yet…But what this episode did do was identify the strings that will be woven into the tapestry of this season…Y’all like that? My attempt at being poetic at 11 o’clock at night…

Alright, I’m going in…

Cross My Heart…

This episode starts with Bishop and Lady Mae having pillow talk about Basie Skanks and Jacob moving out of the Greenleaf estate. What I find most entertaining in this scene is that rapper-sized cross pendant that Bishop is rocking…Did I see chest hair nestled underneath the cross pendant? Not to mention his wave cap…Playa, playa even…Although Lady Mae doesn’t want her baby boy to leave, Bishop says he is ready for the movers to come and move Jacob’s furniture “piece by ill-gotten piece!” Lady Mae asks her husband to tell Jacob the truth about Pastor Basie, but Bishop refuses. Plus, he’s not really sure that Basie is who he says he is because he only remembers Daryl James, the caretaker, having two daughters..

In another part of the house, cousins Sophia and Zora giggle about Sophia’s crush on Isaiah Hambrick, the young hottie gospel singer at Triumph. Zora encourages Sophia to stop checking his Instagram page and slide into his DM. (Aww, #younglove) She also tells her cousin that Isaiah rehearses at Triumph every Saturday. You know Zora is fast, right?

And in yet another part of the house, Jacob and Kerissa discuss their impending move to the Triumph parsonage (a home for the pastor of a church for my folk who didn’t grow up in church). Apparently, even Jacob was surprised by Pastor Basie’s announcement that Jacob is going to be the new pastor at the second location. He says, “He should have told me he was giving me that church.” Still, while Jacob doesn’t like the way his pastorate was announced, in his heart, he believes he is making the right decision to move on from Greenleaf…

Cash Rules Everything Around Me…

Now that Bishop is no longer being investigated, he and his rib, Lady Mae, are free to scheme, I mean plan, in his office instead of at their home. They’ve decided that Carlton, the choir director, has got to go in order for them to raise money for the Fall Revival. Lady Mae summons her daughter to Bishop’s office by putting some weird bird sculpture on her desk. When Pastor Grace sees the sculpture, she knows that her mother is summoning her and shows up at Bishop’s office. Was the sculpture a bird? Was that a Phoenix rising? Anywho, Lady Mae tells Grace that she would like to have Betty Wilcox’s check before she leaves to go to New Orleans and that the only way that will happen is if Carlton is fired. In last week’s episode, Betty told Grace that church members weren’t giving as they once had because Carlton married his boyfriend and don’t approve of the union. Grace cannot believe that her father would co-sign on Carlton’s being canned, but he says, “I can’t lose half of my deacon board over one choir director.”

Although Greenleaf is paying Jabari Johnson $50,000 to produce Charity’s new album, he won’t be cut from the staff because it’s clear that Charity and Jabari have some chemistry…I’m not sure if that chemistry will just be contained in the music or will it evolve into something more….Judging by how Jabari described the vocals on one of Charity’s songs as “pressing against each other,” he could be pressing up on her during Season 2 of OWN’s “Greenleaf.”

The Devil is in the Details…

Pastor Jacob meets with Pastor Basie at Triumph church to discuss Pastor Basie’s surprise announcement and other matters related to his new position. He tells Basie, “You could have given me the heads up,” but Basie drops another surprise on him as Basie says he was directed by the Lord?! In other words, it was a spur-of-the-moment decision….Yeah right…Jacob continues to question his new boss until Basie shuts him down by saying that when Jacob was under his father, he “languished like an anemic little weed.” He also tells him, “I’ve given you everything you’ve ever wanted. Don’t accuse me of lying.” Jacob can see his point, but then Basie has yet another surprise announcement. He wants Jacob to go door to door in the neighborhoods surrounding Calvary Fellowship World Ministries and personally invite people to Triumph rather than Calvary. When Jacob points out that most of those people already attend Calvary, Basie does not care…

So Jacob goes door to door handing out bags and mugs with Triumph’s logo on them. One woman calls Jacob out! She says, “Does Bishop know you’re here recruiting?” Then she tells him, “I don’t care if that mug came wrapped in the cloth they wrapped my Lord in when he died. I’m with Calvary!” Let the church say, “Ouch!” LOL…Funniest line of the episode!

It’s also hilarious when Basie’s wife takes Kerissa to the parsonage for the first time. Some would call it modest. I call it homely. The roof was old and dusty looking. It’s one story. The grass looks like it needs cutting. Instead of moving up on like the Jeffersons, they’re moving from the palace to the poorhouse….But hey, for better or for worse, right? I wonder if Jacob and Kerissa would known about this detail in advance, would Jacob have agreed to be the pastor of Triumph’s second location? I think the Bishop forced Jacob’s hand as he said his (whom Jacob called a false prophet straight up in his face) father doesn’t respect him as a pastor, son or man. Lady Mae agrees with Jacob’s assessment of his father’s opinion of him, but when she points that out, Bishop tells her she is jealous of Grace. Probably…I mean Grace has the kind of relationship that any daughter would want with a father while Lady Mae obviously had a sick relationship with hers…

When Grace cannot get Charity to convince her mother to reconsider the decision to fire Carlton, she takes another course of action. She calls Darius Nash (Rick Fox…I cannot believe that most of his hair is gray…He’s been handsome for a long time and he still is!  A silver fox! ) ) who asked her out on a date earlier in episode. I thought she was going to tell Darius what was about to happen to Carlton so that he would write a story about it and shame the church board into keeping Carlton, but they end up going on a date after all.  It’s a dinner and dancing date (with Pastor Grace drinking beer and everythang…Darius assures her that no one in the club goes to church) but in the course of the evening, off the record, of course, she does tells him what is about to happen with Carlton. I still think she wants to know this tidbit on the sly, and she hopes he will run with it. But she does find herself attracted to him with the all the smiling and laughing that happened during their evening together.

Too bad Sophia is not having the same luck with Isaiah. He invites her to come see him rehearse at Triumph, but he pays more attention to Zora who came along with Sophia for moral support. So am I the only one who thinks Isaiah sounds like he is singing to a woman and not to God? Something about the way he holds himself as he is singing…

Man Down…

Daddy McCready is about to die. While Lady Mae refuses to visit him since he has already served his purpose by not testifying against her husband, her husband is willing to see him on his death bed. While there, Bishop attempts to ask him about whether Daryl had a son, but Mac, Daddy McCready’s son, shows up. Bishop tells him, “The Lord says I have to forgive you, and one day, I may, but I will never forget.” Then he says, “I will leave you to deal with your father until you have to deal with ours.” Another good line!” Daddy McCready admits to his son that he doesn’t want to die, but Mac attempts to comfort him by saying that his death will be like the time his father threw him in a lake. “At first, it will be cold and scary, but then you’re going to swim all the way across to Jesus.” That was sweet.

In another father and son scenario…Although Kevin and Charity’s son Nathan is here, Kevin is still staying in a hotel away from his family. And Charity still hasn’t come to one of his gay conversion therapy meetings.  He gets upset when he realizes that his son is suffering from a rash, and he didn’t know anything about it. The leader of the meeting encourages him to stand up as a man with Charity and demand that he be more involved with his son. His stance works, and Charity invites him to spend the night at the estate…In my opinion, they are still going to break up, but it was a nice moment…

Tired of waiting for Grace to fire Carlton, Lady Mae decides to fire him herself. She offers to serve as a personal reference should he need it for another job. Instead of simply accepting what Lady Mae is telling him (that it was a financial decision only), he plainly asks her what she thinks about gay marriage. She replies, “I believe what the Bible says about marriage.” Carlton offers to pray for her.

When Grace finds out what happened, she shows up at Carlton’s house and invites Carlton and his husband to come to Greenleaf even if Carlton is no longer the choir director. Carlton says, “I’m sick of people who love you all week, but shove you into a closet on Sunday morning.”

The episode ends with Jacob, who will finally be the man of his own house, and his family leaving the Greenleaf estate in a Cadillac. That Cadillac is going to crush their little bitty, new-to-them but otherwise old driveway. Still, Kerissa caresses her husband’s shoulder as the Greenleaf gates shut behind them. As a wife, you’ve got to stand by your man, that’s for sure…

Check out Darius asking out Grace below…

So that concludes my Greenleaf Season 2 Episode 2 recap!

Let me know how you liked this Greenleaf recap in the comments, please and thank you 🙂

Any thoughts?





OWN’s ‘Greenleaf’ is Back for Season 2 Tonight & So Are My Recaps! (Pics From Premiere Party)

ATLANTA, GA – MARCH 13: (L-R) Julian Brittano, Gregory Alan Williams, Kim Hawthorne, Merle Dandridge, Keith David, Lynn Whitfield, and Deborah Joy Winans attend “Greenleaf” Season 2 Premiere Party at W Atlanta Midtown on March 13, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network)

Hello World,


OWN’s Greenleaf is back TONIGHT (March 15) at 10pm ET/PT on OWN!

Earlier this week, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network celebrated the second season of the hit series “Greenleaf” with a screening and after-party in Atlanta. Over 200 local influencers previewed the premiere episode at SCADShow and were then treated to a lively post-screening reception at the W Atlanta Midtown.

Attending from the cast were Lynn Whitfield, Keith David, Merle Dandridge, Deborah Joy Winans, Lamman Rucker, Kim Hawthorne, GregAlan Williams, Desiree Ross, Lovie Simone, T.C. Carson, Parnell Damone Marcano, Jason Dirden, Julian Brittano and “Greenleaf” executive producer Clement Virgo.
Additional guests included radio personality Willie Moore Jr, singer Latavia Robinson, social media star Not Karlton Banks, Rickey Smiley/Dish Nation host Gary Hayes, actor Kevin Savage (“The Quad”), gospel singer Micah Stampley and actress Reece Odum (“Saints & Sinners”).
“Greenleaf” premiered last June as the #1 series debut in OWN history and was 2016’s #1 new cable series for women, averaging over three million viewers in Live+3 in its first season.
Check out an extended look at the new season and pics from the screening below!

ATLANTA, GA – MARCH 13: A general view of “Greenleaf” Season 2 Premiere at SCADShow on March 13, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network)

ATLANTA, GA – MARCH 13: (EDITORS NOTE: Image has been converted to black and white) Actor Keith David and actress Merle Dandridge attend “Greenleaf” Season 2 Premiere Party at W Atlanta Midtown on March 13, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network)

ATLANTA, GA – MARCH 13: Actress Lynn Whitfield (R) and Kim Hawthorne attend “Greenleaf” Season 2 Premiere Party at W Atlanta Midtown on March 13, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Paras Griffin/Getty Images for OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network)


So check back on After the Altar Call tomorrow for my first Season 2 Greenleaf recap!

Any thoughts?