Tasha Cobbs Leonard’s Album Release Party Recap for HEART.PASSION.PURSUIT…(PHOTOS+VIDEO)

Hello World,

Friday night, I ventured over to the Dec at The dReam Center Church of Atlanta to check out the album release party for Tasha Cobbs Leonard’s third album HEART. PASSION. PURSUIT. (Motown Gospel). First of all, the dReam Center has moved and grown! A few years ago, it used to be in North Atlanta in a kind of medium-sized industrial building and now it is in large traditional church building just past South DeKalb Mall. Secondly, although Tasha Cobbs Leonard is a multiple Stellar and Dove Award winner and, GRAMMY®-Award winning recording artist, I honestly didn’t expect the onslaught of folk that were trying to get up in the church. The parking lot was full, folk parked in the surrounding neighborhood and an overflow parking lot nearby the mall was getting action too. I ended up parking in the grass and almost got in a tiff with two older ladies who had their eye on the parking spot that I was trying to stake out! LOL. But after that, everything flowed pretty smoothly.

This is the stage/altar area of the dReam Center…Pretty traditional…

So just ahead of me I noticed Shekinah Anderson, who is the best friend of Tiny Harris and a reality star in her own right. Of course, I had to look around for Tiny or T.I., but I did not see them. I also noticed Egypt Sherrod, former radio personality and current realtor and host of HGTV’s “Property Virgins.”

So I’ve never seen a church with this type of sign affixed to the architecture…”Get In Where You Fit In.” Okay…not traditional…

Pastor William Murphy asked everyone to turn on their cell phone lights (so I don’t know how to do that LOL) because in his words, “It’s about to be a ‘lit’uation.” “Light it up and let the world know who Jesus is.”

That’s pretty, huh?

So Pastor Murphy told what I thought was a pretty powerful story about when he first stated the dReam center on Jan. 15, 2006. He said he thoroughly prepared for the sermon he delivered on that Sunday. Although there were roughly 350 people there, only one person joined the church. He said he tried to act like he wasn’t bothered by the fact that only one person joined. That person, however, was Tasha Cobbs. This was years before she recorded her first album, but look at the impact she has had in the name of God since then. It just goes to show that through one person you can impact the world, and you never know who will be that one person! I mean it was standing room only at that church for Tasha Cobbs Leonard, and I saw a few people who were turned away…

Pastor Murphy also shared how Tasha Cobbs Leonard’s album HEART. PASSION. PURSUIT. was recorded nearby where the Interstate 85 bridge in Atlanta collapsed in March and how he thought that was significant as the goal of the album is to build bridges between different races, cultures and ethnicities.

Then it was time for Tasha to saaang….

If you look closely, you can see her hubby Kenneth Leonard, just behind her to the right, looking like he’s supervising everything…Photo Credit: Tonya Reeves & Michael Walker/UMeek Images

I like this photo because everyone’s hands are lifted up, but she is getting down…

Tasha Cobbs Leonard and Kierra Sheard. Kierra is featured on the song “Your Spirit.” So I kept looking around for Nicki Minaj, who is featured on “I’m Getting Ready,” but I guess she wasn’t there…Photo Credit: Tonya Reeves & Michael Walker/UMeek Images

 So this teenager or preteenager (The older I get, the harder it is for me to tell…) came up during the middle of the concert and pressed some money in Tasha’s hands….Obviously, she was moved…Photo Credit: Tonya Reeves & Michael Walker/UMeek Images

And even her fellow singers were moved…

A Holy Ghost dance…

Attorney Phaedra Parks, formerly of the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” was there and feeling it…See Pastor Kim of the “Preachers of Atlanta” behind her…

At the end of the concert, Tasha Cobbs Leonard gave an altar call and spoke about the purpose of her album….

Also in attendance were Jimi Cravity, Breona Lawrence, Anna Golden, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Catherine Brewton, Bishop Travis Jennings, Pastor John Gray, Aventer Gray, Y’Anna Crawley, Todd Galberth, Bryan Pierce and more. So I hope you feel like you were there at Tasha Cobbs Leonard’s album release party…

The highly anticipated album, HEART. PASSION. PURSUIT. (Motown Gospel), from multiple Stellar and Dove Award winner and, GRAMMY®-Award winning recording artist Tasha Cobbs Leonard, is available now in stores, and online everywhere.For more information about Tasha Cobbs Leonard visit: www.TashaCobbs.org
Any thoughts?

Greenleaf Recap Season 2 Episode 11: Changing Season…

Hello World,

When I was in high school, I wanted to take part in a debutante cotillion and wear an antebellum-like white dress, but I didn’t know how to get involved in a community that hosted these types of functions back then. But that’s not Zora and Sophia’s problem as you will find out if you keep reading my “Greenleaf Recap Season 2 Episode 11.”

Blame It…

Although the Greenleaf girls have always been accepted as debutantes in the St. Josephine Society, this year the Greenleaf girls have been omitted from the invitation list even as Grace’s self-defense killing of her uncle Mac, Man of the Year in Memphis, is front page news. Although Grace gave the goods to journalist boyfriend Darius, she is now worried that the story killed her daughter’s and niece’s chance to be debutantes. “It’s all because of me” she says once Sophia announces the bad news at breakfast. Lady Mae, however, wants to put the blame on Jacinta Butler, president of the St. Josephine Society. “There must be a mistake,” she says before promising to fix the blunder. Curiously, she asks Marisol the maid to retrieve a wooden box with a gun in it. Lady Mae is such a character!

Lady Mae takes the gun directly to Jacinta, who apparently is an art and artifact collector. Once Jacinta appraises the gun, which Lady Mae found at the Greenleaf home after they moved into the estate, Lady Mae asks her about why her granddaughters were not invited to the cotillion this year. So the implicit message in this exchange is, “You better let my granddaughters in this shindig or somebody’s ’bout to get shot.” Jacinta is surprised about Lady Mae’s question as she never received nominations for the girls from Lady Mae and furthermore, First Lady Tasha Skanks, board secretary, was responsible for forwarding the nominations to her. That’s all Lady Mae needs to hear! Now, she can lay the blame at the feet of Tasha, her husband’s arch nemesis!

Speaking of Skanks, the Metro Memphis Council of Churches is meeting at Triumph. Bishop, Jacob and Grace attend despite their drama with Skanks. While there, Jacob announces that his church is named “The Real Church of Memphis,” a church without walls through which he will be ministering to the homeless and helpless. Also, at the meeting, a Father Alvarado tells the ministers about a local 16-year-old who attempted to kill himself by asphyxiation as he sat in a running car in a garage. “He thought God couldn’t love him because he was gay.” After Father Alvarado’s speech, Basie says, “We’ve got to do something about this” and encourages the ministers to address homosexuality and homophobia in the church.

Bishop and Jacob seem to be kind of “meh” about Basie’s pronouncement with Bishop stating that you can’t “sound off too loudly about anything other than the cross.” Grace, however, is pleased that Basie wants the ministers to address this issue and feels she may have wrongly discounted the man. She likely thinks ministers are to blame for what the 16-year-old thought.

Eat the Cake, Anna Mae…

Although Carlton is at another church, Gethsemane Baptist Church (where Rochelle Cross used to be a member…hmmm…), Charity still considers the banished gay choir director a friend. She reaches out to him so that he can help her compose a song that she needs to turn into Jabari, and she hopes he can comfort her since Kevin is still MIA. Carlton is glad to to hear from his friend, but first he asks her why he is just now hearing from her after all of this time. “You really hurt my feelings. You’re too busy for me until need something from me,” he tells her. Folks do tend to get all sweet when they want something, particularly when they have ignored you. She explains to him that since they’ve last communicated, she and Kevin have gotten a divorce. “There’s so much I couldn’t talk about, especially with you.”

Charity has found a real empathetic confidante in Carlton. For the first time since before her miscarriage, she mentions Nathan’s twin sister Eden Brook. “We never had a chance to grieve our little girl.” Charity says she feels like her daughter, who she still thinks about every day, is a “out there like a kite, floating.”

In another part of Calvary, the mysterious Miss Cross is cloistered in Bishop’s office and serves the man of God a slice of pineapple upside down cake. He raves about the taste and she tells him the tantalizing taste is because she used young pineapples. “The old ones get all watery and sour.” Say what? As if on cue, Lady Mae, who seems to be an older version of Miss Cross walks in, to see her holy hubby hovering over the cake with the Miss Cross hovering over him as she sits on his desk! He introduces his wife to Miss Cross and tells her she made the cake. She is not happy about that at all. Y’all know homemade cake is a tool in Lady Mae’s arsenal! Remember when she served grapefruit pound cake to Aaron?!Although Miss Cross is a huge donor, Lady Mae loses a bit of her trademark decorum and storms out. “Enjoy your cake, Bishop.”

Rochelle Cross is not the only one on Lady Mae’s list. She confronts Tasha about why her granddaughters weren’t included on the invitation list for the cotillion. Tasha checks into the dilemma but not before checking Lady Mae about approaching her like she is less than a First Lady. “I may not be on the pages of ‘Southern Decor’ magazine, but I will be, and you will never be again.” She says this after Lady Mae notices artwork by an artist that she appreciates hanging on Tasha’s wall. Tasha tells her she got a painting by the artist after seeing his artwork in Lady Mae’s home as it was featured in the magazine before. Lady Mae discovers that she sent in the nominations for her granddaughters to the wrong e-mail address. Lady Mae is rightfully embarrassed by her blunder.

Meanwhile, Grace meets with Basie. “You’re more than I thought,” she tells him. She wants more insight into the man as he surprised her with his call to address homosexuality and homophobia in the black church. Like Zacchaeus, the tax collector in the Bible or George Jefferson on “The Jeffersons” in the ’80s or Deacon Ernest Frye on “Amen” in the ’90s (Both George and Deacon Frye were portrayed by Sherman Hemsley), he explains that he is bold and brash because of his short stature. “I’m a little fellow” with a “big, troublesome mouth,” and the only entity big enough to handle Basie was and is Jesus, he says.

Isaiah and Zora meet up in her bedroom. With Childish Gambino crooning “Redbone” in the background (I know the song is a hit, but me no likey), the gospel version of Chris Brown and Zora canoodle on her bed. He tells her,”Let’s do it.” (A tip from Ms. Jackie: If you describe sex as “doing it,” you’re too young or immature to do it.) I guess Isaiah hasn’t come across the verse that says, “Flee fornication.” And since Zora is feeling down after not being invited to the cotillion, her defenses aren’t the only things that go down. If that chile comes up preggers…


Maybe as a result of being humbled by the fact that she is to blame for the cotillion blunder or the fact that she remembered that Miss Cross comes with a lot of cash, she asks Bishop to invite Miss Cross over for dinner with the family. “I feel terrible about the way I behaved at church,” she says to Miss Cross in that nicety (nice and nasty) way that we love. She invites Miss Cross to tell the Greenleafs about herself. Rochelle explains that she was once a member at Greater Redeemer. (I guess that was after she was a member at Gethsemane Baptist Church which she mentioned last week.)  “I had breast cancer. It’s in remission, but I didn’t think I was going to pull through.” Apparently, the pastor of the church didn’t support her through her sickness and she left that church. I agree. That is one of the main duties of a shepherd – to see about the sick. My father has always been excellent about seeing members of our church when they are sick. I wonder how large churches handle it when members are sick. Does the main pastor visit them or are other leaders responsible for that duty?

While the adults are around the dinner table, Sophia and Zora catch up in Sophia’s quarters. Sophia had no idea that Zora and Isaiah have gotten back together and not only that. “We did it,” Zora tells her cousin. “You had sex?” Sophia exclaims. Zora describes the deed as “weird” and “different.” Okaaay.

Speaking of adjectives, Rochelle describes Basie Skanks as “off” when the diminutive dynamo and or deceiver comes up in conversation back at dinner. Grace says she appreciates his “firm stand” against homophobia. Lady Mae asks why does anyone “need to have a conversation about these things.”

But it also comes up in conversation that Jacinta Butler is a client of Miss Cross, and she volunteers to fix the situation so that the girls will be included in this year’s cotillion. Once Lady Mae receives notification that the girls have been invited after all, she tells Grace! (Random fact: Did you know that Lynn Whitfield, who portrays Lady Mae, also has a daughter named Grace, and Grace, starred as Faith Evans in the Tupac biopic that came out earlier this summer?) Anywho, Grace is glad the debutante debacle  is behind them but does tell her mother that Rochelle seems a little shady to her. Lady Mae agrees but shuts it down for now. “We’ll fight that fight when it comes.” And in another nicety move, Lady Mae sends all of the artwork by the artist (I think the name was Mikalene) that Tasha admired to a gallery. “It’s time for a change.” In other words, if Tasha can afford artwork by the artist, then it’s time for Lady Mae to upgrade.

Speaking of upgrade, Charity seems she wants to upgrade her relationship with Jabari from friends to lovers as she kisses him in the final scene! Everything is nice between the two right now, but will they be doing “the nasty?”

Check out a snippet from “Changing Season” below…

Thank you sooo much for reading my Greenleaf Recap, Season 2 Episode 11 and my other recaps so far.
If you would like to keep up with OWN’s “Greenleaf,” and my recaps, please click on this link to subscribe to my blog 🙂!

Any thoughts?







Greenleaf Mid-Season Premiere Recap, Season 2 Episode 10: Call Not Complete…

Hello World,

Whew! Part 2 of the Mid-Season Premiere packed a wallop, didn’t it? I won’t dillydally anymore. Let’s just dive into this OWN’s “Greenleaf”  Mid-Season Premiere Recap, Season 2 Episode 10!

Call Me Maybe…

This episode begins and ends with a call. Lady Mae calls her estranged sister Mavis to invite her to their brother Mac’s memorial service of sorts to be held on Moss Lake at sunset on Saturday. Mavis doesn’t answer the call so Lady Mae must leave this information in her sister’s voicemail. In addition to describing the logistics of the service, she tells her sister that this may be a new beginning for everyone. Mavis may or may not call her sister back.

Grace and Darius seem to be moving right along with their new relationship as she sleeps over at his place although they don’t sleep in the same bed. I should hope not, Pastor. Although she is the associate pastor of Calvary, Grace does opt to skip Sunday morning service. Darius tells Grace that he is considering a job offer in New York, particularly since they agreed that he won’t write about Grace even though her murdering the Man of the Year is the hottest story in town.  In every episode since Season 2 began, Grace seems to be drifting farther and farther away from her calling to preach. Was she really called in the first place? Maybe…(Aside: Her bruises healed fast, right?)

Jacob believes he has been called to preach outside on his land to people without the burden of a building. He tells the small gathering, “I asked God what should I do?” particularly since he has no money. He says the Lord said to him, “You know what to do.” “He told me to feed my word to my sheep.” So Jacob preaches a word and then hands out food to the people with his supportive wife and beautiful children at his side. Of course, Jacob’s open-air preaching does not go unnoticed by the other Greenleafs across the street. Lady Mae tells Jacob. “The two of you didn’t learn anything from your season with Basie.” (Where is Basie, pray tell?) Bishop is plainspoken with his criticism, telling his son he is following in Basie’s footsteps all the way to hell! If you can’t say, “Amen,” say “Ouch!”

Sophia seems to be fulfilling her calling at the children’s church as she demonstrates the permanence of God’s love with a candle atop a cupcake that won’t blow out no matter how many times you blow on it. The children squeal in delight! Oh to be a child again when all was solved with a cupcake and a candle!

Although Charity is the baby of the Greenleaf siblings, she is definitely grown as her ex-husband has vanished like a ghost! It looks like Kevin told her that he is gone for good in that note from last night’s episode! Lady Mae asks Charity to get in touch with Kevin and find out what’s going on with him. She calls him and leaves a message. “It’s the person who you called your best friend.”

Like her cousin, Zora has a calling of sorts as she helps her father set up a website in the style of a Go Fund Me page where they solicit donations to support the ministry. Despite her support of her father, she hasn’t completely left Basie and the Triumph church behind. Sophia and her boyfriend Roberto along with Zora and one of Roberto’s friends go bowling. Obviously, Sophia and Roberto hope his friend can lure Zora away from Isaiah but Zora doesn’t seem to be feeling Roberto’s friend as she gives him the bland face the entire time they interact at the bowling alley.

Your Body’s Callin’…

Bishop asks his bride out to lunch and tells her, “What a pleasure it it to have you as  partner this life.” How sweet! Lady Mae agrees to have lunch her holy hubby who is planning a seven-part series “From the Pit to the Palace.” I wonder who was in the pit and who is now in the palace…Anywho, he is considering turning the series into a book. But his plans to have an intimate lunch with Lady Mae are shelved when a major donor, a Ms. Rochelle Cross (LeToya Luckett) wants to have lunch with Bishop and his wife. He asks his wife if she doesn’t mind a “threesome.” Lady Mae opts to bow out of the lunch as she is not feeling up to meeting someone new but encourages her husband to meet with the woman without her if the woman’s check has cleared the bank.

Charity approaches Aaron about hiring a private investigator to find Kevin. Before Aaron obliges though, he leaves yet another message on Kevin’s voicemail telling him that Charity is looking for him and lets him know that if he wants to remain hidden, he doesn’t have to tell anyone where Kevin has found himself. Where do you think Kevin has gone?

Obviously Bishop has not met this mysterious Ms. Cross before and automatically notices her leopard booties and bare legs. I love her pixie cut! I’m not sure why Ms. Cross made such a sizable donation to Calvary but apparently she was once a member of a Gethsemane Baptist Church. Is that the name of the church that Bishop burned down where Basie’s father the caretaker apparently died? Remember Bishop didn’t think the caretaker had a son. He remembered that the caretaker had a daughter…Could she be the caretaker’s daughter and ready to get revenge? As a major donor to the church, Bishop offers her a membership in the Bishop’s roundtable which comes with access to the church jet apparently…Okay…But Ms. Cross says the only access to a roundtable that she needs is the roundtable where she and Bishop are meeting. I guess that mean’s she wants private access to the man. With that, Bishop takes out his handkerchief and wipes moist droplets of sweat from his face. “Check please,” are his final words.

Instead of meeting in a restaurant, Grace and Charity take a trip over to the parsonage to have dinner with their brother and his wife Kerissa. Although Grace missed church on Sunday, she heard that her brother is forming a church across the street. Although it is not a building, the most important part of a church, the bodies, are making his endeavor hard to ignore. In addition, the three Greenleaf siblings haven’t spent time together apart from their parents in a while and they need to catch up with each other.

Almost immediately, Jacob and Kerissa ask Charity about Kevin and why did the two of them break up. For the first time since Kevin and Charity’s marriage began to deteriorate, Charity admits the exact reason why. “Kevin is gay,” she says before she starts laughing. What a weird reaction. And then Jacob starts laughing. But at the same time, I understand. Sometimes, a situation is so painful and startling that you just have to laugh or you will cry. She also explains that Kevin doesn’t want to be gay and maybe that is why he has disappeared.

Now that the ice has been broken, Grace can get into the ultimate reason why she wanted to meet with her brother. “I want to get a sense of how committed you are to this street corner preaching.” She further explains, “it was a crazy idea when Basie had it.” Obviously, Jacob and Kerissa are offended. Kerissa says, “Do you think you are only person who God talks to?” But then Grace offers to let Jacob have her job as associate pastor and challenges him to be there for the family since Bishop is sick. “You cannot desert the family.” “Like you did,” Kerissa responds. “Somebody is needed to manage things,” Grace continues.  Jacob says he likes the freedom of not having to worry about raising money for upholstery and paint, etc. Grace tells them she is thinking about moving to New York since her views don’t seem to fit in with the church’s views. Please, she just wants to be with her new man.

Call Him Up…

When Bishop returns to the estate, he finds Lady Mae in their red living room. She tells him, “I’m waiting for the Lord to guide me to the right scripture for Saturday.”

As Grace and Charity come into the family home, she calls out Grace for her hypocrisy as she was gone for 20 years until recently. “You want to accuse Jacob of deserting the family?”  She continues, “We put in our time so it’s your turn now.”

Zora and her father take a look at his website and discover that donors have contributed roughly $3,100 to the ministry. Jacob wants to use the money to buy food for the people, and Zora tells her father she is proud of him. But Kerissa suggests the money be used to create a building fund and does not seem as committed to Jacob’s ministry calling as she did at the beginning of the episode. “Not unless the Lord wants me to build,” he says. It seems that Jacob is content to have a simple ministry but maybe Kerissa feels that his outreach should be a stepping stone to a larger ministry like the one across the street…

Later, Aaron approaches Lady Mae in her office and tell her that he must leave Calvary. She tries to convince him to say. In the end, she accepts his resignation. “Would you give your father my fondest regards.” I’m guessing the only way that Kevin will come back is if Aaron goes.

Grace decides to tell the whole story of what happened in her fight with Mac to Darius and says he can write about it he chooses to do so. Darius has something to tell her as well. He is not taking the job in New York.  To me, if you are called to do something, you must be willing to make sacrifices for the calling. Obviously, at least for right now, Grace and Darius are called to be together. They kiss…And just maybe Grace is still called to Calvary although she needs to call Jesus and get some direction from Him and Him alone…

In the final scene, the family meets on a rock in the middle of a creek (not a lake) for their memorial service for Mac. Surprisingly, Grace shows up and even releases a tear as Mac’s ashes are released into the water. Mavis doesn’t show up though and it doesn’t seem like she even acknowledged her sister’s message. More will be revealed I know…

Thank you sooo much for reading my Greenleaf Mid-Season Premiere Recap, Season 2 Episode 10 and my other recaps so far.

If you would like to keep up with OWN’s “Greenleaf,” and my recaps, please click on this link to subscribe to my blog 🙂!

Any thoughts?