Seven Scriptures that Emphasize the Easter Message Outside of the Easter Story!

Hello World! Easter word

If you are a Christian, today, Easter Sunday, is the most triumphant and glorious day of the year…The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the bedrock of our faith…It is how we know that we know that we know…

If, by chance, you are a unfamiliar with the story – I pray that those who have never heard of the story somehow find their way to my humble space on the Internet – let me tell it to you in simple terms…

Holy God, creator of this universe, wants to have a personal relationship with us, the sinful human beings that He created…But because of our sin, which is essentially our willfulness or inclination to doing things our own way without God’s guidance, He cannot tolerate what we have done to ourselves and how we have desecrated our beings…However, he allowed his Son, Jesus Christ, a perfect being to die, to sacrifice himself on the cross and bridge the gap between us and our Holy Father…And Jesus Christ was resurrected three days later proving that God conquers death!!! If you would like  to read the official story, please see Luke 24 in the Bible…

While the Easter story is confined to a few chapters, the Easter message is scattered throughout the entire Bible from the beginning to the end…

1. “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20…This verse comes from the story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers because they were jealous of him and his close relationship with their father.  Years later, however, Joseph, who had been given a position in the government in the country where he had been enslaved, was reunited with his brothers…

Despite what had been done to him, Joseph assured his brothers that God used their evil deed to allow Him to be in a position of authority. And that position of authority enabled him to do good for many under him…

Again, what may be negative, God can and will change it to a positive for us and many others if we would give Him the opportunity…This is what happened with Jesus on the cross…

2. “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to His face.”  Job 13:15…Job was a man who had been blessed spiritually and materially, but God allowed all of his materials blessings to be taken away to prove to the devil if Job would still serve God.

This verse was Job’s declaration that in spite of His feelings that God had deserted him, he would still trust Him…Jesus, God’s son, felt that way as well…Although He chose to die for our sins, there was a point that He felt God was not with Him because He was dying…

And yet, He went through it because His ultimate hope was in God…And we can claim the same when we are going through tough situations…In spite of whatever seemingly hopeless situation we find ourselves in, God can turn it around…He did it for Job, Jesus and He can and will do it for us…

3. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him,  and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6…Sometimes there are things that happen to us that no matter how long we think about them or who we talk to about them, we cannot make sense of what happened…But we don’t always have to understand because God can straighten it all out…Those who lived with and loved Jesus didn’t understand why Jesus had die although He tried to explain it, but three days later, they understood…and were blessed…


4. “Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer, and though the Lord makes  His life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied…” Isaiah 53: 10-11  With God, suffering can have a purpose…Jesus’ suffering enables us to have life with the Father…

5. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Romans 8:28…This verse is a testament of how God operates…God can and does take anything and bring good out of it…Death is vile…But Jesus’ death is how we are able to be reconciled to God…That is good…

6. “Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” 1 Peter 4:12-13…As Christians or followers of Christ, we will be tested…But even as we are tested, we can have inexplicable  joy knowing that we are being tested because we do believe in Christ….

7. “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:3-5 The ultimate message of Easter is that death is not the end of the story…And one day death as know it will be done and over with…

I wrote this Easter post because God has a track record of bringing the biggest blessing out of tragedies…I wrote this post for me, but I hope it blesses you…

Happy Easter! Jesus is Risen! Blessed be the name of Jesus!

One of my favorite gospel songs of all times…Wonderful Easter Message…

Any thoughts?

Bishop T.D. Jakes Issues Apology After Potter’s House Fort Worth Volunteer Allegedly Assaulted, Handcuffed & Thrown Out of the Church!

Hello World,

Some Palm Sunday Shenanigans went down this past Sunday it seems! Media outlets from The Christian Post to Media Takeout are reporting that Audrey Stevenson, 22, a member of The Potter’s House of Fort Worth church under the leadership of Pastor Patrick E. Winfield II and First Lady Veronica Winfield, claims she was allegedly assaulted at the church. She argued with church staff regarding being able to be on the church stage…See the details below…

With gospel music playing in the background, presumably establishing a worshipful experience in the sanctuary, something that could have taken place on the street was going down in one of the the side rooms of the church building. In a video recorded by Stevenson, church elder and administrator Rhonda Lewis  is heard saying to Stevenson, “So I want to be clear. On the stage, you are not allowed to do anything on the stage. Now they just said to me that you stated the pastor said you could do the stage? Am I clear about that?”

Stevenson responds with, “No, I called First Lady and she said they had no regulation of me not being able…”

Lewis interrupts. “Who has no regulation?”

“First Lady & Pastor has no regulation of me serving under any type of restriction and that we are going to have a meeting involving you and Louise so that’s where I’m at with First Lady,” Stevenson explains.

The back and forth continues until Lewis says to church security, “Dude, I want you to hear what I’m hearing right here so that when I confront this, so say what you said one more time. I just want to make sure he heard me.”

According to The Christian Post’s article:

The conversation soon devolved into a tense argument after Lewis indicated that Stevenson was out of order for having gone to the pastor’s wife with the dispute and indicated that there would be no meeting as she is the church administrator. She further called Stevenson a manipulative liar and noted that she had been “sat down” — meaning removed from service — and thus should not be on stage. Stevenson asserted that she has a right to call the pastor’s wife and told the elder she should be “ashamed” of herself.

As Stevenson tried to leave the room, a church security official, identified as Brandon Amie, blocked her way, saying he needed to “explain something” to her. She was then handcuffed and restrained as she begged him to let her leave. At one point, she indicated Amie had his knee in her back while she continued screaming.

There are many verbal bombs thrown during the conversation, mostly by Stevenson:

“You told me to shut up. I’m being spiritual.” (She even cussed with another s-word.)

“You’re an elder and you’re going straight to hell on a one-way trip.”

“I’m from Detroit! What’s up?”

“I’m bi-polar.” (Why did she say that? Was this to imply that she was about to do something as a result? And if she truly bi-polar, why did she say that then? Was she asking for medication? I don’t get this disclosure at this particular time.)

The Christian Post spoke with Stevenson’s mother who said the confrontation has been months in the making.

“These are despicable, ludicrous, demoralizing, hideous acts happening in the church of God. And these are the people who are in leadership, I want to tell you if they get away with this, they’ll do this to somebody else’s child. Or to someone else’s sister. This is a woman. Audrey is 22 years old. 5′ 2″. I’m short. I’m only 5′ 5″ and they would do this to her? What kind of people are these?” she asked.

Below is a video of the fracas:

Below is the apology that Bishop T.D. Jakes, leader of the entire The Potter’s House,  issued on the Fort Worth church Facebook page: (By the way, T.O.R.I. stands for Texas Offenders Reentry Initiative. It’s such a shame that something that was supposed to be so positive ended up being so negative. The devil stays busy…He is the author of confusion and strife.)

I kinda believe that Ms. Stevenson went in that back room ready to get stuff started. I mean she had her phone on the entire time and from what I could tell the other participants in the confrontation were not even aware of the recording. (At least I hope not or else why did they act like that, particularly Brandon?) That being said, there was a more peaceful way to deescalate the situation. And she should have been allowed to leave when asked.

Chile, don’t get it twisted. Just because you’re in church doesn’t mean that confrontations won’t happen.  Anywhere that people can show up, people will show out. But at least at church, we know that we are saved through the blood of Christ and allowing that blood to cleanse us of unholy tendencies. It may take a while, but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening. And that is why Jesus died. To cleanse us from our sins…

“But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” I John 1:7

Do you believe that Audrey Stevenson was assaulted at The Potter’s House of Forth Worth? Should she had been handcuffed? Should she have been thrown out the church? I hope to see you in church on Easter Sunday this Sunday…

Any thoughts?

Gospel Stars Pastor Shirley Caesar & Le’Andria Johnson to be on ‘UNSUNG’ & ‘UNCENSORED’ on TV One TONIGHT!

Hello World,

After you finish watching Stormy Daniels on 60 Minutes (Don’t Act. I Figure Every American Will Be.) on CBS at 7 p.m. EST, turn to TV One where you will watch a more savory but none less interesting offering because this weekend’s episode of TV One’s award-winning series “UNSUNG” will feature Pastor Shirley Caesar, and the brand-new series “UNCENSORED” will feature Le’Andria JohnsonPastor Shirley Caesar’s episode of “UNSUNG” will air tonight, March 25at 9/8C  and Le’Andria’s episode of “UNCENSORED” will air tonight March 25at 10/9C on TV One. Yes, it’s gospel music night on TV One tonight!

About Shirley Caesar

With over 40 albums and 11 Grammy Awards, Shirley Caesar is the reigning Queen of Gospel Music. Beginning her career at 12 years old, she was a vocal phenomenon whose teenage talent earned her a spot in the popular all female gospel group the Caravans, where she became a standout star. In the early 1970s she won her first Grammy Award for a dynamic cover of “Put Your Hand in the Hand of the Man from Galilee,” and the hits continued with songs like “No Charge,” “Hold My Mule and “I Remember Mama”. But despite her success, Shirley always knew her life was meant for more than music, and in the late 80’s she’d taken on a second career as a pastor, preaching around the world and starting her own church in Raleigh, North Carolina. With a career now spanning over 7 decades, Shirley Caesar has become a living legend of gospel music, and shares with “UNSUNG” the triumphs and challenges of a life dedicated to spreading the Good News. Most recently, she gained popularity with Millennials with the “Beans, Greens, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Corn You Name It Challenge.” Remember that?

Check out a clip of her talking about that challenge on “UNSUNG!”

About “UNSUNG”

Through first-hand accounts, interviews with family and friends, and archival footage, each episode of TV One’s signature series “UNSUNG” sheds much-deserved light on some of the most influential and talented R&B, soul, funk, hip hop, disco, and gospel artists of the last 30 years. Also featuring Deborah Cox, Avant, Shirley Caesar, Blue Magic, Brand Nubian and Lost Boyz, season 12 of TV One’s critically acclaimed and award-winning “UNSUNG uncovers the personal triumphs and struggles of these musical legends. This is my favorite show on TV One!

About Le’Andria Johnson

Reared in the church, her singing talent was born early in childhood. Later, her teen years shaped her as a rebel that would eventually carve her personality and drive as a gospel music star. Le’Andria Johnson overcame hardship and conflict on the way to epic stardom as a young talent. Along the way to reaching music success, reality dealt her tough hands that challenged her faith in God, relationships, and place in music stardom.

Le’Andria Johnson’s story is about faith in action. Her legacy is about never giving up and never giving in. She has been inspired by following her own path toward God’s plan for her. With hits and misses along the way, Le’Andria uses her platform as a call to action pushing her fans and followers toward a moral foundation. Those calls to action took her from social media rants, spreading her religious message dressed up as a street prostitute, enduring the challenge of pregnancy out-of- wedlock in the gospel-singing community, and many passionate, controversial church sermons. The rebel child in her made Le’Andria the self-professed “bad girl of gospel music”– a kind of reckoning toward her faithful conviction to deliver the truth. (Let’s not forget THAT Periscope broadcast!)

Taking her church message to the streets and performing passionately in conservative churches she is living her divine destiny. With the awards, accolades, and recognition Le’Andria Johnson has yet to settle for less as a Christian leader.

Check out a video of Le’Andria talking about the difficult decision she had to make when she got pregnant out of wedlock…


“UNCENSORED” is an edgy new docu-series exploring the intimate lives of some of today’s most notable personalities, that debuted on TV One on February 18 at 10 p.m. ET/9C. The 10-episode biography series gives unprecedented access to stars including Tamar Braxton, Charlemagne Da God, Tiffany Haddish, Le’Andria Johnson, NeNe Leakes, Nia Long, Rick Ross and more, as they personally reveal their own stories, in their own words, in the places their stories unfolded.

“UNCENSORED” is a dynamic series with each episode capturing the essence of its subject. From the ultimate hustler Rick Ross and his climb from the streets of Miami to the top of hip-hop, to Tamar Braxton stepping out of the shadow of her famous sister and the meteoric rise of comedy’s newest “It Girl” Tiffany Haddish, “UNCENSORED” presents the stories behind the stars. Through the “UNCENSORED” lens, viewers get an unfiltered perspective on the journey they have taken to achieve their dreams and pop culture fame.

In its first season, “UNCENSORED” dives deep into the lives of these celebrated individuals with first-hand accounts of their road to stardom from the stars themselves. They speak directly and candidly about their personal triumphs and successes, the obstacles and challenges they have faced, and the pivotal moments that have shaped their lives and careers. No topic is off limits as they discuss issues relevant to today’s national dialogue such as race relations, drugs and violence, and sexual harassment. In addition to first-person interviews, “UNCENSORED” uncovers little known facts with an expansive and impressive list of friends and family who know them best.

Move over NeNe, Kandi & Kim of Real Housewives of Atlanta, between Stormy, Pastor Shirley and Le’Andria, this is where the over-the-top drama will be!!!

Any thoughts?