Greenleaf Recap Season 4 Episode 2: Did I Lose You?…

Hello World,

Let’s skip all of the preliminaries shall we, and let’s just proceed with this Greenleaf Recap Season 4 Episode 2: Did I Lose You?…We’ve got too much ground to cover…

Don’t Wanna Lose You…

This week’s episode begins with Grace waking up in her luxurious beige (or at least it looks beige in the morning light) bedroom. If my parents had a home that luxurious, I would stay with them too. Do you think she gives her parents something toward the costs of upkeep or something? Anywho, just as she steps out of bed, she hears a knock on her door. Charity, who has obviously just woken up as well as she has on a scarf and a robe, apologizes. “I’m sorry for the way I behaved last night,” she says, stepping into Grace’s suite. “I was out of line.” Grace, in a forgiving tone, says, “You were disappointed.” Charity asks if instead of being an associate pastor, she can be the music minister although the night before, she wanted to be an associate pastor or nothing else. “I just want to be on the team,” Charity says to her sister. Grace is grateful that she didn’t lose her sister in this particular skirmish. Grace promises to speak with Phil DeMars about Charity being the music minister. Once she walks out of Grace’s suite, Charity’s lips curl into a devious smile. Oh Charity, when will you learn?

Charity may be scheming with Phil DeMars, but her daddy, Bishop, still knows how to reach his baby daughter. He plays the song “Unforgettable” on the piano while he sings in that rich voice of his. Charity appears from upstairs and sings with Bishop. He says, “I know you’re upset and feeling left out, but God has a plan waiting for you too.” He then tells her that he has to skedaddle as he is meeting with a travel agent. “Operation Win Back Lady Mae” has officially begun and the first part of his plan is a second honeymoon for him and his now ex-wife.

Not wanting to get lost in the Greenleaf estate once again, Kerissa is using every spare moment she has to house hunt. She pulls up home listings on her laptop and studies them like she has to take a test. Living with her in-laws tests her sanity obviously. We learn that the Greenleaf estate is losing a resident as Sophia will be going to summer classes at Hampton University. We also learn that Zora is still Zora. When she learns that her Aunt Grace will be meeting with Phil DeMars, she says he’s fine in an “evil way.” Yes, Zora is like so many women: She has an unfortunate preference for bad boys.

At Calvary, Grace learns that Bob Whitmore’s daughter wants to meet with her in the future as she is over praise and worship for all of the Harmony & Hope churches. She notes that Bob is okay with nepotism when it comes to his family but not otherwise. She sends newly named Associate Pastor Jacob to meet with Phil DeMars as he gets on her nerves. She then goes on to her new office (Bishop’s old office) where Noah is sitting there, waiting for her. “How was your flight?” Grace says to him like it’s a leisurely visit. “Why didn’t you tell me we had a son?” Noah replies, ignoring her question. Grace explains that she was 18 years old and had recently told her parents about Mac and Faith. She says she originally wanted to have an abortion, but she couldn’t go through with it. She put their son up for adoption right after he was born. “He was so beautiful,” Grace says of their son, who is apparently named A.J.

Noah notes how the news of his son with Grace could potentially cause him to lose Isabel and their marriage although they created a son years before Noah and Isabel were a couple. Apparently, Noah and Isabel haven’t been able to conceive and the fact that Noah actually has a son with his first love would further devastate her. Grace also reveals that A.J. looked her up years earlier when Sophia was 12. Apparently, the adoption agency had unsealed the adoption records. I swear, knowing all of this about Grace has caused me to see her in a different light. All of this time, she easily pointed the finger at other people and their mistakes and misdeeds all the while knowing that her mistakes and misdeeds were just as bad as other people’s. “I just want to make it right now,” Grace says. Noah tells her that their son is being released from jail. I guess we will see if Grace makes all of this right after she has been wrong for so long…

If I Ever Lose My Faith in You…

After Noah leaves Grace’s office, he runs into Jacob and they catch up for a bit. Jacob jokingly refers to Kerissa as the “same Excedrin headache.” (So am I the only one who kind of thinks he is mismatched with Kerissa? Tasha Skanks and Jacob seem to have more of a genuine connection…What y’all think? I’ve almost lost faith in their marriage.) Although Jacob invites Noah over to the estate to visit his parents, Noah declines and asks Jacob to not tell his parents he was in town.

Jacob agrees to Noah’s request although he thinks it’s weird. He comes into Phil’s office to meet with him. He explains that since Grace got pulled into a meeting, he is meeting with Phil instead. Although Phil is perturbed that he is meeting with the associate pastor rather than the pastor, he explains that Calvary’s children will not be attending “Blue Lake Camp” this summer due to the costs. Jacob asks him to reconsider as the camp offers the children the chance to learn more about their black heritage when it comes to art, dance and music. Phil says that Harmony & Hope is all about diversity not just focusing on one heritage. Before he dismisses Jacob, he says, “Welcome back, brother” in an icy tone.

Jacob keeps his cool although he now understands why Phil get’s on his sister’s nerves. When he tells his sister what happened in the meeting, Grace says she will help pay the cost of the children attending “Blue Lake Camp.”  Jacob also mentions that he saw Noah and that he was acting weird. Grace explains that she thinks Noah is having trouble with his wife. See, that’s what I’m talking about. Grace doesn’t have any problem bending the truth when it comes to her stuff, but she is always demanding the truth from everyone else. After Jacob leaves, Grace calls the jail where her son A.J. is incarcerated.

Away from Calvary’s campus, Lady Mae and her granddaughters Zora and Sophia go shopping. While the girls are in a dressing room, Lady Mae receives a text from Deaconness Connie that makes her so incensed she throws her cell phone into one of the dressing room mirrors.

Apparently, she owes more than $38,000 to Calvary for her “A Day With Lady Mae” production. She explains the cracked mirror by saying that she dropped her phone. Bishop, who is posted on the stairs in a green velour tracksuit when Lady Mae returns home, notices that his wife is mad enough to spit. She calls Deaconness Connie a “cutout of a woman” and explains what she did.

Kerissa has lost all faith in the Greenleaf estate and has moved beyond simply looking at homes online. Now, she’s attends an Open House with her real estate agent. She is interested in putting an offer on a home, but she and Jacob don’t have money for the down payment. When the real estate agent asks her about asking her in-laws for help, Kerissa says, “Girl, I would rather sell my plasma.” Deep.

Meanwhile, Jacob finally meets Dante Saunders, the troubled Memphis Red Devils baller. Dante rolls up on Jacob in Calvary’s parking lot and challenges him to play basketball using a football. The things that the male species do to prove themselves! LOL After their game is over, Dante offers Jacob a bribe to turn the other way when Dante acts a fool, but Jacob doesn’t accept his money. Dante is impressed and Jacob feels that he has a real chance to mentor this guy.

And Phil’s meeting with Jacob is not his only meeting for the day. At some restaurant, he also meets with his spy Charity. She says, “I don’t know if I can do this.” Bishop’s singalong got to her obviously. “[Bishop] says that I’m the heart of the family.” Phil points out that Bishop is an accused arsonist, owes the IRS and more. In other words, he is insinuating that Bishop cannot be trusted. Phil tells her family doesn’t see her as the “jewel” that she is.

But Phil is not content to just meet with one Greenleaf sister when he also asked for a meeting with the eldest Greenleaf sister. “When I ask to see you, I expect the courtesy of a visit,” Phil says to Grace when he sees her at Calvary. Grace makes it clear that Phil is not her boss although she says so in a mostly professional way. She also tells him that she will help to pay for the children to go to the “Blue Lake Camp.” He is surprised that she has that much money as it may cost about $100,000 when it’s all said and done. Y’all, where did Grace get this money? She barely works as a pastor at Calvary and before being a pastor, she was a reporter. Maybe because she’s likely not paying rent, her money has added up. (Sorry y’all, the budgnetista in me is coming out…) Grace also uses this opportunity to ask Phil if Charity can be the music minister. He quickly agrees which makes him appear more generous and accommodating than Grace originally thought, but we know what that is about…

Now that Zora is back, her and her cousin have rekindled their relationship. Zora convinces her cousin to stay with her at Noah’s old house (although he may need to move back in it if Isabel founds out about AJ) AND go to Lady Mae’s early morning Bible Study with her instead of going to Hampton for the summer.

Since Bishop is trying to woo Lady Mae back, he concocts a way to fix his ex-wife’s problem with Deaconness Connie. Cloaked by the cover of night, in the Calvary parking lot, he meets his old assistant Karine who is adorned with a black hat and sunglasses like she is a double agent. She hands him some papers and he speeds off the premises. Once he leaves, she says, “This sure doesn’t feel like church.” Ya think? Apparently, Bishop has lost faith in God because he’s resorting to using the devil’s tactics. And we know that what is done in the dark will surely come to light.

Lady Mae reminds her ex-husband of this principle when he presents with documentation proving that Deaconness Connie is receiving payments from Harmony & Hope. He says, “I’m trying to get this church back for you.” She says, “This is not the way.” It won’t be power or might that gets Calvary back for the Greenleafs but by “my will says the Lord,” says Lady Mae. She goes on to say, “We have to get our house in order, we have to get our hearts in order or we’re going to lose everything.” Tell him, Lady Mae.

Speaking of getting a house in order, Grace finally tells her daughter about her older half-brother. Sophia points out that Grace always criticized her parents for not being there for her sister Faith when Grace completely abandoned her child. She calls her “such a hypocrite” and says that that she doesn’t want her to accompany her to Hampton. Apparently, her mother’s revelation was enough to convince to go away again when Zora had convinced her to stay. Has Grace lost her daughter forever or at the very least, a very long time?

Win, Lose or Draw…

Kerissa is willing to lose it all to escape from the Greenleaf estate. She wants to sell the Real Church land, the land across from Calvary that they bought when they were going to build a church there. She believes the profit from the sale of the land will be enough for a down payment on a home. “I want out of this house.” But Jacob doesn’t want to sell the land without praying about it especially as he may have other ideas about how to use the land. The former jock is considering building some sort of youth athletics facility where he can minister to athletes like Dante. Kerissa says she will hold off on getting a market analysis for now but as soon as she is out of Jacob’s sight, she contacts the real estate agent anyway. She is forever trying to lead the marriage. SMH…

Bishop is wondering whether he will be able to win Lady Mae back after all as he looks at the plane tickets he bought. Not only is she asking him to court her, she is also asking him to clean his heart. Can he do that? I don’t know and clearly he doesn’t either…

It’s looking like Grace has lost her daughter for now. Early in the morning, she takes off in her jeep for her long drive to Hampton but not before telling her that her father will be joining her on the journey. Ouch. I feel it for Grace, but she did bring this on herself.

Lady Mae is determined to win back Calvary God’s way and tells Bishop’s accomplice Karine the same. She presents Karine with a check for all of the costs associated with “A Day With Lady Mae” and asks her to give it to Deaconness Connie before the scheduled board meeting. She says she is taking this action according to Romans 13:7.

Now that Grace has lost Sofia, at least for now, maybe she will attempt to win her son back. A.J., who has nice locs, calls her from jail and says, “So you gon help me out or what?” She says will help him with his monetary needs and as well as help him find a place to stay. And after Sofia got on her mother for only wanting to throw money at her son and not develop a relationship, maybe developing a relationship with her and Noah’s son is what she needs to do win her daughter back as well…

Thank you sooo much for reading my Greenleaf Recap Season 4 Episode 2: Did I Lose You? and my other recaps so far. If you would like to keep up with OWN’s “Greenleaf,” and my recaps, please click on this link to subscribe to my blog 🙂!

Any thoughts?










Jacqueline J. Holness (AKA ME!) Reveals the Cover of Her New Novel ‘Destination Wedding!’ (INTERVIEW)

Hello World,

Sorry I had to do it. Write in the third person that is. I just couldn’t figure out how to state the fact that I have written my first novel without being a little extra. And referring to yourself in the third person is as extra as you can get on a written page. So pardon me for being braggadocios. It’s just that I’ve written a novel that I’m extremely proud of and it’s finally time to tell you all about it!

When I first imagined myself as a writer at the adorable age of six, I saw myself weaving words into worlds as a novelist. Well, maybe not a quite a novel, but certainly a work of fiction. As I matured and began to grasp that writing was not as simple as it seemed, I gravitated toward journalism where real life (just the facts, ma’am) was written down and every story was thankfully short. I just didn’t think I had enough words to write a whole novel. But in my heart, behind the wall of fear, I wondered if I would ever summon enough stamina and skill to craft a world of words also known as a novel. In 2009, yes, 10 years ago, a real-life event took hold of me and demanded that I explore this topic as a novel. And it literally took me 10 years to learn how to write a novel AND get it published. So Destination Wedding written by Jacqueline J. Holness (oh so extra I know) will be released in December to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the real-life event that inspired me and captivated me enough to write a novel at long last! So below is the synopsis followed by my interview with 96Kix’s Kimberly Kaye, who interviewed me as I wrote Destination Wedding. (Read and or listen to the interview.)

Three successful best friends in Atlanta believe they are thriving in the Black Mecca. Bossy bank executive Senalda breaks down men from business to bed no holds barred. Hip hop PR guru Jarena praises the Lord and pursues married men with equal persistence. Famous and infamous radio personality Mimi fights with her fans and for the love of her on-and-off-again boyfriend.

But when an ABC News Nightline report, “Single, Black, Female — and Plenty of Company,” asks why can’t a successful black woman find a man? The friends are suddenly hyper-aware of their inclusion in the sad statistic: 42% of black women who have never been married. Like the women in the report, they are career-driven, beautiful black women living in Atlanta who have everything — but a mate. They resolve to defy the statistic by marrying in a year and have it all by tackling their goal as a project with a vision board, monthly meetings, and more. Project Destination Wedding is born. A “happily married” best friend Whitney is a project consultant.

But as the deadline ticks closer, the women wonder if they can withstand another year of looking for love in the media-proclaimed no-man’s land of Atlanta. Senalda wrests a marriage proposal from the male version of herself, but the proposal comes simultaneously with a devastating secret. Jarena unleashes hell when her call to ministry coincides with dating her married college sweetheart. Mimi faces losing her career and jail time chasing her boyfriend and marries another man in the process. Whitney’s power couple profile plummets when her husband, a pornography addict, announces he would rather pursue photography than be an MD.

Inspired by an actual Nightline report, Destination Wedding charts four women’s journeys as they discover that love is not an experiment easily confined to a timetable.

These are the four main characters as I saw them in my mind as I was writing- Jarena, Mimi, Senalda & Whitney…Can you match the women to how they actually turned out on the cover?

Kimberly: 96 KIX. On the line with me, I have Jacqueline Holness. How are you Jacqueline?

Jacqueline: I’m great. How are you Kimberly?

Kimberly: I’m wonderful. Welcome back to the show!

Jacqueline: Thank you so much for having me!

Kimberly: You know the last time you we talked it was all about ‘After the Altar Call.’ Now, what have you been up to? I know I always read your blog. Always.

Jacqueline: Thanks so much for reading. I really appreciate that. You never know who is reading. Thank you so much.

Kimberly: How is it working with the blog?

Jacqueline: Well, I love to write so it’s a creative outlet for me. And I’m always surprised when people actually respond to what I write because it’s not something that I get paid to do. I just love to do it. Even if people didn’t read it, I would still write.

Kimberly: You said, regardless, you’re gonna blog!

Jacqueline: Yes! Definitely.

Kimberly: Now, how do you pick your topics to know what to blog about?

Jacqueline: Well, the most important aspect of my life is my faith so I always want to talk about my faith and whatever area I choose to talk about whether it be pop culture or whether it be more serious issues, I always try to look at it through the lens of having faith in God and how God would want us to see certain things that play out in our society.

Kimberly: Right,  well that’s great. Now, also I saw that you are getting ready to write another book for us.

Jacqueline: Yes, I grew up reading fiction books, but when I got older, I just veered off into non-fiction books. But recently, I rediscovered my love of fiction and I decided to write a fiction book about three single black women in Atlanta.

Kimberly: Alright. Can you give us a little bit more? Or is that all you can give us?

Jacqueline: (Laughter) I’ll tell you a little more about it, but I’m not finished yet. But basically, I’m not sure if you saw the ABC News Nightline special that came on in December 2009 where it was quoted that 42% of black women have never been married?

Kimberly: Wow! That’s a high percentage.

Jacqueline: Yes, a very high percentage and they featured black women in Atlanta who had everything but a mate. And from there, there was a debate that was held in Atlanta. Steve Harvey was here. Sherri Shepherd. A lot of notables came in town to debate this issue in Atlanta. So as a black woman, I was single at the time, I’m married now, it really impacted me. And I thought what if I wrote a book about black women, fictional black women, who saw this report, and decided to defy the statistics and get married in a year.

Kimberly: Now you live in Atlanta?

Jacqueline: I do live in Atlanta.

Kimberly: Do you see that problem?

Jacqueline: Well, I see it all over. When I travel, I meet a lot of single black women, but for some reason, Atlanta seems to be the epicenter I guess of single black women. And because I was single and just got married at 40 years old, I know what it’s like to be single and I know what it’s like to wonder, ‘Why aren’t men choosing me?’ So I decided to write a book from my own personal journey and do it through the lens of fiction.

Kimberly: That sounds great. Do you know when you will be finished?

Jacqueline: Well, I hope to have the rough draft finished very soon. I’m going to work on it for the next few months. What interested you when you read, I know you read the blog post about me working on this book. What interested you? I’m just curious.

Kimberly: Like you said, we have a lot in common, Jacqueline.  I got married when I was 40. Same thing.

Jacqueline: Oh really?

Kimberly: Yes, we have that in common. I was going through life, and I was like, ‘I don’t think I’m gonna ever get married.’ But once I quit thinking about it, dwelling on it, it happened so that’s what kind of intrigued me. It takes a lot. You wonder, Am I doing something wrong? Is it me? Why didn’t I get married when I was in my 20s or in my 30s? So that’s why I was interested.

Jacqueline: Wow! So I’m so glad we have that in common. We may have to talk off the air later about that as older women who have gotten married. That’s a category in itself – older brides. I may have to write something about that.

Kimberly: (Laughter) Yes! Well, I’m anticipating it.

Jacqueline: Yes, well, please go to my website and you will see updates about the book. I’m really excited about, and I hope it will be on bookshelves as soon as possible.

Kimberly: And that’s also why I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to spread the word about your blog. I think it’s just terrific, and I want everyone to be aware of it.

Jacqueline: Oh, thank you so much!

(Note: There is just a minute or so more left of the interview, but I included what pertains to today’s blog post.)


Below are some advance reviews I have received about Destination Wedding!

“Jacqueline J. Holness has penned a delightful read that puts a new spin on the age-old dilemma of the beautiful, successful, single black woman finding a mate! Did I say beautiful and successful? Set in the Black Mecca – The ATL – Destination Wedding will have you asking, “Why is this so hard?” I found myself in the moment, rooting for these women – and thoroughly enjoyed their journeys to happily-ever-after.” – Monica Richardson, author of the Talbots of Harbour Island series

“In need of a getaway? Destination Wedding is the read you need. Filled with characters that will remind you of your girlfriends and unexpected adventures, it’s the perfect vacation read.” – Chandra Sparks Splond, author and blogger

“In Destination Wedding, Jacqueline J. Holness takes readers on page-turning twists and turns that hijack several friendships on the path to love. If you’re eager for an entertaining read that will leave you rooting for the characters as if they’re your friends, pick up your copy today.” – Stacy Hawkins Adams, multi-published author of Coming HomeWatercolored PearlsThe Someday List and more

So Destination Wedding will officially debut on Dec. 3, but it is available for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, IndieBound and Target right now! And I’m not gonna be shy about this: I want this book to be a best-selling book so your pre-orders will help me achieve that goal! As a matter of fact, I will be offering some free gifts if you pre-order so come back here often for updates!

Finally, if you would like to be a member of my book launch team which means getting a FREE advance copy of Destination Wedding, email me at!

Thank you so much for reading this blog post, and I hope and pray you will be reading my first novel Destination Wedding very soon!

Any thoughts?






Greenleaf Recap Season 4 Episode 1: Original Sin…

Hello World,

The wait for the return of OWN’s “Greenleaf” is OVER!!! So I won’t make you wait to get this Greenleaf Recap Season 4 Episode 1: Original Sin …

O.G. Original Gangster

Like the original gangster that he is, Bob Whitmore is front and center on the stage between his henchman Phil DeMars and Grace as Calvary’s praise and worship (led by a woman who is not Charity) ushers in Sunday morning service. Once the praise and worship is complete, Bob strides up to the podium and says, “Good Morning Calvary.” He delivers his cheery greeting with all of the sincerity of a snake. “Wasn’t that a wonderful performance? So much energy.” He then proceeds to compliment the congregation on all of the “beautiful hats” he sees in the church. First of all, praise and worship is not a performance. It’s praise to and worship of the Lord. And secondly, he sounds like an original neophyte instead of an O.G. making a comment about church hats. A hat in a church is almost as common as a Bible in a church.

Whitmore goes on with his speech over a podium where the Harmony & Hope moniker is now clearly displayed. “Welcome to the family,” he says before introducing Phil, who is the southeast conference leader of the church stealing conglomerate.  He also said that he was so glad that Deaconness Connie Sykes approached him about taking over Calvary as he had been eyeing the church from afar. He recalls that he said, “I’d like to get in on that.”

Looking on from the audience, Bishop tells Lady Mae that what Bob really meant to say is that he would like to “get in on that money.” It’s so disconcerting to see all of the Greenleafs except Grace in the audience rather than on stage as they were before. And even Grace is not getting her respect as Bob whispers to Grace to keep her sermon short after he introduces her as the interim pastor.  Once the service is over, the Greenleafs critique the service as well as the overall feel of the church now that they are simply parishioners rather in the pulpit. Bishop says he feels like a “ghost moving unseen in a house that I built” while Lady Mae says Grace’s sermon was “concise.” But Grace reminds her parents that they must remain cool if they are to reclaim their church.

Lady Mae agrees but then she approaches Bob anyway. She tells Bob that her daughter’s sermon was more like a “minister’s minute.” When Bob says something to the effect that time is money, she points that “money shouldn’t be a metric when measuring things of the spirit.” Bob points out that a shorter service would pave the way for a third service and that congregants want to know what to expect when coming to a Harmony & Hope church service similarly to a McDonald’s. (I guess this episode was shot before the Chick-fil-A/Popeye’s war teehee.) And then Lady Mae delivers one of her zingers. “There are two things that human beings do together that are best done when done slowly and preaching is one of them.” LOL. I will let you guess the other thing…

Grace meets with Phil to discuss hiring Jacob and Charity as associate pastors. But Phil shuts her down by reminding her about what happened at Triumph although Basie Skanks framed Jacob and what happened with Charity being nearly accused of kidnapping her child. She tells him that they don’t have to be officially associate pastors. They can even be called assistants, but Phil says, “It’s never going to happen.”

You’re An Original…

Although Bob is at Bishop’s desk when Bishop charges into his vacated office, it’s clear that there will never be another like Bishop. In his walk and talk and overall presence, he’s got the ingredients of a beloved shepherd. Bob is just fooling himself if he thinks he is going to erase Bishop’s legacy and steal the flock for himself. Bishop tells Bob that he knows what the man is up to and his reputation has preceded him. Apparently, a pastor friend of his, Mike Evans, who was the shepherd over Jericho Faith Fellowship, was pushed out of his own church due to Harmony & Hope Ministries. The organization hired a private investigator to drum up some dirt on him and discovered that Pastor Mike got addicted to painkillers after injuring himself while helping Katrina survivors. Bob and his gang shared that intel with Jericho’s board and Pastor Mike was pushed out. Harmony & Hope brought down the wall around Jericho and took it over as a result.

Bishop says, “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but I’m going to find out.” He then tells Bob that his “magic carpet of a denomination is going to dissolve like smoke” when he’s through with him. Yaaas, Bishop! Tell him! “Your days are numbered,” are Bishop’s final benediction. Bob says he hopes the Lord releases him from the “spirit of resentment.” And then he really sticks it to him by telling Bishop that he met Bishop’s ex-wife. “She’s a spitfire! How did you let her get away?” I guess that was Bob’s way of saying that if he let his beloved wife get away and then it’s no wonder that his church is being stolen from him. That’s alright, Bishop. You made some mistakes, but you can make up for those mistakes. That’s what repentance is all about.

Speaking of mistakes, since it was revealed last season that Lady Mae’s indiscretion resulted in the birth of Grace, Aaron is as much her brother as Jacob is. And so he calls his big sister and for the first time, she refers to him as her “little brother.” Was I the only one who was a little “weirded out” by their conversation? I know they are related, but I still only see Jacob as her only brother.

Original Prankster…

Zora Greenleaf, our favorite juvenile delinquent, has moved along with her parents back to the Greenleaf home on the estate. But her little brother, who is finally growing up a little, is annoying her as he is always passing gas. She tells her parents that she is a “grown-a$$ woman” and she should be allowed to move into Noah’s old cabin for the sake of her sense of smell and overall sanity. This woman-child is beyond bold. I mean the girl caused her parents to go through hell last season and now she wants to rewarded with her own place rent-free?! I think she should be forced to sleep with her stinky brother.

And speaking of things that stink…When Jacob gets a voicemail from a Dora Saunders, Kerissa is paranoid that Dora is really Tasha Skanks. “How come I’ve never met her?” Kerissa asks Jacob. She wonders aloud if Basie, Tasha and Rochelle, three pranksters for real, are still conspiring to further damage Jacob and Kerissa. She says to Jacob, “Don’t call back.”

Meanwhile back at Calvary, the two new pranksters of Season 4, Bob and Phil, discuss their plan to completely conquer Calvary. Bob is concerned that although the Greenleafs seem to be reasonably compliant, they are likely concocting a scheme as they speak. And Bob is right. Back at the estate, at the family dining room table, Grace reveals to her family that her request to get Jacob and Charity put on as associate pastors has resulted in “dookie” in Charity’s words. (I think she’s still dranking…and she’s  not the only one as you will find out later…)

And Kerissa goes on to say that the Greenleafs have been on a “swift slide down” ever since the prodigal daughter Grace returned. She tells her in-laws that they can “side eye me all you want.” And furthermore, she tells that the family that she is not at all happy that she is living under the Greenleaf roof again before she stomps out of the room. Bishop says to Jacob, “You need to handle your business and keep her out of the wine.”

And then top all of that off, Charity screeches that she should be an associate pastor before she also stomps out of the room like the petulant last child that she is. Lady Mae says, “The sins and stupidity that this poor table has seen. I’m surprised it doesn’t just crash to the floor.” You’ve got to love Lady Mae and her language! Once the room has cleared, Lady Mae goes to Grace. She tells her daughter that she did nothing wrong. Wow! I hope Grace burns her mother’s words in her memory because she may never hear those words slip from mother’s lips ever again.

Grace wants to tell Jacob and Charity that she is really their half-sister, but Lady Mae says, “We will tell them once we have won our church back.” I agree. Right now, their efforts need to be laser-focused and if they find out that Grace is their mother’s love child, they family would be splintered, in more ways than one, in their efforts. She then tells her daughter that she should not ask that her brother and sister be hired. She should tell them they will. And she kisses Grace on the cheek!!!

Per usual, Jacob defies his wife’s instruction and calls Dora Saunders back. Apparently, her son plays NBA basketball for the Memphis Red Devils and needs a spiritual adviser and or life coach. The team’s name alone should get Jacob running not walking in the opposite direction, but the man is without a job so the devil’s offer beckons him.

Later on that evening, Bishop, with his sly self, sees Lady Mae slip off her clothes to reveal lingerie. It’s been all last season since those two became one so to speak and Bishop wants to move back into their bedroom. “When do you see me moving back in here?” Lady Mae replies, “When we’re in love.” Bishop is surprised that Lady Mae didn’t just fall back in love with him and asks her if flowers and a ring will do the trick. Lady Mae levels with him. “You are courting a woman who has had everything. You will have to sweep me off my feet…in ways that I can’t even imagine.” Wow. Although the Greenleafs have to win their church back, Bishop has to win Lady Mae back too.

And even later that evening, in the middle of the night actually, Grace gets a call from some inmate…Is this a prank call?

Get Original…

You must know that Lady Mae is an original. When you think you are getting something that you want from her, you realize that she will always get what she wants first and foremost. She allows Zora to live in Noah’s abandoned cabin. (Remember Noah from Season 1? He was Grace’s original love.) But in exchange for her more free living arrangements, she will resume meeting with her grandmother for their early morning Bible study sessions.  Speaking of Noah, he calls Grace and asks her to call him back per her voicemail…Hmmm…

Charity decides to come up with an original plan to regain Calvary. She, by her lonesome, meets with Phil. She tells him she is better than Grace. Phil picks up on Charity’s frustration and asks her to be his “eyes and ears” among the Greenleafs in exchange for a position.

Speaking of a position, Jacob meets with a member of the Memphis Red Devils management team. He is told he is more likely to get the job as a spiritual adviser and or life coach if he is already on staff at a church, especially after what happened at Triumph. Unlike Charity, he still believes that his sister is working on his behalf to secure a position at Calvary. And Grace is. She tells Bob that she is willing to walk away from Calvary if he doesn’t hire her brother and sister. Bob tells her that he has been following her since her days as a television reporter in Arizona. Uh-oh. You know this means that Bob has dirt on her just like he did on Bishop’s friend Pastor Mike. He tells Grace that “putting family first is a mistake” although he does agree to bring on Jacob as an associate pastor.

Now that Grace has secured Jacob’s position at Calvary, his position as the spiritual adviser and or life coach for Dante Saunders of the Memphis Red Devils is set and Zora tells her cousin that she wants to be Daunte’s love coach. Sophia points out that Zora is always falling for the bad boy. Apparently, this dude drove over a Confederate statue or something while drunk.

But Charity is not satisfied that at least her brother was hired as an associate pastor. When she hears the news, she calls Phil and tells him, “I’m in.”

Grace has more to worry about than her spying little sister though. Noah calls her again and finally reaches her. He says, “Why haven’t you called me back? An inmate from Arizona called me and he says he’s our son!” Well, close my Bible and call Grace a sinner. Lady Mae isn’t the only one with a love child. What we thought was an original sin in the Greenleaf family is actually a legacy sin. Like mother, like daughter…Wow…More will be revealed I’m sure.

In the voice of the incomparable Bishop T.D. Jakes, “Get ready, Get ready, Get ready.” In fact, Saints, cash app me your tithe because I’m about to put in work this Season 4 I can already tell…LOL…

Thank you sooo much for reading my Greenleaf Recap Season 4 Episode 1: Original Sin and my other recaps so far. If you would like to keep up with OWN’s “Greenleaf,” and my recaps, please click on this link to subscribe to my blog 🙂!

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