The Top 10 Blog Posts and or Magazine Articles for Black Christian Women in March 2021…

Hello World,

I’m back with my monthly roundup of blog posts and or magazine articles for black Christian women! Below is my Top 10 monthly roundup of blog posts and or magazine/newspaper articles for black Christian women for March, but you don’t have be a black Christian woman to to check them out. As usual, let me know if you like my list! Enjoy and share!

1.”Sherri Shepherd To Headline & Produce ‘Black Don’t Crack’ ABC Comedy Pilot, Kelly Park To Direct” by Nellie Andreeva”

Excerpt: Black Don’t Crack (fka Untitled Regina Hicks) follows three former sorority sisters who lost touch after college reunite during a pivotal point in their lives. They realize sometimes it’s okay to crack and when you do, no one will be there for you like your friends. Shepherd will play Angela Wright, a native New Yorker somewhere between 45 and death, but it’s hard to tell because “black don’t crack.” She’s a single mom who put aside her musical dreams to raise her son after her husband died. She’s been holding it down alone for years, taking care of her family instead of herself. When she is confronted with a personal crisis, she reunites with her sorority sisters to recapture the passion, ambition and sisterhood of their college glory days. See more at:

2.”Churchgoer, 82, Has Dressed Up for 52 Weeks of VIRTUAL Church Services” by Carly Stern

Excerpt: A dedicated Oklahoma churchgoer hasn’t missed a service since the pandemic started, tuning in every Sunday for virtual church. But even though Dr. Laverne Wimberly, 82, has been attending Metropolitan Baptist Church in Tulsa online, she hasn’t left behind her Sunday best, and dresses up to the nines every week to sit in front of her computer. See more at:

3.”A Message Of Hope: Sarah Jakes Roberts Shares Three Ways To Help Maintain Faith During This Difficult Time” by Charli Penn

Excerpt: Motivational speaker, best-selling author and faith leader Sarah Jakes Roberts has a message of hope for the world as we struggle together to find hope and positivity amid the global coronavirus pandemic—stay strong. Jakes Roberts was one of many though-leaders in the health and wellness space who spoke at the first annual ESSENCE Wellness House Virtual Summit: Taking Care In The Wake Of Global Pandemic on Tuesday, March 31st. Jakes Roberts, daughter of spiritual leader Bishop TD Jakes,  offered some positive reflection for the audience during this difficult time. Jakes Roberts, who is also the founder of the Women Evolve ministry, designed to help women reach their fullest potential, shared her personal experiences with finding ways to practice peace and gratitude at home with her husband, The Potter’s House at One LA’s Pastor Touré Roberts, and their kids. See more at:

4. “Nischelle Turner Makes History as the First Black woman to Host ‘Entertainment Tonight’” by Karu F. Daniels

Excerpt: “I’ve known this news for a couple weeks and have been thinking of what to say when it was released,” Turner wrote in an Instagram post on Thursday, saying thank you and paying homage to the many Black woman who came before her and still work in broadcast television, including Carole Simpson, Oprah Winfrey, Pat Harvey, Gayle King, Hota Kotb, Robin Roberts, Tamron Hall and Joy Reid. See more at:

5. “Black Woman Launches Black-Owned Radio Station and TV Network in Downtown Atlanta” by Cedric “Big Ced” Thornton

Excerpt: Black News has reported that Tina Redmond, who uses the moniker DJ Chic Chick, is now the owner of Atlanta’s newest Black-owned radio station and television network, TRACC Radio and TRACC TV. The Inglewood, California, native says she created the two media platforms in an effort to offer independent artists, celebrities, as well business owners the chance to have their talent and or product promoted on a worldwide basis. See more at:

6. “Asian American Christians Refuse to Be Silent Amid Rise in Hate Crimes” by Nicola A. Menzie

Excerpt: In New York City, about 100 Christians, including families with young children, gathered at the usually bustling open air market at the north end of Union Square Park on Sunday (March 28). Standing under an overcast sky, they sang, prayed for healing and repentance, and affirmed the dignity of Asian American lives. In addition to observing two minutes of silence for the Atlanta victims, including Delaina Ashley Yaun and Andre Michels, they listened as Won read the names of the Korean and Chinese women killed by the Atlanta gunman. They are: Soon Chung Park, 74; Hyun Jung Grant (maiden name Kim), 51; Suncha Kim, 69; Yong Ae Yue, 63; Xiaojie Tan, 49; and Daoyou Feng, 44. Ray Low, standing among the crowd, carried a sign quoting Ezekiel 13:10 on one side and a declaration on the other: HEY CHRISTIANS: WOMEN ARE NOT THE REASON YOU CAN’T DEAL WITH YOUR SIN — a reference to the Atlanta shooter reportedly blaming a sex addiction for his crimes. See more at:

7. “Viola Davis is now the most nominated Black actress in Oscars history” by Christie D’Zurilla 

Excerpt: Upping the stakes even higher this year: The best actress nomination of Andra Day (“The United States vs. Billie Holiday”) makes it only the second time that two Black women will compete for that honor. The last time it happened was 48 years ago, in 1973, when Cecily Tyson and Diana Ross were nominated for “Sounder” and “Lady Sings the Blues,” respectively. That year, Liza Minnelli won for her portrayal of Sally Bowles in “Cabaret.” See more at:

8. “Black Christians discuss how faith informs their stances on abortion” by

Excerpt: For Cherilyn Holloway, her support of Black Lives Matter has everything to do with her stance on abortion. When Michael Brown was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014, Holloway made a point to discuss the tragedy with her own sons. The tragedy also ignited the spark that converged her passions and activism. “Here’s a man who was shot in the street, he couldn’t defend himself, the same way a baby can’t defend themselves in the womb,” she said. “Because they both are lives, and both are lives that matter. And the issue we are dealing with right now in our society is a life issue. We have built a society that does not value life, whether it is in the physical form or in the womb.” See more at:

9. “15-Year-Old Faith Odunsi Defeats Chinese, UK, US Pupils At Global Maths Competition” by Eniola Oyemolade

Excerpt: Faith Odunsi, a student of The Ambassadors Schools, Ota, Ogun State, recently won the Global Open Mathematics Tournament, an international competition with participants from Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Australia.Alongside the title of being the winner, Odunsi also won a monetary award of $1,000. The organisers would also come for the official presentation of the award. See more at:

10. “This High Schooler Invented Color-Changing Sutures to Detect Infection” by Theresa Machemer

Excerpt: Dasia Taylor has juiced about three dozen beets in the last 18 months. The root vegetables, she’s found, provide the perfect dye for her invention: suture thread that changes color, from bright red to dark purple, when a surgical wound becomes infected. The 17-year-old student at Iowa City West High School in Iowa City, Iowa, began working on the project in October 2019, after her chemistry teacher shared information about state-wide science fairs with the class. As she developed her sutures, she nabbed awards at several regional science fairs, before advancing to the national stage. See more at:

If you know of any black Christian women bloggers and or writers, please e-mail me at as I’m always interested in expanding my community of black Christian women blog, magazines and websites. As I noted before, while this is a roundup of interesting blog posts and or magazine and newspaper articles for black Christian women, you don’t have to be one to appreciate these pieces  🙂.

Any thoughts?


What You Thought Was Dead Can Now Come Back to LIFE on EASTER!

Hello World,

Happy Easter or Happy Resurrection Day! However you choose to refer to this day, this is the day that Christians the world over celebrate the most important day in our faith! Today we celebrate that while death is a powerful foe indeed, the power of death could not and cannot compare to the indestructible power of the Lord Jesus Christ! HE IS RISEN! We no longer have to live in sin, be ruled by destructive habits and or addictions or walk through this earth alone! We have a savior and a friend in Jesus Christ! Like the Baptists, I’ve got a reason to shout! Like the Pentecostals, I’ve got a reason to get my dance on! Like the Methodists, I’ve got a reason to be in silent awe! And then do it all over again! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS! Please find yourself in somebody’s church today because the Lord has a blessing for you, and you don’t want to miss it!

And speaking of blessings, I was reading the resurrection story in Matthew 27, and I read some verses that I don’t recall reading before…Do you know that Jesus was not the only one that God rose from the dead? According to Matthew 27:51-53, “51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people.” Many theologians have differing opinions of what this miraculous occurrence meant, and it is not mentioned if these people remained on Earth or ascended with Jesus back to heaven.

As a lay person or a regular ole Christian or maybe even as a writer, these verses are further evidence that the death and resurrection of Jesus is not just about spiritual good that is just good for Heaven, it is also a good that makes sense right here on Earth! What do I mean? Using my sanctified storyteller imagination, I imagine that one of the dead was a mother who had passed away while giving birth to a son who had never known his mother except through the stories of family and friends. On the day that Jesus rose, this child was able to meet his mother for the first time! I can also imagine that one of those dead was a beloved husband of an elderly widow that had not seen him in decades unless she dreamed about him at night. Can you imagine how elated she was when he came to her during the day? Or what about the young woman that died suddenly after a brief and mysterious illness leaving her family and friends to question why God allowed this tragedy to happen? I imagined that they wept after she confirmed that even death could not keep her from the ones she loved! I’m sure this day of resurrection was a day of overflowing joy!

So what does this mean for us today? First of all and most importantly, we have a risen savior that promises to give us eternal life with Him in heaven. And while we are here on Earth, Jesus can break the chains of sin, addiction and destructive habits and give us joy and peace that sustains us through everything! AND he can bring back to life what we thought was dead…Maybe you dreamed of launching a business but you no longer have the financial backing to get it going. Don’t worry. Just pray! He can bring this dream back to life. Maybe you’ve been set back by setback after setback. God can restore your life! Maybe you are still grieving the death of a loved one years later and have been unable to really move on, God can show you how to live and not die!

What you thought was dead can now come back to life…Ponder on these verses…God will show you exactly what they mean to you…

Praise Him Even During This Pandemic!!!

Any thoughts?

Hosted by BeBe & Deborah Joy Winans aka Charity Greenleaf, OWN To Premiere Easter Gospel Music Special ‘Our OWN Easter’ on Tues, March 30 Featuring Fantasia, Anthony Hamilton, Kirk Franklin & More

Hello World,

The most triumphant date of our Christian faith is a week from today! To honor Easter, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network announced  that “Our OWN Easter,” a one-hour gospel music special celebrating the glory of the Resurrection will premiere on the network Tuesday, March 30 at 9 p.m. ET/PT following the critically-acclaimed drama series, “Queen Sugar.”

“Our OWN Easter” from executive producer Dr. Holly Carter, Rikki Hughes and Relevé Entertainment, an All3Media America company, will showcase some of the most renowned gospel and R&B artists in music and entertainment as they commemorate Easter in their “OWN” unique way, blending sunrise service traditions with modern performances.

The spiritual celebration will be hosted by gospel royalty and GRAMMY Award winner BeBe Winans and his talented multi-hyphenated niece Deborah Joy Winans who starred as Charity Greenleaf in the hit OWN series “Greenleaf” for five seasons.  It will feature powerful, uplifting, and iconic performances by such artists as Fantasia, CeCe Winans, Kirk Franklin, Anthony Hamilton and The Hamiltones, Ledisi, Travis Greene, Osby Berry, Jonathan McReynolds, with appearances by Cedric the Entertainer, Michelle Williams and others. Viewers will also experience inspiring spoken word from prominent faith leaders Bishop J. Drew Sheard, Pastor William Murphy and Priscilla Shirer.

Check out the trailer below!

“Our OWN Easter” is the second special for OWN produced with Dr. Holly Carter and Relevé Entertainment. The first special, “Our OWN Christmas,” hosted by Meagan Good and DeVon Franklin, premiered on OWN in December and was the #1 non-news cable telecast in the time period among African-American W18+, households and total viewers.

Holly Carter is the founder of Relevé Entertainment, which specializes in television/film production, talent partnerships, and brand development. The company consistently delivers high-quality, “break-through” family and faith-based programming that engages national audiences. Recently, Carter created and executive produced “The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel,” the highest-rated original TV movie of 2020.

Any thoughts?