Let Us Go Into the House of the Lord…

Hello World!!!

During these difficult economic times, I’m sure more and more people are finding themselves in church on Sunday mornings…There is nothing like hearing the encouraging and heartfelt words of a skilled pastor accompanied by the sounds of a soulful choir to lift your spirits when all else has failed…I imagine that our beloved commander in chief and his beautiful family would benefit from regularly attending church…but as you know since the debacle that was President Obama’s and Rev. Wright’s break up last year, the Obamas have been without a church home…According to a McClatchy Newspapers article, the Obamas probably won’t pick a church home until after Easter.

Sources in the article stated the following DC churches are on their short list:

1. Metropolitan AME – Powerful black leaders including Vernon Jordan attend this church. Frederick Douglass is a past member, and the church may have been a stop on the Underground Railroad…sounds good to me…

2. Nineteenth Street Baptist – (now on 16th Street) The church has an extensive civil rights history.

3. People’s Congregational United Church of Christ – This church, of the same denomination as Obama’s former church, has a predominantly black congregation. Melody Barnes, Obama’s domestic policy advisor, is a member of the church.

4. Calvary Baptist – Led by a pastor who grew up in Hawaii, this is a smaller church. The Rev. Amy Butler “writes a church blog and is building a young, mixed ethnic and racial congregation.”

I’m sure the Obamas are praying about their choice, and I pray that God’s will prevails…

The Obamas’ search has got me thinking about what people look for in a church. As I’m a preacher’s daughter, I have attended my father’s church for most of my life. For all of its flaws, my small church feels like an extended family. They watched me grow up and their love has sheltered me when the outside world shunned me. (Middle school was crazy hard. 🙁 ) We have experienced many deaths in our little family. We’ve watched many members move on to more glitzy and glam churches about town. We’ve watched some stray away from the faith altogether…but we’re still here…and still holding on to our faith…

In an effort to kinda switch things up a bit,  however, I decided  about a year or so ago to attend Bible Study at a different church…Seeing my father at my home church and at my parents’ home can get old…Shout out to Redemption Community Church which is led by Pastor L.K. Pendleton! A small but growing United Methodist church, I also feel at home there. Let me also shout out our fearless Bible Study leader who shall go nameless unless he wants to reveal himself! His passion for the Lord and the Word have inspired me! (He’s a bit mouthy and brash, but I don’t mind…ha,ha!)

What do you look for in a church? Some people prefer large churches whereas others prefer a small, close-knit church. Some churches draw people because of their choirs. Other churches draw people because they have historical significance. Other churches are popular because many races are represented there. Some people like churches because they have “pomp and circumstance.” Some people prefer churches which are led by fringe groups not typically represented at mainstream churches. Other churches draw people because they have star pastors and star members for that matter. Some people pick their churches simply because they are down the street…

Why do you attend your church? Also, don’t be scared to shout our your church!

I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.  Psalm 122:1

Any thoughts?

To Tithe or Not To Tithe…That Should Not be the Question!

Hello World!!!

The weather in the A is crazy, huh? It’s either tropical and raining or frigid and dry…Today is one of the colder days…somewhere in the 20s…that just ain’t right….

Anyway, let me get on task. So have you made your resolutions yet? As I said in my last post, it takes me the whole month of January to come up with suitable resolutions or more appropriately, goals. Some of my goals for the year will be concentrated on my finances. It’s an area I would rather not think about actually. This comes from my uneasiness about numbers in general. I think it’s just how I’m wired. I don’t know many journalists who are good with numbers. But alas, I’m 35 on the way to 36, and I still haven’t snagged a baller…so I guess I need to get my Plan B in gear.

But I must say I’m proud of the fact that I have been tithing since I got my first job in the eighth grade. There have been times due to irresponsibility and fear that I have missed tithing a paycheck from time to time, but for the most part, I’m a faithful tither. To tithe is to give ten percent of your income to the church. (One cannot assume that everyone knows what tithing means!) My father drilled it in me that if you give to the Lord what is due Him, He, in turn, will make sure that what is left is more than enough to provide for your needs. There is even a verse that describes this principle.

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

Malachi 3:10

My father actually preached on this verse last Sunday. And this verse has been proven true in my life over and over again. A few years ago, I was going through a dark phase in my life. I was in between career jobs if you know what I mean. I was working at a department store in the mean time trying to make ends meet, but inevitably, someone would move the ends, ha, ha!  My roommate had moved out  leaving me with half of the money I needed to pay for my mortgage.  My car had broken down, and I didn’t have the money to fix it.  And right after I got the job at the department store, the department store shut down. I was so depressed I swear I didn’t open any bills for a few months. But during that time, nothing was turned off, and nobody came to get anything. I would like to think that my years of tithing had something to do with how the Lord took care of me.  And when I finally had the courage to open my bills again, the Lord granted me favor with the bill collectors.

My absolute favorite author Catherine Marshall wrote about her experience with tithing in her book Something More. (How a white woman who could have been a contemporary of my grandmother became my absolute favorite author is a mystery to me, but I just adore her work. FYI – Her work is archived at Agnes Scott College in Decatur. I once spent my birthday reviewing her work at the Agnes Scott College library. Yes, I am quite obsessed…) Anyway, Catherine Marshall’s husband Peter Marshall suddenly died leaving Catherine, who was a housewife, and their young son to fend for themselves.  In fact, they had to live off of $171 a month, according to the book. But Catherine decided to even tithe that. And the Lord took care of her. He told her that she was to “pick up [her] pen and edit and write.” Catherine became a best-selling author and has influenced generations with her work. The fact that a black woman with curly red dreads and who knows how to slow wine reads her work is a testament to that.  (It’s sooo cold outside that I’m dreaming of being in Jamaica as I sit at my desk.)

So what’s up? Do you tithe? Has God proven to you that He will take care of you if you put Him first? Let me know…

Any thoughts?

P.S. Since Jamaica is on my mind, I have posted a video of one of my favorite Bob Marley songs. It reminds me of watching my dad wash his car on hot Saturday mornings…