Around the World in a Day: My Experience at the 64th Annual International Conference on Missions

Hello World,

Wing Wong, president of the International Conference on Missions, speaks to everyone. For more info, go to

I was one of several people from local Christian churches that volunteered to help faciliate the 64th Annual International Conference on Missions (formerly the National Missionary Convention) at the Georgia International Convention Center Nov. 17 through today. It was so awe-inspiring to see all of the missionaries from all of the world in one place. And as I walked to the various exhibitor booths of the missionaries, I felt like I was getting an impromptu geography and world affairs lesson. And it brought home this verse:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

Wing Wong, a China missionary and president of the conference, described some of God’s miracles during his message to the missionaries yesterday. During one missionary trip to China, Wong and his fellow missionaries including his son were arrested three times! And each time, God delivered them!

During one arrest, Wong’s son Ivan, who as an American never learned Mandarin, was taken away to be questioned separately by the police. Wong was scared for his son’s safety and informed the police that his son could not speak Mandarin. When Ivan and one of the police officers returned, the police officer told Wong that he lied to them because his son spoke perfectly and they understood one another. Wong later asked his son had he learned Mandarin without his knowledge, and his son told his father no. He further explained that he is unsure how it happened. “Somehow, I could understand them, and somehow they understood me!”  Now, that’s a miracle!!! And 92 people were baptized on that trip despite the opposition the missionaries experienced!

Below are a few pictures from the exhibitors, I met yesterday. If you can, please pick at least one of the missionaries and offer your support!

 This is Yolanda Rodriguez of David’s Well, a ministry to Central America. Her father and mother Juan and Ydalia Rodriguez, who are from the Dominican Republic, are missionaries in Panama, Costa Rica & Nicaragua. Through their mission, they have dug clean water wells, built four health clinics, built 10 new schools and planted 80 new churches. For more information, e-mail

This is Mrs. Mutunga of Tumaini International Ministries Inc.  Mrs. Mutunga and her husband provide assistance to AIDS-orphaned children in Kenya. Currently, they are working to raise $2 million to complete construction of a multipurpose community center which will host the organization’s Christian camps, a medical clinic, counseling services, vocational training and a Christian leadership program. For more information, go to

 Anna along with her husband Jared Odle and their children work as missionaries with the Alliance of Christian Missions in Burkina, Faso in West Africa. Through their Business as Mission, they created a gold brokerage and mining management company, Ethnic Investments LLC,  in Burkina, Faso and have employed 150 men in the area. “God doesn’t just want us to take the gospel, He wants everyone to experience His fullness with clothing and shelter and everything we have here.” Amen!!! For more information, go to

I thought this mission was so innovative! Mercy Ships, a global charity, has operated a fleet of hospital ships in developing nations since 1978. They literally bring healing via doctors, nurses and other medical personnel that embark on these voyages to hurting people all of the world. From Nelson Mandela “I applaud Mercy Ships in their efforts of transformational development as they make a lasting difference in a world of need. Mercy Ships has committed themselves to the vision of an African renaissance in their vision of bringing hope and healing to the continent of Africa.” For more information, go to

Since I fell in love with libraries as a child, this mission got my attention. Open Door Libraries has created four public Christian libraries with full-time missionaries in Berlin, Budapest, Prague and Amman. From these, five churches have been planted!!! For more information, go to

Look for more pictures from the convention in the gallery on Friday, Nov. 25.

Any thoughts?







We Are a Bunch of Lushes…

Hello World,

*Hiccup*…Pardon me while I put down my bottle of Olde E so that I can write today’s post…I’m just kidding…

But if you live in the state of Georgia, you probably know what I’m talking about…In last Tuesday’s election in Georgia, most of the state’s 51 metro Atlanta jurisdictions voted to legalize Sunday alcohol sales. According to an article “Sunday Alcohol Sales Prove Popular With Most Voters” in the AJC, the scrapping of Georgia’s ban on Sunday alcohol sales demonstrates the slow but continuous abolishment of blue laws which are “designed to enforce religious standards, particularly observance of the Sabbath through restrictions on alcohol and shopping” that date back to the 1800s in Georgia and throughout the country.

This vote comes in the aftermath of Georgia’s legislature voting earlier this year to turn the issue over to individual citites rather than legislating a statewide ban on Sunday alcohol sales. Georgia was only one of three states nationwide that still prohibited Sunday liquor sales, according to the article…

How do I feel about it? As a Christian, I feel that we should set aside one day, the Sabbath, to rest, worship God and reflect on our relationship with Him and spend time with family and friends. The older I get, the more I see God’s wisdom in commanding us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. He made this a law for our benefit not His…In this world of constant contact via smartphones and other devices, if we are not careful we can find ourselves working virtually 24 hours a day and 7 days a week! We desperately need to unplug – even just for one day…

Some of y’all lushes out there are probably like kicking back with a 40 is how I relax…Why shouldn’t I able to stop by my local gas station and pick up a six pack on Sunday if I feel like it?

Well, my answer to you is this verse…

“You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’–but not everything is good for you. You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’–but not everything is beneficial.” 1 Corinthians 10:23

You can buy a chicken & biscuit bowl at KFC too— but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you…This new item at KFC boasts mashed potatoes, corn, crispy chicken pieces, gravy, three cheeses AND a biscuit on the side….you might as well call it “I Wanna Get A Fat Behind With a Side of Back Roll” bowl because that is what you will get over time if you eat like that all of the time..

The dismantling of this ban represents a shift in how we approach the Sabbath, the ONE DAY that God asks us to set aside, and over time, we will start showing the effects our decision…

Any thoughts?



How We Got Over…(The Funeral of Troy Davis)

Hello World,

Troy Davis was funeralized yesterday in Jonesville Baptist Church in Savannah, Ga. According to MSNBC, more than a 1,000 people showed up to honor the life of a man who was executed although there was considerable reasonable doubt that he committed the crime that he was accused of… 

I watched a video of a portion of the funeral in which Dick Gregory, a civil rights activist and comedian, paid his respects to the family while giving a wise and wickedly funny social commentary of the state of black affairs today. As I watched him, I was reminded of the rich religious heritage black people have in this country. We have only gotten over and are getting over because of the Lord! Black people have suffered grave injustices, and we still do. But none can deny that we have made great progress in spite of all that has been done to hold us back! Take a look at this video and tell me what you think.



And if you really want to feel the move of the Spirit, watch Mahalia Jackson sing “How I Got Over.” This video is an absolute treasure and gives us a glimpse of black life in that time period.

This month is evangelism month at my church Central Christian Church so I will be intentional about sharing my faith although I can be a scaredy cat about it sometimes…If you are looking for joy and peace that is not dependent on your circumstances, a purpose for living that goes beyond you and yours and the ability to see miracles taking place all round you, you’ve got to try Jesus!

And finally, in honor of Troy Davis and those who have been affected by his story, I leave this verse…

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”  Matthew 10:28

Any thoughts?