When Religion & Politics Collide…(Are you watching the debate tonight?)

Hello World,

First of all, are you watching the debate between President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney tonight? This is the first of three debates between Obama and Romney leading up to the election on Nov. 6 …And if you live in Georgia, please remember that Oct. 9 is the deadline to register to vote if you plan on voting in the upcoming presidential election…Below are the details for tonight’s debate courtesy of 2012presidentialelectionnews.com.

Topic: Domestic policy
Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: University of Denver in Denver, Colorado (Tickets)
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney
Moderator: Jim Lehrer (Host of NewsHouron PBS)

The debate will focus on domestic policy and be divided into six time segments of approximately 15 minutes each on topics to be selected by the moderator and announced several weeks before the debate.

The moderator will open each segment with a question, after which each candidate will have two minutes to respond. The moderator will use the balance of the time in the segment for a discussion of the topic.

Although the United States of America aims to separate church and state, that seems to go out of the window during election season…so I have decided to post some of the interesting stories I’ve seen on the Internet that highlight the collision of religion and politics…

1. “Churches using ‘souls to polls’ to rally vote”  by Curt Anderson of The Associated Press

2. “Jim Lehrer: Ask Mitt Romney if He Stands By Mormonism’s Views of Women” by Stacy Solie of The Daily Beast

3. “Jesus Could Be Their Candidate and the Republicans Would Still Lose” by Frank Schaeffer of The Huffington Post

4. “Seriously? Some Black Christians Waver Over Vote” by Associated Press

5. “NAACP working to protect churches following 2012 election” by Sy Becker of 22 News WWLP.com (VIDEO)

6. “Church Endorsements and the IRS” (VIDEO) by Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly on PBS.org

7. “Preachers telling blacks not to vote is sinful” by Bobby Ray Sanders of the Star-Telegram

Any thoughts?


Football Player Proposes Marriage at Church (VIDEO)

Hello World,

I’m a church girl through and through…As my grandfather was a pastor, my father is a pastor, and several uncles are pastors, I guess I came by my love for the church honestly…I’m also a hardcore romantic…Not sure how I came by my love for all things romantic, but next to blogging about my faith in God and the church, I love to write about romance, love and relationships…

So when I came across this video of a University of Georgia lineman Chris Burnette (Shout out to Georgia, my beloved alma mater) proposing to his girlfriend Arielle Haynes at Athens Church last weekend, I just had to post it…He is quoting scripture and erething…Take a look and tell me what you think…Would you like to be proposed to at church?…Congratulations to the two of them, and I pray that God blesses their union 🙂 Awww…sooo sweet…

Click on this link to see the video: http://youtu.be/bynG8Wt3fpU

Any thoughts?




Book Notes: My Review of “The Deliverer” by Kathi Macias (BOOK GIVEAWAY)

Hello World, 

In every book I choose to read, I always hope to learn something new. In “The Deliverer” by Kathi Macias, I learned about the hidden worlds of child sex trafficking and slavery. These are topics I would normally choose to avoid as these are likely the most reprehensible “industries” in existence, but Macias was able draw me into this dark world through the heroine of her book Mara.

In the third book of the “Freedom Series,” Macias tells how Mara, a young Hispanic woman who has been freed after years of sex slavery, must make conscious choices regarding a relationship with God, a potential romantic interest Jonathan and forgiveness to create new life for herself. Interwoven in Mara’s story are the stories of Lawan, a former child sex slave from Thailand, who is adopted by an American couple; Sarah, whose romantic desperation creates a heartbreaking love triangle; and Francesca, who wonders if she should give her soon-to-be born baby up for adoption.

Aside from the various stories of deliverance told in the book, I also appreciated how Macias was able to interweave diverse races and cultures in the book without being obvious. Both Mara and Francesca are Hispanic. Lawan’s new parents are an interracial black and white couple. And Sarah as well as some of the other characters are white. The book takes place in California, Mexico and Thailand.

For more information about “The Deliverer,” please check out the book trailer below:

For more information about “The Deliverer” and the first two books in the “Freedom Series,” please go to kathimacias.com.

If you would like to win a free copy of  “The Deliverer,” please see the link below. By entering the contest, you are also subscribing to my e-mail list 🙂 Don’t worry. I don’t e-mail very much 🙂 For more opportunities for free copies of “The Deliverer” by Kathi Macias, please visit Facebook.com/CSSVBT.KathiMacias.

Note: I was given a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for posting a book review on my blog; however, the opinions are mine alone.

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Any thoughts?