Reflections on being a Preacher’s Daughter Without the Reality Show…

Hello World,

My family...

My family…

So last night I didn’t watch the debut of Lifetime’s new reality show “Preachers’ Daughters” because I have lived that reality every day of my 39 years…

Growing up with a devout preacher of God, my father, and a daughter of a preacher, my mother, was wonderful and challenging at the same time…First of all, my brothers and I always felt loved and cherished by our parents. They encouraged each of us to become kind and empathetic people. They encouraged each of us to pursue our dreams. They encouraged each of us to have personal relationships with God…

Eighteen-year-old Taylor with her father Pastor Ken Coleman of City of Refuge Pentecostal Church

Eighteen-year-old Taylor with her father Pastor Ken Coleman of City of Refuge Pentecostal Church

But, they had a ton of rules…And sometimes I found creative (read: I lied) ways to get around these rules….

My father made it clear once I got into high school that I could not go to dances even though all of my friends went to dances…I felt like Ariel, the preacher’s daughter in the original “Footloose.” Remember dancing and rock music were forbidden by the city council in their small town Bomont? So when I was in the tenth grade (if I am remembering correctly), I devised a scheme to go to my high school’s homecoming dance. As I was on the drill team and often got back from football games very late, I decided to tell my father that he didn’t have to pick me up from school until very late after a football game. I figured by the time he picked me up, I would have had at least an hour or so at the dance in the gym.

Imagine my surprise when as I was sitting with my all-time favorite crush on the

Kolby, 16, Nikita, a former professional wrestler-turned traveling evangelist.

Kolby, 16, Nikita Koloff, a former professional wrestler-turned traveling evangelist.

bleachers, the gym doors suddenly opened and a figure, illuminated by the light in the hallway, stood and surveyed the room. I felt like I was in a movie then because everything seemed to slow down. The figure wore a trench coat and his pajamas showed underneath. At once, I realized it was my father and he walked right up to me as if he had been magically bestowed with infrared vision. I was caught. If I could have passed out I would have as I became nearly mute with embarassment. I hated being a preacher’s daughter that night…

Olivia, an 18-year-old teen mom, and her father Mark, pastor of Everyday Church.

Olivia, an 18-year-old teen mom, and her father Mark Perry, pastor of Everyday Church.

I found ways to date without my parents knowing as well. Although I was allowed to date when I was 16 years old, I didn’t always want my parents to know about every single date. So I claimed I joined a club at high school and we met on Wednesdays evenings after school. I figured that since my parents went to Bible Study at church on Wednesday evenings, they wouldn’t pay as much attention to what was going with this new club I joined, and I was right. So after school on Wednesdays, one guy in particular would pick me up from school and we would hang out. Those were the days…I now know what the verse “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come…” (Ecclesiastes 2:1)  means…Back then, in spite of the high school drama I occasionally experienced, every day felt like a new adventure…

Aside from the rules, I often found myself in situations that have to be unique to preachers’ kids….

I had my first kiss in front of the church during Vacation Bible School the summer before eighth grade…The boy I kissed lived across the street from the church. After we kissed that summer night, of course we became boyfriend and girlfriend…LOL…So after church on Sundays, when everyone was socializing in the parking lot, I would slip away to cross the street to visit my new boyfriend’s house…I figured no one knew what was going on with me because they were all talking…But one Sunday, as I was getting ready to cross the street to come back to the church grounds, I saw my father waiting on the corner…to this day, I don’t know who could have told him where I was..The was the last time I went across the street after church to visit my boyfriend…

When I was even younger, I was always getting into fights – usually because of my mouth. Instead of taking my side in these fights, my father invited the people that I fought with over to our home. He would then give a mini-sermon about being a peace maker…It was worst than being beat up…You know I got joined (talked about) in the neighborhood…

I could go on and on…

And now that I’m an adult, I’m still experiencing the ramifications of being a preacher’s daughter….Somehow, I have to figure out how to invite the whole church to my wedding later this year…Wouldn’t want to offend anybody…Yikes…Pray for me and send a check to to help pay for my reception…I’m just kidding…

In spite of it all, I wouldn’t change a thing…

Any thoughts?





Church Scandals…from Bishop Eddie Long to Kandi Burruss…

Hello World,

As I was perusing the March issue of EBONY magazine which is dedicated to all things scandalous with Kerry Washington, star of the hit television show “Scandal,” appropriately on the cover, I began thinking of all of the scandalous things that have happened in churches throughout the country…And then I wondered how are we to deal with all of this drama…

In EBONY, Senior Writer Margena A. Christian breaks down the background leading to the mysterious death of Megachurch Pastor Zachery Tims. By the time I finished reading her informative and insightful story, I realized that fame and fortune, while alluring to most anyone, can truly become a prison of isolation if you are unprepared and or just not equipped to handle all that comes along with them. I also realized that all people, particularly those in positions of power, need to be accountable to someone. And I realized that everyone that claims they are of God are not truly of God which is stated in the Matthew 7:21.

So below are a few of the headlines I recently came across that are truly scandals…

1. Jesse Jackson Jr. Accused of Misusing Campaign Funds from The Washington Post…As the daughter of a reverend myself, this story really saddens me…

2. Bishop Eddie Long Accuser Centino Kemp To Release Tell-All Book from NewsOne…Ever since the original scandal with Bishop Eddie Long and New Birth Missionary Baptist Church broke in 2010, there has been a seemingly endless stream of new scandals surrounding Bishop Eddie Long and the church…

3. Former New Birth members Sue Bishop Eddie Long from The Atlanta-Journal Constitution…Yes, more Bishop Eddie Long news…

4. RHOA Kandi Burruss Releases Gospel Song “Stay Prayed Up” with Marvin Sapp from the Kandi Burruss Facebook Fan Page…Apparently, Marvin Sapp will be on tonight’s episode of the Real Housewives of Atlanta…Is it right for a purveyor of sex toys to sing gospel songs?

5. Sentencing Set in Church Vandalism Case from…A black man pleaded guilty to setting two black churches on fire to frame his ex-girlfriend who is white…

6. Catholic Church To Elect 1st Black Pope? from…I’m not Catholic, but I imagine this could be scandalous news for many…

7. White Supremacist Repents, Joins African-American church from…This is actually a very good story, but I’m guessing this caused a scandal in the church…

So how should the church handle scandals? What do you think of these scandals I mentioned? What church scandals are currently brewing now?

Any thoughts?

Check out Kandi’s single below! Do you like it?

Spelman College’s WISDOM Center Celebrates 10th anniversary with Ministry Conference & Book Launch

Hello World,

As the last few days of January slip by, I hope your year is off to a wonderful start…If you need some divine inspiration to chart a path for the rest of 2013, a visit to Spelman College this weekend may be in order…

The school’s WISDOM Center is celebrating it’s 10th anniversary beginning this weekend and continuing throughout the year. This year-long celebration, entitled “A Legacy of Women in Transformational Ministry, will be inaugurated on Friday, Feb. 1 with an awards ceremony featuring the official launch of the center’s new anthology, “If I Do What Spirit Says Do: Black Women, Vocation, and Community Survival,” followed by a book signing. The anthology includes essays by theologians, religious scholars, preachers and community leaders who presented during the WISDOM Center’s 2006 global conference. The evening will conclude with the Wisdom Café,  which will feature spoken word artists, and jazz, and gospel selections by faculty, staff, alumnae and students.

On Saturday, Feb. 2, the center is hosting it’s one-day ministry conference “Finding Your Way Home: Transitions, Transformation and Triumph,” which promises to include women pastors, clergy wives, lay leaders and students for a series of workshops and discussions that will explore issues such as life/work balance, resources for inner strength, overcoming personal challenges, transforming the mind and spirit, and the personal and family struggles of women in ministry. Some of the workshop titles are: Dream a Bigger Dream, Understanding and Balancing Our Roles as Women of Faith, and Overcoming Brokenness, Betrayal, and Bitterness. Some of the speakers will be: Reverend Renita Weems, Ph.D., co-pastor, Ray of Hope Community Church, Nashville, Tenn.; Beth-Sarah Wright, Ph.D., independent scholar and first lady of St. Paul Episcopal Church, Atlanta, Ga. and Lisa Williams, founder and executive director, Living Water for Girls, Atlanta, Ga.

Finally, on Sunday, Feb. 3, the weekend will culminate with a worship service at Sisters Chapel with brief sermons presented by three Spelman alumnae.

The events are open to the public. To learn more about the schedule and to register, visit this link. To register youth (ages 11-18), call 404-270-5729 or e-mail

Any thoughts?