New York Times Best-Selling Author Kimberla Lawson Roby Is Heading to Atlanta Tomorrow (INTERVIEW)!!!


Hello World,

Rev. Curtis Black is back in The Ultimate Betrayal (A Reverend Curtis Black Novel)!

It’s been four years since 28-year-old Alicia Black, daughter of Reverend Curtis Black, divorced her second husband, the most womanizing and corrupt man she has ever known. Since then, Alicia has been dating her first husband, Phillip Sullivan, a wonderfully kind and true man of God whom she’d hurt terribly by cheating on him. Alicia has worked hard to prove herself worthy of his trust once more, and when he asks her to marry him again, she couldn’t be happier.

But Levi Cunningham, the drug dealer Alicia had an extramarital affair with, has just been released from prison, and he has completely turned his life around for the better. Still head-over-heels in love with Alicia, he will do whatever is necessary to win her back. Remarrying Phillip is the one thing Alicia has wanted for years, but she can’t get Levi out of her mind…

You have to read the book to know the rest of the story…

Kimberla Lawson Roby will be signing The Ultimate Betrayal at Barnes & Noble, 1217 Caroline Street, Atlanta, GA 30307 on Thursday (tomorrow), June 18, 2015 at 7 p.m.  THE_ULTIMATE_BETRAYAL_-_Hi-Res

Check out my interview with Kimberla below:

1. What inspired you to write the 12th installment of the Reverend Curtis Black series, The Ultimate Betrayal?

I wanted to write this particular installment, partly because readers have been asking to hear more about Alicia’s life from her point of view and partly because I’ve been wanting to tell more of her story for a while. She is definitely her father’s daughter in more ways than one.

2. Alicia, the Reverend Curtis Black’s daughter, has the opportunity to be reconciled with her first husband Phillip Sullivan, a kind and true man of God. And yet she is still attracted to the drug dealer Levi Cunningham, the man with whom she had an extramarital affair. Why?

While Phillip is the ideal man in everyone’s eyesight (and rightfully so), Alicia is very much in love with Levi—even though she tries to deny it. She loves Phillip, too, but not in the same manner. She has a certain passion and connection with Levi that she’s never shared with any man…not even Phillip.

3. One of the other characters, Melanie, in this book, may be struggling with anorexia. Why did you create a character who could be struggling with this eating disorder, and how did you research anorexia?

I wanted to create Melanie’s character because so many times we believe anorexia can only occur with young people, specifically with teenagers. However, anorexia can take place at any age and for many different reasons. I did lots of research based on multiple real-life people who have suffered with this condition for years.

4. What can your readers expect from the Reverend Curtis Black in this installment?

A good while ago, Reverend Curtis Black turned his life around for the better. He is a true man of God, he’s faithful to his wife, and he works hard to do the right thing in general. So, when he begins to suspect that his daughter, Alicia, is up to her old tricks, he calls her on it and warns her to stop whatever it is she’s doing. He reminds her of all the tragedy that came about when he made similar mistakes.

5. Of all of the characters you have created in your 20-year career, which character in which book are you the most like and how?

In my fourth novel, It’s a Thin Line, I based the Sydney character on myself and the Delores character on my mom, who really did have a benign, yet aggressive brain tumor. Watching my mom deteriorate and ultimately losing the woman who meant everything in the world to me was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure. This is the reason some of the dialogue between Sydney and Delores is almost identical to some of what my mom and I said to each other.

6. How do you get inspired to write your novels?

I am completely inspired by my love of writing fiction as well as by my amazing readers who continually give me such kind words of encouragement and support. If it weren’t for my readers, I couldn’t and wouldn’t do what I do as a writer, year after year. I certainly thank God for each and every one of them.

7. Some may classify your novels as Christian fiction, and Christian fiction has experienced significant upheaval recently. To what do you attribute your longevity in the publishing industry (other than God), and what advice do you give to Christian fiction authors who are just starting out and who also want to be successful over the long term?

My longevity in the publishing business is indeed a result of God’s blessings and His calling on my life, and I also believe that writing about real-life social issues has made a huge difference. With every book, I try to write stories that readers can relate to or they know a family member or friend who can relate. I also write about topics that are important (and sometimes controversial), but they aren’t discussed as much as they should be.

Kimberla Lawson Roby is the author of the best-selling works A Christmas Prayer, The Prodigal Son, A House Divided, The Perfect Marriage, The Reverend’s Wife, Secret Obsession (novella), Love, Honor, and Betray, Be Careful What You Pray For, A Deep Dark Secret (novella), The Best of Everything, Sin No More, One in a Million (novella), Love and Lies, Changing Faces, The Best-Kept Secret, Too Much of a Good Thing, A Taste of Reality, It’s a Thin Line, Casting the First Stone, Here and Now and Behind Closed Doors. She lives with her husband in Illinois.  For more information, go to

Any thoughts?


Have You Heard of Prophetic Dancing?! ‘Preach’ Episode 2 Recap…


Hello World,

I watched again…Like the nosy driver that’s gotta stare at the accident on the road although the driver wasn’t a part of it, thankfully, I found myself tuning into “Preach” on Friday night to see what shenanigans in the name of Jesus the prophetesses would be up to again…And I wasn’t disappointed…unfortunately, I guess…

This week’s episode mostly centered on Dr. Taketa Williams (Aside: Have you ever met someone who had the Dr. title and wondered where in tarnation did that person acquire a doctorate degree? ) If you don’t remember Dr. Taketa, she is known as the “Beyoncé of the Preaching World.”

In this week’s episode, Dr. Taketa wants to help her protégé Rebecca Hairston develop the gift of prophecy which she defined as the “awesome ability to see into the future and hear into the future.”

protegesThe protégés from left to right: Rebecca Hairston, Hadassah Elder, Angel Pound & Stacey Williams

I must admit prophesying is probably the spiritual gift that I’ve most wondered about…And it happened to me at least once that I can remember…Not that I prophesied, but someone prophesied to me…It has been said that if someone has the gift of prophesy, you will know it because whatever that person has prophesied about it will come true…And it came true for me, but I digress…

We also find out how Dr. Taketa met Rebecca in the first place. Apparently, they met when Dr. Taketa got her nails done as Rebecca was and still is a nail technician at an Ohio spa. During her spa visit, while Rebecca is doing Dr. Taketa’s nails, she explains that there are three levels of prophecy…

  1. The Office of Prophecy.
  2. The Gift of Prophecy.
  3. The Spirit of Prophecy.

I’m not a prophetess so I cannot verify that, but that is what she says, and then she asks Rebecca if she has ever prophesied. When Rebecca admits she has prophesied to her daughters, Dr. Taketa blows up! “You are too jacked up to prophesy!” According to Dr. Taketa, Rebecca has been prophesying without authorization! She then proceeds to show her how it is done as she has a prophecy for the owner of the spa and asks Rebecca to bring the owner to her. Among several statements made to the owner, Dr. Taketa says, “No longer will your chariots turn into pumpkins!” Dang, she broke it down Cinderella style! Apparently, according to Dr. Taketa, her business is finally going to take off! The owner is grateful for the prophecy and says she and her husband were just discussing the same thing and had told no one about their discussion…

So now that Rebecca has seen prophesying in action, Dr. Taketa challenges her to step up her prophesying skills and prophesy at a conference she is going to in New York. Rebecca decides to prepare a prophetic dance and perform at the conference in New York. I aine neva heard of a prophetic dance…Have you?

Prophetess Linda Roark & Angel Pound

Meanwhile, Prophetess Linda Roark is working on building the confidence of her protégé Angel Pound. In last week’s episode, she says she has been called the “Blue-Eyed Soul Sister,” and in this week’s episode, she says, “the color of my skin is wrong.” I think she needs to #AskRachel (Rachel Dolezal )about this because I’m sure she is saying the same thing…smh…Anywho, Prophetess Linda explains that when Angel came to her church four and a half years ago, she was drug addicted. And as a result of her past, she doesn’t feel qualified for certain levels of ministry…As they walk through a book store, they walk by tarot cards. Angel reveals that she along with her friends once used tarot cards, and she would always get the death card…deeeep…

Prophetess Linda challenges her to share her testimony with others to build her confidence…So she decides to drop in at Rebecca’s prophetic dance rehearsal and share her testimony with the dancers…She shares that when she was seven months pregnant with her second child, she was told she didn’t have enough amniotic fluid to sustain her baby, and her baby died. Her pain led to stripping and then to drugs. She says she overdosed and nearly died three times. That is an awesome testimony, I must say…One of the dancers is encouraged by her testimony as she used to be a stripper…

Dr. Belinda C. Scott & Hadassah Elder

In last week’s episode, Hadassah revealed that her Muslim mother Rochelle does not understand Hadassah’s Christian faith nor her aspiration to be a prophetess. In this week episode, we meet Hadassah’s mother.  They meet at a local bakery and cafe to discuss their differences. First of all, she looks just like her mother, who is adorned in a head wrap. Hadassah says she feels like she has to choose between her spiritual mother Dr. Belinda C. Scott and her biological mother. But during their discussion, Hadassah’s mother agrees to meet Dr. Belinda for the first time.

Dr. Belinda, who has been counseling Hadassah about what is going on with her mother, is prepared to move Hadassah into her home if she needs a place to stay. And trust me, she has got room. You know your home is big when you have two winding staircases! But before she can discuss the matter with her husband, Dr. Darrell Scott, he tells her he has a surprise gift for her birthday…(Aside: if you have the gift of prophecy, is anything ever a surprise?) He brings her outside of their large pink home and shows her his surprise gift : a White Range Rover! While Dr. Belinda takes out her new vehicle for a drive with Dr. Darrell in the passenger seat, she asks him how he feels about moving Hadassah into their home. He is not in favor of it, particularly as he doesn’t want to have to put on a housecoat while he is walking around in their home…LOL…

But thankfully, by the end of the episode, Hadassah’s mother and Dr. Belinda meet, and they both discover that they are reasonable people and that there is room enough for both of them in her life…I guess if I had to pick a favorite prophetess, my favorite one is Dr. Belinda. Why? Dr. Taketa and Prophetess Linda come across as caricatures while Dr. Belinda seems like a real person, and her husband is hilarious!

Prophetess Kelly Crews and her protégé Stacey Williams were not featured at all in this episode?


The time has finally come for Rebecca to show and prove her prophecy skills at the NYC conference…The only problem is that Rebecca is late for the conference, and Dr. Taketa and her team wonder if Rebecca will show at all…But as we like to say in church, delay is not denial…In spite of the bad weather, traffic, etc., Rebecca and her dancers show up and perform, and Dr. Taketa is impressed by her performance which resulted in many people in the room crying including some of the dancers…Dr. Taketa says, “That was your gift on display.” She also says, “A prophetess is one who can take a licking and keep on ticking.”

Okay…If you say so…And I still don’t get prophetic dance…Can somebody splain that to me?

Any thoughts?

P.S. Side-eye courtesy of Noami Campbell 🙂




Did You Watch Lifetime’s All-New Docuseries ‘Preach’ on Friday?! My Recap…


preachHello World,

I did. My answer to the question in the headline of this post…smh…“Preach” is a visual representation of why some people are turned off by preachers and by extension Christianity…Don’t get me wrong…The show is entertaining…the same way an old-fashioned circus is entertaining complete with little people, giants, bearded women, conjoined twins, etc. This  “docuseries” could be an opportunity to showcase female preachers, who are still not wholly accepted in the Church, speaking truth to power. Instead these female preachers use over-the-top antics and quips reminiscent of Jim Bakker (before he went to prison), Jerry Falwell and other evangelists of that ilk…

Below is a breakdown of the prophetesses, which is how they are addressed on the show, and what happened on the show…

Dr. Belinda C. Scott is the first prophetess shown the in the docuseries. She is the co-founder and co-pastor of New Spirit Revival Center Ministries, Inc., in Cleveland Heights, Ohio and apparently, the most prominent of the four prophetesses featured on the show. She corrals the three other prophetesses in order to have a deliverance service by the end of the show. She seems to be the most balanced of the four, and she comes across as sensible and empathetic.  She has also done well in her ministry it seems. Her home, which is shown a few times, is large and luxurious and appears to be on a sizable lot as it is not near any other homes…

Adorned with a long blond over black hair wig, Dr. Taketa Williams says she has been known as the “Beyoncé of the Preaching World.” I don’t know about that, but I must admit her coral blouse that was long-sleeved on one side and short-sleeved on the other was giving me life…She co-pastors the Impact Christian Center in Columbus, Ohio…

Prophetess Linda Roark must be Lifetime’s answer to Pastor Paula White. She is a white woman with suburban mom blonde hair and blue eyes and claims she is known as the “Blue-Eyed Soul Sister.” With her loud, raspy voice, she says it has been said that “she may be white, but she preaches like she is black.” Roark, who is co-pastor of World Commissioned Church in Hamilton, Ohio, admits she has a past as she used to frequent bars and smoked weed…

Dr. Belinda’s former protégé Prophetess Kelly Crews, who is also white, is the only single prophetess…Like Dr. Belinda, she also comes across as balanced, which is maybe why not much of her story was revealed in this first episode….Kelly Crews Ministries is located in Bedford, Ohio…

And here is the twist about “Preach.” Each of these four prophetesses have protégés who are being mentored by the women…


Dr. Belinda’s mentee is Hadassah Elder. With her box braids in a huge bun, she looks more like Beyoncé than Dr. Taketa…No shade…Well, maybe a little… Her back story is pretty interesting…She grew up in the Muslim faith, and her mother is not trying to understand why she is now a Christian and wants to become a prophetess…Plus, her mom doesn’t understand tithing…Hadassah says her mother asked her, “Why do you tithe when you don’t have anything?” A fair question although I believe in tithing although it is not mandated according to the New Testament….Also, Dr. Belinda is teaching her how to “lay hands” so that she can do so during the deliverance service…Hadassah compares learning how to “lay lands” to getting your first pair of red bottom shoes…Okay? Really?

Like her mentor Dr. Taketa, her protégé Rebecca Hairston, a single mother with three girls, is also looking forward to learning how to “lay hands” like Dr. Taketa in this first episode…In preparation for this “laying hands” lesson, Dr. Taketa takes Rebecca to a gun range?! Where dey do that at? I guess in Ohio. Dr. Taketa says target practice is a good tool to learn how to harness the power used in “laying hands.” “In order to handle power, you have to focus,” Dr. Taketa says…Although Rebecca has three daughters, she hasn’t seen her middle daughter in four years…It wasn’t told why that is the case, but I guess that will be addressed in future shows…

Prophetess Linda’s protégé Angel Pound , a former drug addict who used to dance in clubs, comes across as a little touched…She declares that no witches, warlocks, demons, etc. will come against her mentor during her watch…I know that we Christians believe in demons and evil spirits, but her declaration made me feel some type of way…During one scene, she goes to her home and discusses her mentor with her husband….She tells him she isn’t going to watch TV and is going to fast and pray…In the next scene, she is shown praying loudly while on her knees in one room while her husband is the next room listening to her pray and looking a little puzzled…

To be honest, I really don’t remember much about Prophetess Kelly’s protégé Stacey Williams, who is newly married and pregnant…I guess more will be revealed…

The Deliverance Service…

Let me go ahead and admit something about myself…I don’t attend a charismatic church…If you come to my church, you will not see folks falling out or “laying hands”…It’s not that I don’t believe in “laying hands” because “laying hands” was mentioned in the Bible and falling out in front of Jesus and everybody is sometimes necessary when you are going through…But I’m just not all that used to that…And that is what folks are doing during this service…The prophetesses, along with their mentees, got to laying hands and folk fell out like it was hot in there…The mentees, particularly Hadassah and Rebecca, are scared to try it because they’ve never done it before…But they apparently learned their “laying hands” lesson because the whole room seems to have fell out in this episode…

Like I said, Preach was entertaining but not necessarily the best representation of female preachers…

What y’all think? Are you going to watch?

Any thoughts?