A NEW YEAR IS HERE…And what are you gonna do about it?

Hello World, valorieandnewhubby

I know I haven’t written about it yet, but I am well aware that God has blessed us to see a New Year – 2014...It takes me a month of prayer and meditation to discern what resolutions and or goals that God wants to help me reach for this year so I’m not quite ready to write a New Year’s Goals or Resolutions post yet…but I found this great blog post by (the recently married 🙂 Congrats!) Valorie Burton, a life coach and author, that I interviewed in my book “After the Altar Call: The Sisters’ Guide to Developing a Personal Relationship With God.” Enjoy….

“What is it finally time for you to do?” It’s a great question for the beginning of the year. Perhaps there is something you’ve been talking about doing, thinking about doing, even daydreaming about doing. And in 2014, it’s time to make a move! A few years ago, I discovered a scripture in Ecclesiastes 5:3 that inspires me whenever I get stuck in a rut of over-thinking my vision in a particular area of my life:

“A dream comes through much activity, but a fool is known by his many words.”

Whether your dream is related to your work, relationships, finances, health or spiritual life, it will only come to life when you take action! So what is it time for you to take action on? Consider these examples to help you identify what it’s time for you to take action on in 2014:

Your Work

– Is it time to change jobs? Change careers? Ask for a raise? Launch your own business? Take your existing business to a new level.

Your Relationships

– Is it time to move past fears or past heartbreaks so that you are healthy and ready for love in your life? Is it time to forgive a family member or friend against whom you’ve been holding a grudge? Is it time to carve out more time for the people you love? Is there a conversation that’s long overdue?

Your Finances

– Is it time to stop using those credit cards that you don’t pay in full every month? Is it time to set up an automatic debit from your checking into an investment account so that you can finally bring your savings goals to life this year? Is it time to take action towards getting more (and better) clients or customers? Is it time to stop spending money to impress others?

Your Health

– Is it finally time to get serious about exercising consistently? Or is it time to cut back on the sugar or fried foods, or add more vegetables to your diet?

Your Spiritual Life

– Is it time to trust God in a particular situation or area of your life? Do you finally need to find a “church home” that nourishes you in the way that you need to be nourished? Is it time to get serious about studying the Word?

Whatever it’s finally time for you to do, make a decision this week to do it. It’s not about creating a New Year’s resolution. It’s about making a shift and recognizing that the time has come for a change. If you ignore the need for a change when it’s time, you will find yourself increasingly frustrated with the situation. Often God will allow you to get frustrated so that you will finally become fed up enough to do something about it! Your dreams can come true, but your job is to take action! It begins with a decision and continues with each step you take forward.

It is essential not to begin the year by overwhelming yourself with multiple, large changes and goals. Get clear about what’s most important and focus your actions on it.

My challenge to you this week:

Identify the “thing” that it is finally time for you to do. Then take action!

Journaling assignment:

What has kept me from taking action on this particular circumstance or issue in the past? What will I need to do differently to make it easier for me to accomplish my goal? What is my goal in this area for 2014? Leave your comments below, I’d love to hear from you!

Last year, my major goal was to plan a beautiful engagement/wedding/honeymoon and start a wonderful new life with my husband, and God really blew me away…Thank you God! This year, my major career goal is to finish my first novel, etc. which I must confess is really challenging me…but I am working on it although I have the worst habit of taking on too many things at once and being a procrastinator at the same time…a deadly combo…So in the words of Valorie Burton, what is the “the ‘thing’ that it is finally time for you to do?”

Any thoughts?

Below is a video of Valorie Burton speaking about her latest book “Happy Women Live Better.”

Mama Joyce Gets Us Straight…And Steps Back…And Keeps Stepping…(MY INTERVIEW)

Hello World, toddkandimamajoyce

I’m a reluctant “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” fan…By that, I mean I sometimes criticize myself for being among the legions of viewers in Atlanta and beyond that tune in each week to be a voyeur in the not-so-real world of Atlantan housewives…first off…some of them aren’t even wives…and secondly…some of the hullabaloo that the “housewives” cause from week to week are not truly representative of Atlanta…at least the Atlanta that I grew up in and live in today…But the show is so thoroughly entertaining that 8 p.m. every Sunday night I tune in to see the housewives’ high jinks and laugh while my husband comes into our bedroom periodically to scold me for watching…

mamajoyceHowever, this season has unearthed a storyline that seems to be real and maybe even valuable….Mama Joyce (Joyce Jones), the 64-year-old mother of Kandi Burruss, former Xscape songstress and current song-writing millionaire (among her many profitable business pursuits), CANNOT STAND Kandi’s fiance’ Todd Tucker, a production manager, and has demonstrated so – from starting a fight with Kandi’s friend and assistant Carmon Cambrice after accusing her of messing around with Todd and hanging around Kandi only to get her scraps – weave and otherwise to getting up in Todd’s face and telling him she’s watching him when Kandi leaves the room in another episode…it all makes for hilarious television, but beyond all of that, I think it demonstrates why many rich and not-so-rich single women sometimes find themselves with no man to marry…the expectations of their families and friends….

Mama Joyce’s main complaint about Todd is that he is not financially at the same level as Kandi and is therefore, potentially, an “opportunist.” I interviewed Mama Joyce on Friday and we discussed why she is wary of Todd and his relationship with her daughter, how she intends to address the situation going forward and dispel any misconceptions that fans may have after watching all of this play out in front of us…

On Why Mama Joyce Thinks She They Shouldn’t Have Met and Dated in the First Place:

I don’t know him. I just know he did work for Bravo. I don’t believe in mixing work with pleasure. And had I been Phaedra, I would have never introduced Kandi to one of the guys that work there, especially if he’s going to have to stop working. He could no longer work on the same show so he’s not working with them.

On What Her Generation of Women Expect From A Man:

I just feel at a certain age, a man should be at a certain level in their career. What he was doing for himself and his career was fine for him, but at Kandi’s status, I just feel like that was not for her…

On What Kandi Is Not Doing for Her:

A lot of people have it turned around. I’m not worried about Kandi’s money. I mean when it comes to me. A lot of people are saying Kandi takes care of me.  I have always been able to take care of myself.

On What Was Misconstrued On The Show:

That part about my picture and all that, [Bravo] completely turned that around. I was not talking about my pictures. When you come from Kandi’s garage, the first thing you can see is a wall of pictures. It’s all pictures of Todd when he was a little boy. And when I walked in, I said, “Now, that’s a shame.” I call it the “wall of shame.” I said, “Why in the world would you have his pictures up right there when you first walk in, when you should have [her granddaughter] Riley’s pictures up from when she was a baby, all her school pictures and all that?” But see [Bravo] didn’t show that! And I said it!

They wouldn’t even show all these pictures of him when he was a little boy… I said the only picture you have of Riley and me is next the floorboard. It’s a picture of me with Riley when she was a baby…I said, “Now what you think Riley thinks when comes in every day from school and the first thing she looks at is pictures of Todd when he was a baby?”

On If She Enjoys Being Featured on RHOA:

I did up until up until this year.

On Her Decision To No Longer Be a Part of Kandi’s Relationship With Todd:

At this time, I have stepped back. I am no longer a part of the equation. I want Kandi to be happy because I love my daughter more than I love myself. I just want her to be happy. If he makes her happy, well then, that’s all that matters. But the main thing I just want people to know, I’m not concerned about myself, I’m just concerned about her and my granddaughter. I don’t want nobody to take advantage of her goodness. I don’t want nobody just to be with her just because of what she has. I want somebody to be with her because she is a good person and that they come in as partners and can build together…

On If Kandi & Todd Do Marry:

If they invite me [to the wedding], I will be there.

Final Words:

I pray and hope that I am wrong. God knows that I hope I am so wrong about him. And I will be the first person in the world to apologize. I will apologize on TV, I will apologize on the media, I will apologize to the world. I am wrong about this man. I am sorry, and he has my humble apology because he is a good man. He is doing what he is supposed to do, and I will eat crow!

Mama Joyce, and I spoke for about 30 minutes, and I was able to get to know her a bit beyond what has been seen recently…I hope she does take a step back because I think that if Kandi is making a mistake, it’s her mistake to make as an adult…And I told her so, and she agreed…

My question for you is: Do you think that if a woman has more money, degrees, influence, etc. than a man she shouldn’t marry him?

Any thoughts?


P.S. Thank you to the Tara Thomas Agency for scheduling the interview…







Kim Fields Celebrates Christmas in “Holiday Love” and HER NEW BABY!!!


kimfieldsHello World,

After today, Christmas is just two days away! Yay!

What is Christmas without holiday specials? One of my favorite actresses Kim Fields is back with another installment of “Holiday Love,” a Christmas program that debuted in 2010 and has been broadcast on television every Christmas season since then. Now, she is taking “Holiday Love” to the Internet. “Holiday Love: The Rebirth” is a new installment of the program. Here is a brief excerpt of what Fields said about the special in her interview with Rolling Out…

“Absolutely! I actually play myself and the film is centered around my pregnancy, the birth of Christ and the nativity. So the idea of us having a newborn right around that time inspired us. So basically my husband had the idea of what if we had me pregnant and I have this horrible dream that I’m directing a reality TV show called “Lifestyle of the Pregnant and Fabulous.”

So it’s a fictitious holiday special where the celebrities are brought together to compete to have their child be born on Christmas to be the baby in the nativity scene at the All Star Nativity Concert. So, comedian Gary Owens plays our producer who puts it all together and my husband plays his assistant. Debbie Morgan plays one of the contestants as a surrogate and there’s just lots of funny bits and pieces to the story.”

According to ABC News, the idea came to her when she discovered she was pregnant with her second child at 44 years old. (There is hope for us older brides!)

When the actress-director made the big announcement on the syndicated talk show “The Real” on July 31, she was shocked to see it go viral.

“It had such a big impact that we just started brainstorming,” Fields said of her and Morgan, a fellow actor. “We knew that I would still be pregnant by God’s grace and would deliver right before Christmas.”

And according to Us Weekly, she gave birth earlier this month – Dec. 3!

Fields and the Broadway actor named their new bundle of joy Quincy Xavier. He weighed in at 8 lbs., 8 oz. “We are so blessed and grateful to God for this newest gift to our family,” the couple tells Us.

“Holiday Love: The Rebirth” will air tonight at  8 p.m. EST on HOLIDAYLOVE.TV. Also, I interviewed Kim Fields previously on After the Altar Call…Below is a preview of the special…

Holiday Love Trailer from Ogden Bass on Vimeo.

Any thoughts?

P.S. Have you seen Queen Latifah perform “Christmas in Hollis” with D.M.C.? Check it out below…One of my all-time fave Christmas jams!!!