Saying Good-bye: 2014 in Posts…

Hello World,  mamajoyce

I absolutely love this time of the year: the few days after Christmas just before the dawn of a brand New Year…Maybe it’s because it’s winter or maybe it’s just in my head, but somehow the air feels crisp with excitement as the world prepares to hit biggest reset button of them all…Whatever has happened in a year – good or bad, the beginning of a New Year is an opportunity to continue to greater heights or leave pain in the past…It’s a time to reflect on all that has transpired in 365 days and wonder about what is to come…And that sentiment brings me the point of today’s blog post…If you mind, let’s take a tour of 2014 via my this blog…

January 2014 – I admitted that I do watch “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” (hiding behind my computer since you probably want to throw rocks at me 🙂 ) and was fascinated by the storyline about Mama Joyce and how she couldn’t stand that her daughter Kandi Burruss, former Xscape songstress and current song-writing millionaire was engaged Todd Tucker, a production manager. (They are now married!) I was so fascinated with the storyline that I interviewed Mama Joyce: “Mama Joyce Gets Us Straight…And Steps Back…And Keeps Stepping…(MY INTERVIEW).”

February 2014 – I celebrated my first Valentine’s Day as a married woman in my blog post “Lovapalooza: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Love on Valentine’s Day.” Also, if you live in Georgia, remember this was the second time in just a couple of weeks that we were snowed and iced in…and this particular snowstorm/ice storm happened to fall on Valentine’s Day week…

March 2014 – Although I am a reality television show fan, I pleaded with gospel duo Mary Mary to rethink their reality show in “Why Mary Mary May Need To Get Off Reality TV…My Open Letter to Erica & Tina Campbell” as their lives seem to have unraveled for all the world to see… Mary-Mary-Season-3

April 2014 – I shared that I FINALLY completed the rough draft of my first novel in “This Novel That I’m Writing…My Modified NaNoWriMo Challenge…”  

gradrobertMay 2014– With my husband’s permission, I shared some of his testimony in “Delay is NOT denial…Celebrating My Hubby’s College Graduation!!!”

June 2014– Although the world lost “Phenomenal Woman,” Dr. Maya Angelou on May 28, I wrote about her in my June 1 blog post “Remembering The Phenomenal Woman: Maya Angelou…” The example of her life is a beacon that anything is possible for a black girl, a girl who once thought of herself as “a too-big Negro girl with nappy black hair, broad feet and a space between my teeth that would hold a No. 2 pencil” – her words…maya

July 2014 – I wrote the blog post “Young Pastors Vs. Old Churches…” that generated a great discussion…This post was inspired by this article “Young Pastor Voted Out By Veteran Members Of Historic Baptist Church In Philadelphia” by Cherri Gregg on CBS Philly’s website.

cross2August 2014 – My husband and I celebrated our first anniversary as marrieds and I wrote about our journey together thus far in “7 Lessons Learned: Going From ‘Single Lady’ to ‘Smug Married.'” It was the third in series of three posts I wrote about being married for a year 🙂  To read my first post, go to  “Couples’ Night – Going From ‘Single Lady’ to ‘Smug Married’”… and my second post was “Cooking & Cleaning Oh My! – Going From ‘Single Lady’ to ‘Smug Married.’”

September 2014 – During this month, I met newly minted Soror Suzan Johnson Cook, who is not only a former pastor and current author, she also served as the United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. Her book “A New Dating Attitude” made me know that I know that I know that I truly know my husband was and is God’s best for me…I wrote about our meeting in “Making Your Divine Appointment…” sujay

October 2014 – I explored my fear of Ebola in my blog post “Seven Scriptures to Dispel F.E.A.R. About Ebola…”

November 2014 – I forced myself to separate Dr. Heathcliff “Cliff” Huxtable, America’s favorite dad, from Bill Cosby in “What Would Jesus Do About Bill Cosby?” I still don’t know what to do about these allegations…This ranks up there with finding out there is no Santa Claus and the chocolate factory in “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” is not real…

Marry-Us-For-Christmas-posterDecember 2014 – Ever since I got engaged during the Christmas season two years ago, I see Christmas as a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and celebrate the beginning of my new life with my hubby…So I was especially elated to interview Malinda Williams, who starred in the movie “Marry Us For Christmas,” which premiered on UP. Check out “‘Watch ‘Marry Us For Christmas’ Tonight/My Interview With Malinda Williams.”

One last thing:

I’ve found the best way to bring in the New Year is in church where I will be tonight…And what better way to prepare for Watch Night Service and the whole year than to pray? Join Girlfriends Pray as they begin a Pray-A-Thon today at noon EST….Details below…

prayAny thoughts?










Watch “Marry Us For Christmas” Tonight/My Interview With Malinda Williams

Hello World, Marry Us For Christmas - Final Key

I must admit since I got engaged two years ago in December, not only is this month a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, I also reminisce about how Robert totally surprised me by proposing to me. So when I heard about the movie “Marry Us For Christmas,” I knew I had to write about it on this blog…

Below is the official description –

In the sequel to last year’s popular UP Original Movie “Marry Me For Christmas”, its a year after Marci Jewel (Malinda Williams) and Blair Kirkland (Karon Riley) declared their love for each other and decided to tie the knot.

But as the big day approaches, Marci is so consumed with work that she’s had no time to plan her wedding.  To make matters worse, she may have to team up with former assistant/fake fiancé Adam to win a project shes been vying for – a little tidbit Marci has held back from Blair.  But Blair, as it turns out, has a secret of his own.

Thanks to years of doing pro bono work for financially-strapped clients, he quickly is running out of cash and might have to accept an offer to work for his longtime nemesis, Marci’s manipulative cousin Preston (Carl Payne).  Meanwhile, Marci’s mother Stephanie Chandler Jewel (Victoria Rowell) is making some rather bold moves of her own with her sexy salsa teacher, Antonio Simpson (Marques Houston), who is more than a little smitten with her and about 20 years her junior.

Will there be a wedding for Christmas?  Better yet – whose wedding will it be?   Naturally, the festivities wouldn’t be complete without family, including Marci’s Uncle Donald (GregAlan Williams), Aunt Myra (DeEtta West), Aunt Elizabeth (Chrystale Wilson), Charlene (Dawn Halfkenny) and Antonio’s uncle Lawrence Simpson (Kristoff St. John).

“Marry Us for Christmas” comes on tonight at 7 p.m. EST/ 6 p.m. PST on UP!

I interviewed Malinda Williams about being a part of this movie and her journey in the entertainment industry.

malinda karon

1. When I think of all of the roles you portrayed from Tracy ‘Bird’ Van Adams in “Soul Food” to Casandra in “The Under Shepherd,” I think my favorite role of yours is Young Alicia in “The Wood” which you portrayed as an adult. I loved that movie because the movie captured a time period that people in my generation can appreciate. How do you stay looking so young?

I’ll tell you something. My grandfather is 104 years old. And he is still completely healthy. He can hold a conversation. He probably remembers every grandkid’s birthday. I guess I have to say first and foremost: I just have really good genes. And then I do what I can to maintain that. I’m not not super healthy. Sometimes I indulge myself. I drink a lot of water I do know that. But I think it’s mostly just my genes.

2. How did you get into the entertainment industry in the first place?

I’ve been acting since I was 10 years old, doing television commercials, modeling. It was something extracurricular that my parents got me involved in. But I thought my actual career would be cosmetology, but because I had this other skill – this acting thing – I moved to Los Angeles. But I only came here because I hadn’t gone to a university or a college so I hadn’t left home. So I said to myself, ‘I gotta get out of this house.’ I thought of all the places I could move to where I could make a living. I thought I could do hair in L.A. and if I needed to do a television commercial or modeling, I could do that there to. I said, “I’m going to L.A. for three months, and I’ll see what happens.’ I got my first gig within two weeks and really haven’t stopped working since.

3. So do you still do hair at all? And I’m guessing that because you can do hair, you are the one that came up with your signature style – short and sharp.

For the most part, I really just do my own. But I do have some friends who will be like, ‘I’m coming over for a cut or for a blow out. I need you to trim my hair.’ But I don’t do it for a living or a side hustle. I did for many years work in a salon when I was out of high school and out of cosmetology school. It is definitely a passion of mine.

And as far as my style is concerned, I don’t think I decided. It decided for me. I grew up with very long hair down my back, and people would say you have such pretty hair. When I was in my 20s as an actress, I didn’t want to be identified as the pretty girl with long hair. I know that sounds crazy. But I wanted people to value me for my work not just how I looked. What is very interesting to me now is the very thing I tried to avoid by cutting my hair off was the thing I’m identified for now. I’m partly identified by the way I look. So I stopped running from it and I owned it.

4. How did you get involved with “Marry Me for Christmas” and “Marry Us for Christmas?”

I have done some projects with Swirl Films before. They produced both movies. They do lots of projects for UP television. Eric Tomosunas [CEO of Swirl Films] is a good friend of mine, and he called me and said, “I’m doing this movie, and I would like for you to do the lead.” When I read the script, I thought it was a sweet movie and it was well-written. Rhonda Baraka wrote it. And then my talk show was on ASPiRE, the sister network to UP so I thought it was all in the family. Plus I had never done a holiday project so I thought it would be fun.

victoria kristoff5. “Marry Us for Christmas” is the sequel to “Marry Me for Christmas.” What is different this year?

We have new cast members. Kristoff St. John who plays “Neal” from “The Young and the Restless” is in the movie. And Victoria Rowell is in the movie again so people get to see Neal and Drucilla from “The Young and the Restless” back together again.  Marques Houston, who is a singer and was on “Sister, Sister” is in the movie. He’s got the comedy. Karon Riley, who I absolutely adore and plays my fiancé, is back. He’s the husband of one my dearest friends which made it little bit awkward.(laughter)

6. As you mentioned earlier, in addition to being an actress, you are also one of four co-hosts on the talk show “Exhale.” How did that happen?

That is a very interesting story. I actually befriended a young woman on Twitter. She sent me a direct message. I sent her a direct message. She was asking me for advice and one day I gave her my e-mail address. I said, ‘Listen, there aren’t enough characters here for me to tell you what it is I need to tell you.’ So we started corresponding electronically. I kind of thought I would be a mentor to her because she wanted to get into the entertainment industry.

And then one day, she texted me and she said, ‘I am working with someone who is casting a talk show and they are looking for an actress, would you be interested?’ I said, ‘Of course I would be interested.’ And I said, ‘Wow, here is someone that I would mentor, that I thought I was helping, and she was actually helping me.’ And we still have a relationship. It was really random. I don’t respond to everyone in that way on Twitter, but for some reason, I was feeling in my spirit that I needed to respond to her. And now I know why.

7. Finally,  to what do you attribute your longevity in the entertainment business?

Well, I attribute it in part to having such a youthful glow. (laughter) I definitely think that has a lot to do with it.  The longer you can stay looking youthful, the longer you can play young. The longer you stay looking middle aged, the longer you can play middle aged. It just kind of stretches everything out in my opinion. That’s one thing.

I think another thing is I kind of try to keep it pretty classic. I don’t tend to do things that are trendy. Or of this era. I try to do projects that are classic that stand the test of time. “Soul Food” is about family. It’s about love. It’s about relationships. And those things don’t go away. That helps to make my character, the Malinda Williams character, if you will, almost synonymous with something that is timeless. I didn’t necessarily start out with that effort in mind, but that is how it played itself out. That is partly why I’m still here.

Below is a video snippet from “Marry Us for Christmas.”

Any thoughts?

7 Negative Things I’m Thankful For…

Hello World,

At this time of the year, it is appropos to compile the obligatory gratitude list…I’m thankful for my health, family, spouse, etc….Yes, all of those are definitely true, but according to God’s word we are to:

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:1

This means that God expects us to be thankful for even the negative things that He has allowed in our lives, but we have hope in all circumstances, negative and positive, because:

We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

So with those two verses in mind, I decided to turn my gratitude list on its head and praise God for what I originally thought was negative, but God it turned into positive…I’m going all the way back to childhood…Come with me 🙂

bible verse1. Not Being a Popular Kid and Bordering on Being Chubby For Most of My Childhood…I guess I’ve always been self-conscious which doesn’t work well on the playground…If someone asks you to play with him or her on the playground, and you rehearse your answer before you reply…You will probably not be the most popular kid…You will be probably be among the weirdo kids…Or if you would rather watch the Brady Bunch [insert whatever show is popular now] with a snack instead of go outside and play kickball, you will probably be among the chubby kids…But not being the most popular, kinda chubby kid made me develop my inner qualities like compassion and kindness because I was sometimes treated without compassion and kindness…AND now that I’m adult, I have no illusion that I can just sit around and preserve my sexy…Good thing to know when you’re over 40…I have to eat right and work out…no excuses…God knows best…

2. Getting Into the Honors Program at Howard University, But Not Receiving Any Scholarship Money…Like many of my friends who spent our high school years watching a “Different World” or attending Atlanta Football Classic games, I just knew I would be attending an HBCU (historically black college or university)! My chosen HBCU was Howard University in our nation’s capital. I had visited Washington D.C. when I was in the seventh grade, and I vowed I would return there as a college student…But it wasn’t meant to be…Although I got into Howard University and the school’s Honors Program, I didn’t receive any scholarship money…It only made sense that at point to go to the school where I had three scholarships…The University of Georgia…a dreaded HWCU…LOL…To my surprise, I had a blast in college, pledged the most wonderful sorority (Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.) in the world and got a great journalism education without worrying about being hampered by the debt I would have surely incurred had I gone to my “dream school.” God knows best…

3. Becoming a Christian, and Then Losing My Friends…When I decided to give my life to Jesus Christ and no longer depend on the fact that my father, my uncles and grandfather were pastors, I expected my life to get better…After all, if I know God, the creator of the universe, how could anything go wrong? We cool like that…I was wrong…so very wrong..Many of my friends didn’t understand why I spent more time than the obligatory Sunday morning in church or chose not to go to certain places…I cried and I cried I felt so alone…But it was during those moments that God got me alone that I got to know Him…Many of those friendships have been restored as time has passed…but I still know how to depend on God alone because of that time…God knows best…

4. Losing My Job Right After I Bought My First Home…I must admit I was frantic when I lost my job at a newspaper months after buying my first home…Up until that time, I had been living with my parents and while I paid for my own bills like for my car, clothes, etc., my parents didn’t force me to pay rent or anything although I was a college graduate…All of a sudden, I had to pay more bills with less money…During that year or so, I was depressed…I ignored some bills…I took some jobs beneath my education just to get by…But I also had time to explore my creativity like taking a class on “The Artist’s Way” and seeing a career counselor…And when it was all over, I learned that God was my resource not that job…I learned that I didn’t even want a traditional newspaper job anymore…God knows best…

5. Wanting to Get Married at 30 Years Old, Only to Get Married a Month Short redof my 40th Birthday…My mom got married when she was 30 years old…Why would my life be any different? Well, chile, what I did I know? As it turns out, nothing at 30 years old…I had to date some good ones, some bad ones, some crazy ones, etc. before I was finally ready for the man God had for me…Those 10 years were heartbreaking, but they were also precious…a gift of human experiences…I wouldn’t want to go through them again, but I learned so many things about myself and other people that only be taught in the classroom of life…Plus, those years fueled my writing life like nothing else…As any writer knows, pain is the best inspiration…God knows best…

6. Taking Seven Years to Get a Book Deal…In 2002, I had an idea to write a memoir about developing a personal relationship with God, and in 2003, I began trying to get a publisher for my book…It wasn’t until 2010 that I got a book deal…Yes, seven years after I started…But it took all of that time to show me the book needed to include other women and not just me…When I became a Christian, I searched bookstores looking for Christian life books written by black women…I found one or two here or there, but I knew there needed to be more…Once I got some Christian living under my belt, I wanted to write one for a black Christian woman who, like me, wanted to know how other black Christian women walked out their faith…What I learned by being rejected over and over again was that I needed more experiences than just mine…My book includes the testimonies of 24 women in ONE book…This is so the book I wanted for myself years ago…God knows best…

7. Taking Seven Years To Get a Book Deal…Yes, I know already wrote that…But I have more to share on this topic…In 2007, my dream publisher (I still walk around with the business card of the acquisitions editor of this company.) at the time was interested in my original memoir, but my book was ultimately rejected because I didn’t have a platform….I.Almost.Died…At least it felt like I was nearing death because I got so close to realizing my dream only to wake up to the cruel reality of life for an unpublished author…But I didn’t let that rejection stop me…I got busy on developing my platform…This blog was birthed as a result of that rejection…This blog has become a way that I connect to others across the nation and the world…a place to dream…a place to vent…an online history…I love it so…And it is one of the reasons that I got a book deal as I met former “The View” co-host Sherri Shepherd, one of the women featured in book, because of this blog…

So what “negative” things are you thankful for today? Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

Any thoughts?