Becoming a Mother Over 40 & Beyond…Janet Jackson isn’t the Only One…A Mothers Day Testimony & Miracle…


Hello World,

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog post on Mother’s Day 2016, but for the benefit of my new subscribers, I decided to publish this blog post again because a miracle never gets old. Additionally, C. Celeste Marshall will be sharing her testimony on a radio program tomorrow, May 10, 2021. See those details at the end of the interview…

Last month when Janet Jackson announced she was postponing her tour to focus on creating a family with her husband Wissam Al Mana, my friends and I via text (our easiest way to communicate in our busy lives) speculated on whether Ms. Jackson If You’re Nasty was indeed with child at 49 years old (now our speculation has been confirmed) and whether being 40 or older is too old to become a mother.

Below are a few of our responses:

“It is weird.”

“It’s a miracle. If that is her dream. My friend just had a baby at 48. Not planned.”

“My grandmother had my mom when she was around 40. My aunt around 44. I had my son at 41. Let her story be a leap for womankind. She has led a fabulous life and is now embarking on a new journey.”

So Janet Jackson isn’t the only one who has defied the odds. That is the testimony of C. Celeste Marshall, a college friend who struggled with infertility for 10 years before finally giving birth to her son Terry Simeon Marshall in August 2013! Celeste recently released her book “Memoirs of a Barren Woman” Below is my interview with her about her journey to motherhood and her new book!

When did you get married, and did you want to be a mother when you first got married? Tell me about your desire to be a mother.

My husband, Todd, and I got married in 2001.  We were immediately ready to start our family.  During this particular time, we had a few nieces that I was very close to and we played the parent role for them at times.  My desire to become a mother intensified as I saw them grow and several months had passed and nothing had happened for us.

How and when did you find out you were “barren” or couldn’t conceive children? How did you husband respond?

After almost a year into our marriage, with no success, my doctor at the time felt that it was time to see a specialist.  A few days following this appointment, I remember getting the call at work.  The news was devastating, and work was not the place to receive it.  I was told that I would not be able to have children.  The doctor suggested that I have several female organs removed and that my best chance would be to try in vitro.  My husband responded in a very supportive way and tried to act like it would be fine if we weren’t parents, but I knew that his desire to be a father was just as strong as my desire to be a mother.

Why did you keep believing you would be a mother one day although you were told you couldn’t have children? Did you ever have any miscarriages? What were you doing for those 10 years?! Did you consider adoption?

In 2006, while recovering from my first surgery (fibroids and endometriosis), God led me to a scripture in II Kings.  It was II Kings 4:16.  It read, “this time next year you will be holding a son.”  I anticipated the day that I would be able to say that I was pregnant because I had never had a positive test before.  I never had any miscarriages because time after time I was always told that I would not be able to even conceive a child.  I had received a prior promise from God in 2004.  So during this time of waiting on God to fulfill His promise, I fasted and prayed about my desire and His promise.  After several years passing and my “this time next year” not happening, I mentioned adopting to my husband but he was not open to it.  I knew that it was my spirit settling and trying to rush God’s hand.

When and why did you decide to fast and pray and what was the result? Tell more about it.

I thank God that at the time of receiving this news, I was already saved and was a member of a church, Free Chapel, where fasting is literally one of the church’s foundations.  My pastor teaches it often and each year our church does an annual fast which has become a global practice for many denominations at the beginning of the year.  I had seen the results of fasting and praying in my own life and also in the lives of others in the church.  It is a powerful tool often overlooked in the Christian world.  I challenge anyone to try it for themselves.  When you abstain from food and replace it with the Word of God, there is an intimacy that comes only from fasting.  There are several types of fasting.

What was your “life-changing decision” after your fast?

My life-changing decision following a specific three-day fast in 2012 was to cancel a surgery, which would have been my 3rd during this 10-year period.  The doctor wanted me to have a full hysterectomy, but by the time the pre-op had rolled around, we had agreed on a partial hysterectomy.  It never felt right in my spirit because I knew my body had to be whole in order for God to fulfill His promise. However, my doctor deemed it necessary, but following that three-day fast, and hearing from God on 12-12-12,  I canceled the surgery completely.

How and when did you discover you were pregnant? Were you scared during your pregnancy after all that happened to you? Why or why  not?

I was back at work from Christmas break, and I knew I was “late” but really thought that it was stress related since I had spent most of the Christmas break caring for my niece who had broken her ankle.  I took an outdated pregnancy test at work of all places.  I had them everywhere because I always anticipated each month…..hoping…..praying…..waiting……When it came back positive I was elated and scared at the same time….when you read the book you will know why 🙂

What was it like to finally give birth to your son? When was he born? How old were you when he was born?

My pregnancy was good, but the delivery was a battle.  And when I say battle, it was a spiritual battle! He was born in August 2013.  I was 40 when I found out I was pregnant, and I delivered him when I was 41.marshall

Do you have any final words of advice for would-be mothers who are having difficulty having children or who are ready to give up? What about fathers who are married to women with these challenges and desperately want to be father too. Any advice for them?

I tell everyone not to put God on a timetable.  We have in our minds by what age we should do this, this and this.  If we are truly in line with Him, and we seek Him daily, then we have to trust Him with the desires of our hearts.  When so much time had passed for me, I started changing my prayer…for God to remove the desire and He never did.  I knew what He had promised me, specifically a son, but satan is real and while God had given a promise, satan took advantage of any weakness and tried to steal my promise from God.  However, each year, as I would fast and pray, God would always confirm His promise to me, but of course I grew weary in waiting, but I stood on His promise and His Word: specifically II Kings 4:16.  And to the husbands of barren wives, never make your wife feel “less than, inadequate, or insufficient.”  Because these are the word satan would whisper to her.  satan often tried to remind me that the one thing a woman was created to do, I could not do…I felt broken at times, but I know that God does not make mistakes.


Why did you decide to write “Memoirs of a Barren Woman?”

My book was truly written out of obedience.  I never desired nor imagined that I would write a book.  After I had my son, I started getting invitations to give my testimony and what I realized is that God used my household for the basis of this testimony but He did not intend for it to stay there. I believe that my testimony if for anyone believing God for anything.  We all have a “barren” area in our life, male or female.

Was it difficult to write and publish “Memoirs of a Barren Woman?”And what has been the response?

 The book was not difficult to publish so to speak because God led me to the right resource the first time I inquired.  However, I had no idea about all of the editing.  There was so much back and forth for several months, actually over a year.  I started questioning what I had started because there was just so much delay.  But even in delay, I tell you God is working…putting things together.  The number of people who have reached out to me since reading my memoir to tell me the impact that it has had on their life spiritually has been overwhelming.  Young, old, male, female, single women, even women with children have commented on how my book has impacted their life in some form.  I look forward to sharing it on any platform God gives me.

Below is a video of Celeste giving her testimony at her church Free Chapel:

To find out more about C. Celeste Marshall or contact her, go to her Facebook page. Click on this link to buy her book.

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers, but particularly to mothers who are 40 years old and over! And see this poem written by C. Celeste Marshall in which she includes how she will be sharing her testimony on Monday, May 10.

This poem that I’ve written is the harsh reality of so many women, on this Mother’s Day. I pray for those that desire…

Posted by C. Celeste Marshall on Sunday, May 9, 2021


***Again, just be sure you see this, C. Celeste Marshall will be on radio station WGTJ Glory 97.5 FM/1330 AM at 9:05 am. Following the community focus segment with Ms. Millie Miller of Get Out Stay Straight/ Restorative Ministry, she will be sharing her testimony.

Any thoughts?

Why Cheating Christian Relationship Expert Derrick Jaxn’s Wife Da’Naia Jackson Needs Prayer Most of All…

Hello World,

I’ve had an eventful week so I’ve been off of my blog schedule, but I’m back! Although I wasn’t blogging, I was paying attention to the stories at the “cross section of faith, relationships and pop culture” because that is what I specialize in here on After the Altar Call, attempt to humbly anyway…

One such story is the whole saga of Christian relationship guru Derrick Jaxn who confessed in a true spectacle of a video on YouTube that while he was building his relationship expert brand by advising single ladies how to have relationships with men, he was also having relationships with the single ladies. Maybe that would be okay as a single man, but Derrick Jaxn is a married  man. His wife, Da’Naia Jackson, who was garbed in a beret, which looks like a night bonnet, and misshapen clothing, said that she was aware of his cheating and that they had worked through what he did and are now moving on with their lives as a married couple. I only mention what she was wearing because there has been much controversy about her choice of attire and overall appearance while he appears well groomed. Attire isn’t always important, especially at home, but often it is an announcement to the world how we feel about ourselves.

As far as the content of his confession is concerned, it appears that what he said about his cheating being in the past is not true allegedly as another one of his alleged mistresses popped up this week. I don’t have the time nor inclination to run down the whole matter, but this Christian Post article provides an excellent summary…. Please see the article below…

“Derrick Jaxn’s Christian wife rebukes critics as new mistress calls his apology for affairs a sham” by Leonardo Blair 

The defiant wife of embattled Christian relationship guru Derrick Jaxn invoked Scripture and the “blood of Jesus” against critics of their marriage Wednesday, as a newly revealed mistress called him a “sex addict” and alleged his recent confession of being a changed man is a sham because they had sex only days ago.

“I did not come here to play games and to play dress-up. I came here in my battle suit. I came here in the battleground covered in the blood of Jesus. I received the anointing of the warrior and I spill the blood of the enemy,” Jaxn’s wife, Da’Naia Jackson, declared in a broadcast on Instagram Wednesday.

Jackson’s response came after critics raised concern online about how she was dressed as well as her mental health when she appeared with her husband in an apology video on Monday, in which the man who helped promote a “Black Men Don’t Cheat” campaign confessed to cheating on his wife of four years with multiple women.

“You see a bonnet, I see the helmet of salvation. You see an army green shirt, I see the breastplate of righteousness. I see the belt of truth, I see the sandals of peace, the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God and the shield of faith. And I’ve come to the battleground covered in the blood of Jesus to proclaim victory over sin,” Jackson declared to her critics, insisting her marriage will survive her husband’s scandal.

Read the rest HERE…

Now, my first reaction to this saga was my humorous Facebook post on Friday below…

I’ve been silent ’bout this all week, but your first mistake is trusting a dude with the last name Jackson spelled Jaxn #Huh #SMH

Posted by Jackie Holness on Friday, March 26, 2021

I think I saw one of his popular YouTube videos years ago, but I had no idea that he had since blown up. Now, I was joking in my post, but one person who commented brought my attention to a disturbing and serious sexually explicit recent IG post from his wife Da’Naia Jackson. If you click on Facebook post, I think you can find a link to it. However, this post below is also a good example of her state of mind.

From all of her IG posts, it is evident that she is a strong Christian who is knowledgeable about the Word. And that is admirable and necessary. In her latest post, she is literally describing her self as a Christian soldier on the battlefield for our Lord and for her marriage, which is also admirable and necessary. But on this Palm Sunday, I’m reminded that Christ died so that we can live abundantly right here on Earth before we ascend to Heaven. And another one of my favorite verses is the joy of the Lord is our strength. From the IG posts that I have seen on her profile, I don’t see a woman living an abundant life in the joy of the Lord. Now, I know that we all have crosses to bear as Christians and we will have trials in our lives, but there is something about Mrs. Jackson’s demeanor that makes me fearful for her sanity. Now what happens between a married couple is their business but since they have made their business public and continue to do so, I think the public is not wrong in evaluating what has been shared so publicly.

I was thinking of closing this post with a Scripture, but Mrs. Jackson has shared them all. At this point, I think she needs to stop with the Scriptures and seek help. God gave us the Bible but He has also given us Christian professionals such as therapists for example who will help us sort out such issues. So let’s pray that  Da’Naia Jackson also stops the social media and seeks help privately…

And for the record, here’s a Christian relationship expert and psychologist, who doesn’t hide the fact the is married, who I think should be followed on social media…




I guess that’s all I have to say on that…

Any thoughts?


After Audio Leaked In Which Kirk Franklin Curses Out His Son, I Have to Ask, ‘Should Cursing Cancel You as a Christian/Gospel Artist?’

Kirk Franklin to Appear on Tamron Hall on Wednesday, March 17!

Hello World,

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard the explicit exchange between Gospel megastar Kirk Franklin, 51, and his estranged son Kerrion Franklin, 32. I first heard it on Saturday night, but because I was already preparing a pretty length post for the next day, I knew I would have to get to it at a later date. If you have not heard it, it is below…As I wrote above, it is explicit so if you are offended by hearing curse words, I suggest you not click on the IG post.


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A post shared by Swank Media LLC (@kerrionrashad)

However, if do you want the gist of it without listening to it, here’s a summary of what was said…

“You need to get your skinny motherf**king a$$ back out the go**amn way before I put my foot in your a$$… I will break your neck! Don’t you ever disrespect me,” Kirk said.

“Did he just hang up the phone? ‘I’ll break your neck.’ Is that a threat?” said Kerrion.

Kerrion posted the exchange on his IG page. Along with the audio, he wrote, “This is why I’m done. No father should speak to their children like this.” He also posted more commentary that you can read in the IG post above.

Kirk has since responded to his son Kerrion posting this private conversation. See his IG post below.


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A post shared by Kirk Franklin (@kirkfranklin)

Since then, despite what was said, many people have demonstrated their support for Kirk Franklin including Steve Harvey and Rickey Smiley. And I have to admit that I’m a fan of Kirk Franklin, and when I met him some years ago, I thought he was so nice. That being said, I’m going to try to be as objective and fair as I can.

First of all, I must say that Kerrion was wrong to secretly record his father and secondly, he was wrong to post what was obviously meant to be a private exchange between him and his father. I have to wonder if Kerrion somehow baited his father to get the reaction that he did knowing that he was recording him. And then as Kirk pointed out, he only posted a snippet of the exchange and not the full exchange which included Kirk reaching out the family therapist for help. In his apology video above, he said their relationship has been toxic for some time and based on what was said, that is obviously true. If Kerrion was going to post the exchange, he should have posted the whole exchange, not a snippet. And for the record, this is not the first time their toxic relationship has caused headlines. In 2018, Kerrion even said his father was trying to kill him. Read that HERE. In fact, I think I’ve even read at some point that his son suffers from a mental illness…Don’t get me to lying..but I feel like I’ve read that or heard that somewhere…I could be wrong though….

Now, that being said (written), let me get into this a bit deeper. Let me start off by stating that I’m not a parent. I’ve seen various Facebook posts from parents in which they said that children can take you there sometimes. I can only imagine, but I take them at their word. HOWEVER, Kirk was flowing with those curse words like it was a song that he had written and knew very well. If somebody in his inner circle said he regularly cursed, I wouldn’t be surprised.

The word says, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” Luke 6:45

Essentially, what is in you comes out of you…

I’m not saying Kirk Franklin is evil, I’m saying that he sounds like cursing is a somewhat regular part of his vocabulary…

Additionally, in the word, it is stated, “Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.” James 3:10

We all know that Kirk Franklin can shonuff praise God, but using the word “go**amn” is certainly a wrong use of God’s name.

Earlier in James 3, actually, the very first verse states that, “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” And the section of that chapter is about “taming the tongue.”

As a Gospel megastar with a worldwide platform, Kirk is subject to more scrutiny and rightfully so…

I’m not cancelling Kirk Franklin namely because I’m not a fan of the cancel culture…That being said, I hope he uses this revelation as a barometer to check himself. Does his persona in private match what he presents publicly. No one is perfect that is for sure. But even the everyday Christian without a platform should be demonstrably becoming more and more Christlike in their words and deeds. I have grown in some areas and some areas I have yet to grow. For some reason, I find myself arguing with people at the grocery store lately. I think it’s because it’s my only social outlet in the pandemic 🙁 But I have a mentor who has challenged me on these outbursts. We all need to people who can help us check ourselves before we wreck ourselves…

As Kirk asked for in his apology video, I will pray for him and his family. And I will keep praying for myself too…

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Any thoughts?