Hello World,

11Alive Education Reporter Donna Lowry (far left) and Fox 5 Anchor Lisa Rayam (far right) presenting me (center) and the editors of “Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine” Kamille D. Whittaker (left) and Katrice L. Mines (right) with the award… Just a candid shot…
I haven’t written an introspective post in exactly a month so I thought it would be good to kick off Aug. 1 with some inner reflection instead of reacting to the news of the day…
On Sunday morning, I had simply prayed for encouragement, and I went to church and was encouraged…I was reminded of these verses…
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith…Hebrews 12:1-3 (A good verse for Olympians by the way…)
I don’t know about you but one of my character defects is comparing my accomplishments to the accomplishments of other people…So Saturday, I was thinking about the accomplishments of other authors I know or have heard of and lamenting the fact that I got started late in the game…And my mind started whirring with all of the tasks that I needed to do to catch up…It was exhausting just thinking about it…By Sunday morning, I realized I needed an intervention so I prayed…And when I heard this verse in church, I was reminded that God has a “race marked out” for each of us, and that I need to keep my eyes on Him not other people…My chief aim is to please God – not anyone else…What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? (from the Bible) Not that we shouldn’t have goals or aspirations, but we have to keep them in line with His will for us…
Later Sunday, I went to the 30th Pioneer Black Journalists Awards which was sponsored by the Atlanta Association of Black Journalists at the Georgia Freight Depot. (Malcolm- Jamal Warner hosted the event! Theo! So yummy 🙂 ) I went there after church just to fellowship with my fellow black journalists and enjoy the jazz brunch. I munched as I heard the different journalists being called to the stage to receive their awards. And then I heard my name called…I had been nominated for a piece I wrote about the first black women to attend Georgia Tech about 50 years ago…I didn’t win that award, but I stopped focusing on the food and really started listening…Could I be winning an award today, I wondered…And then my name was called again for my contribution to several articles that were written for “Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine” in which we offered a forecast of business trends for 2011…I didn’t even know I was nominated…
It was the confirmation that I needed to know that I am on a path that God has already charted for me, and basically, I just need to stay in my lane…not that I expect to receive an award every time I need some encouragement…I was already feeling fine after I left church, but it was a wonderful surprise…thanks God!
Any thoughts?
P.S. Had I known I was going to win an award, I would have had “hair and makeup” going on… 🙂
I hear you loud and clear my sister. That’s why I had to do a FB mini-hiatus this month. Plus I’m prepping for a trip/event (spiritually and otherwise) so I will be ready for what doors God may have for me! Enjoyed this honest blog and congrats! He moves for His children in such tailored fashion.
A FB mini-hiatus…I like that…maybe I need to do that every once in a while…God’s blessings on your trip and event and thanks for your comment too 🙂
First of all: Congrats!!! Secondly, I can relate. How often do we feel we are behind. Behind who? Behind what? When I AM the standard for my life, who is there to compare to? So difficult to remember at times, but just like God to show up and remind us that we are on the right path: our own individual destiny! Thanks for the reminder!!!!
Yes, it soooo easy to get caught up…and for what…people only tell you what they want you to know anyway…so why compare yourself to someone when you only know a part of the story!
When I first published, I had the same problem, but the longer I continue in this business, the more I understand that we each have to do what is right for us individually. If you can write six books a year, do it! But do it because it’s what you have in your heart, not because you want to “keep up” with another author’s accomplishments.
My first two years were insanely busy, but only because I’d been writing for the previous ten years. Now that I have most of those books published, I’m stepping back and taking it slower so I can enjoy the journey.
I definitely won’t be writing six books in a year…LOL…I am pondering my next book though…we will see…
By the way, being honored that way by an organization you respect and admire, is awesome! Proud of you, girl. 🙂
Thank you 🙂