Plan B aka the long winding road of life…


Hello World,

We’ve all heard this quote before….”Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” John Lennon…The older I get, the more I realize that is true…But for the Christian, we have to realize that that the plans we have for ourselves may  not necessarily be the plans that God has for us…a bitter pill to swallow sometimes when a cherished plan hangs in the balance, but something to be reckoned with all the same…I was talking with a friend last night about some of his current life circumstances, and I finally had to let him know that God speaks through closed doors in our lives as much as He does through open doors…And sometimes those doors seem to be closed due our own folly, yet He still allowed it to happen because of His plans for us…

I think back to when I first decided to live a Christian life for real just after graduating from college…With God on my side, I just knew that I would get a good job at a magazine or newspaper….It would  only be a matter of sending off my resume and cover letter…But that was not the case….It took me THREE years to get a decent job in my field…and the economy was good back then….It really freaked me out at the time…Let me brag for a minute…I had graduated from one of the notable journalism schools in the country, and I had skipped the entrance exam to get into j-school due to my SAT score…I had journalism scholarships…I had good grades particularly within my major…I had four journalism internships on my resume…and I had ambition…but I just couldn’t get a job in my field…

I couldn’t figure out why AFTER I turned my life over to Jesus Christ, my life got worse instead of better…After so many closed doors, I wondered if God really intended for me to be a working journalist after all…In fact, I ended up working in public relations for a minute…Looking back, I realize that I was going through God’s boot camp so to speak…It kind of reminds of what happened to Jesus after He was baptized…he was sent to the desert to be tempted by the devil for 40 days before He officially started His ministry…In my case, I believe my period of testing happened so I could get to know God…I prayed and cried a lot during that time…As most people know, it’s during the bad times of our lives that we learn the most…And sometimes that includes making a plan B…

Thankfully, today I am a working journalist…My plan A is still God’s plan A for me…but I was (am) willing to go a different way if that is what God wanted…I’m reminded that God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son on an altar although Isaac was God’s cherished gift to him…and God told Abraham that would be the father of many generations to come…I’m sure that Abraham wondered how this was going to happen if he murdered his only son…but he was willing to do what God asked…and just as Abraham was about to commit the deed, God showed up with a ram in the bush for him to sacrifice instead…God wants us to be willing to sacrifice anything for Him…even our plan A….

Still, I am encouraged by the many verses in the Bible that clearly show that God always has our good in mind even when we are going through the bad…

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Any thoughts?

P.S. This Yolanda Adams song really encouraged me when I was “going through…”

P.P.S. Lil Wayne ain’ gon’ work when you’re “going through…” 🙂




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7 thoughts on “Plan B aka the long winding road of life…

  1. Great post! I have to continually remind myself to pray not for what I want, but for what God has for me … that He allows me to see that vision clearly … that his wishes and desires for my life become my own. Very hard pill to swallow, but what an amazing feeling when we seek comfort in knowing that He will always provide. Thanks for the post :-).

  2. Today, one of my most read secular =] blogs lists eight simple tactics for achieving your BIG goal.

    Does His Word give us an example of overcoming all 8 of these “tests”?

    1.Stop Thinking About Failure (What if I don’t succeed?)
    2.Keep Your Goal Within the Realm of Reality.
    3.Take Small Bites Every Day.
    4.Find a Mentor.
    5.Find Positive Support.
    6.Shred Your Routine.
    7.Share Your Goal Widely
    8.Know Your Motivation

    • Hmmm…food for thought….it would take a minute to address all of these points… of the top…7. find a mentor – in a multitude of counselors, there is safety…I think that is in the Psalm…1. Stop think etc….be strong and courageous – in Joshua I think…1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…that’s all I got off the top…it would be an interesting exercise to look for these princples in Scripture…sounds like an assignment for you 🙂

  3. This particular blog really speaks to my current situation. I had hopes and dreams about a romantic relationship (my plan A) and it appears that it is going to be a plan that gets filed into file 13. While I am hurt I am more thankful and grateful because I know that God’s plan is ALWAYS the PLAN that works and I no longer fight it. I am stepping back and reevaluating how I do relationships in the future. Great post Jackie and thanks for sharing your experiences!

    • Sometimes things happen – particularly in relationships – and it seems like the worst that could ever occur. But through time, I have experienced that our eyes are opened more and we see that the “prior” was just a stepping stone/a learning experience to prepare us for something better/greater. This is – for me – so hard to practice in relationships, but I can say that I have no regrets. You seem to be looking up already. Congrats!!!

  4. Great post! I have to continually remind myself to pray not for what I want, but for what God has for me … that He allows me to see that vision clearly … that his wishes and desires for my life become my own. Very hard pill to swallow, but what an amazing feeling when we seek comfort in knowing that He will always provide.