Like a pimp…

Hello World!!!

Bishop Thomas Weeks. Man, I can’t believe it. Just over a year ago, this man of the Lord beat down his ex-wife (Prophetess Juanita Bynum) in the parking lot of an Atlanta hotel but last week the bishop told the AJC newspaper that he is looking for love! Ain’t that just precious? But not only is the good bishop searching for love, he is chronicling his search for love on a reality show, “Who Will Be the Next Mrs. Weeks,” which will air on his Web site The 10 streaming video “Web episodes” will air on Tuesdays at noon.

Apparently, he developed the idea after receiving numerous e-mails from his customers- ahem, excuse me – I mean followers, offering advice on the search for a THIRD wife. (I’ve been following this story since the whole debacle started last summer, and I never realized that he had been married before. But hey, that is what the AJC is reporting.) Through his show, the bishop wants to offer a Christian perspective on dating, and he plans to release a book on the subject “Finding Yourself While in Transition.” Yeahhh, that’s the ticket! Any woman that wants to audition to be his third wife may find herself in a head lock if she’s not careful.

Seriously though, domestic violence is no joke, and I just cannot imagine he is trivializing what occurred in his life just over a year ago and the subsequent divorce by putting himself on the reality TV circuit. I mean, has enough time passed for him to have properly dealt with his violent behavior against women? I have a friend who works with women who have experienced domestic violence, and after talking about the incident last summer, she pointed out that this probably wasn’t the first time that he got violent with her. And how could he already be over his ex-wife? I hate to say it. Actually I don’t. It seems to me that he is pimpin’ his pain! I’m not going to question his salvation, but has the Lord really led him to conduct his search this way or even be searching for a wife so soon! Wow, it’s just crazy!

And I was kind of disturbed when I heard that his ex-wife was going to be on “Divorce Court” discussing domestic violence earlier this year. I won’t get into that right now, but something about it screams self promotion, but hey, I don’t know for sure. However, you can check out the video below.

Any thoughts?



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8 thoughts on “Like a pimp…

  1. I don’t know if it would be appropriate to say he’s pimping his pain. Frankly, he seems to self obsessed and greedy to have experienced pain through the whole situation. He certainly experienced some damage to his public persona, but he seems to be determined to turn that around. After all, he does still have “followers”. And maybe that’s the saddest thing of all.

  2. By “pimpin’ his pain,” I’m saying that he is using his pain for financial gain. It’s like he saying well, what can I do to capitalize on the situation, but I do agree that he is self obsessed and potentially greedy as well…

  3. Bishop Weeks is a false prophet and so is Juanita Bynum. The sign of a false prophet is the love of money and self. He did not love Juanita when he married her and she did not love him. He was seeking notoriety for himself through her popularity. God said in His Word that may shall come saying I am Christ and shall deceive many. These two are a perfect example of who is was talking about!!!

  4. will the real bishops and prophets please stand up !!!
    the sad part about these folk is, they believe they’re still in the will of God. Self-deception is the highest form of deception.