Hello World,
I find it somewhat ironic that after my post about does Mr. Right (or White…lol..) exist last Wednesday, I am now writing a post about wedded bliss…Anywho, I am dedicating today’s post to my folks who married 40 years ago today. I don’t think my mom would mind me sharing with y’all some of her thoughts leading up to her meeting and marrying my Dad so I will share them with you…
First of all, my mother got married when she was 30 years old which was pretty old at that time period, and she was worried for a while that she would never meet The One. She also said she was resentful at times when friends got married particularly since she was a Christian and trying her best to live an upright life, but then it finally happened…And 40 years later, they are still together…Obviously, I feel so blessed that God blessed my mother with the right man because obviously yours truly wouldn’t be here today…And the older I get and the more people I meet, I don’t take it for granted that I have two parents that love and loved me and my brothers in word and in deed and provided a safe and happy childhood for us!
My mother and father are not the only ones celebrating their nuptials this weekend…My favorite Christian celebrity Sherri Shepherd, 44, and Lamar Sally got married in the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, her hometown, according to PEOPLE magazine! Congratulations to them!!! Writing about irony, I cannot believe that I met Sherri at the ABC News’ “Nightline” debate “Why Can’t a Successful Black Woman Find a Man?” in April 2010. She was reppin’ for the single ladies, and now, just over a year later, she is now married! Her tweets (her thoughts) leading up to her ceremony have been hilarious…
What happens when you are in your wedding dress and you have to tinkle? Uh-oh!
Sitting in the room in my gown waiting for Sal& groomsmen to take their pics… can’t let him see me b4 the wedding… but I’m bored as heck
Going to bed now… Sal is in his suite. My last day as a single woman. Thank you Jesus for being in the midst of all this. Gotta get sleep
I wonder what my mom would have tweeted leading up to her wedding if that modern technology existed back then…Only God knows…I’m just thankful they did marry, and I pray that Sherri & Sal are married happily ever after…Their wedding will be featured on a special on the Style network on Sept. 13.

Sherri tweeted this photo a few days ago...Apparently, this is not her wedding dress, but she did use this dress to take wedding shots with her hubby!
Any thoughts?
P.S. I gotta dedicate “Be Without You” by Mary J. Blige to my parents and Lamar Sally & Sherri Shepherd Sally!
Hey Jackie you know I love hearing about your parents especially your mom! I pray they have many more happy years to come!
Thanks Step! Me too….Guess, I have to share from their experience until I have my own…LOL…:)
Jackie, what a great story! You’re wise not to take your parents’ precious marriage for granted….it is a rare thing these days. Hold out for the same, sweet girl! 🙂
Thanks Katy! I am:)
You’re right on target, Miss Jackie! When I perform wedding ceremonies, I tell the groom something my old pastor had on a plaque above his desk: “The greatest thing a father can do for his children is love their mother.” A pleasure to have met you at GPCWC. Your blog is wonderful and inspirational (and thanks for joining mine, too!)
Hi Jacqueline: Met you in Philly when I was on faculty and we had lunch together one day. I love your book concept and just want to let you know I’ll be happy to help you promote it when it releases. Just let me know if I can help in any way. Blessings!
Hi Kathi! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, and thank you for your offer to promote my book! I will certainly take you up on it 🙂 Also, I enjoyed meeting you as well…Blessings back to you!